Emagic Logic 5.3 (is this a joke??Lol)

Discussion in 'Logic' started by jd87, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. jd87

    jd87 Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2023
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    Ok, so I've been trying to get basic audio to work in 5.3. Well lol not sure what kind of hardware you actually need to get sound out of the program but on two different computers I can't figure out how. For now I've given up. Far too complex for someone who started out with soundforge, dj mixes and later fruity loops. i don't have a clue how to use it but i want to use it, although i may never figure it out lol. i wish there was something on youtube like a tutorial or something.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    For PC? Some of those releases back then were not that easy to install. I remember using Logic Platinum 4.11 with ES-1 more than any other version. I'm not trying to suggest that you cannot use 5.3, but that is a possibility unless you are using an actual retail copy or somehow know it really does work right. There was also a release of v5.5.1 you might try if you have no luck with this one.

    It probably wants to use a DirectX soundcard, but you may be able to get away with using ASIO4ALL. What audio interface are you using, and also what operating system? I am on Mac and can't help you, but maybe someone else will need those details to try.
  4. jd87

    jd87 Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2023
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    Yeah, for pc. Tried on 98se with m-audio 24/96 since its from 2002 but nothing it doesn't even detect the card (or does it lol??) same with my audigy2. on my windows 11 laptop same story with conexant hd dolby audio (not a pro card). Even if i could somehow get sound out of it, the interface is extremely complex compared to fruity loops or cubase.
  5. Havana

    Havana Platinum Record

    May 6, 2022
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    You'll need to try something like Windows 98 for it to work.
  6. jd87

    jd87 Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2023
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    I tried on 98se and no sound just like w11 lol can't figure it out for the life of me. i'll try 5.5.1 but i don't think it will work either. there are almost no drivers to select except easi mme or directsound...wtf.. selecting anything asio gives me pagefault and i have to reinstall the entire program lol dunno will just stick to what works fl studio etc..
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Logic is my DAW of choice, but if I was on PC I would try to get MacOS running on it or I would pick something else.

    If you are making some kind of "retro" box, for something of the same vintage, I would try Cubase SX. The air/h20 releases where they did the Syncrosoft dongle emulation. Acid, a tracker, Audiomulch and/or Jeskola Buzz. Cakewalk was probablly Sonar by then, and if reach the bottom of the barrel you will find Protools. :guru:
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  8. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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  9. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I own Logic Platinum 5, but had switched to a Mac for audio permanently right before Apple bought Emagic.. I don't seem to remember it being too difficult to get it working in Win98/2000. It was setting up your MIDI gear in the Environment that was the pain in the ass in 1999/2000.

    Back then I would've been using either my RME Digi96/8 PST or maybe I had the 'brand new' MOTU 828 already. Both of those worked just like anything, install the drivers, select the card in Logic, ROCK. I would think that M-Audio card would be good to go. In 2002, Apple released the last version of Logic for the PC and then killed it, so that should be up to snuff to work with it. You might need to scour for the OG drivers for it though and stick to the legacy 98 system.
  10. jd87

    jd87 Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2023
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    No drivers are available. Just tried on a third computer. Oh well. Not like I need to use it anyway. 5.5 is the same btw.
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    That's like I mentioned, legit copies would probably be fine. The Radium releases were a different matter. People would have the identical release and get different results for stuff all the time back then. All sorts of things can happen when you get your DAW over a phone line.
  12. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Is there any specific reason why you would try using such an old (and obsolete by today's standard) sequencer?
    As you know, there are many other options to consider, even if you are using a pc and not a Mac.
  13. jd87

    jd87 Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2023
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    Boredom! lol i wish i had something interesting to do but i don't (i'm being serious btw) also this was the post from another site that made me curious to try it.

    Quote from ''Geroi'' ''I have same strong sustaining impression about sound degradation and it's everywhere starting from mics. For that reason i was recommended mixing in emagic logic from 2002. The rendered file sounds exactly as separate stems at playback unlike for example reaper with loss of highs during summing. By the way in 2002 at zionist congress Rockfeller made a speech in which he declared that they would start decreasing level of life and here it is: degradation in all since 2002: in food, games, movies, software, etc. The last thing which impressed me in audio software was vss4 tc native though its algorithm dates back to hw from 90s!''
  14. hot rats

    hot rats Member

    Oct 7, 2022
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    I remember using a USB dongle back in the day on a Mac G4. Still have a couple of Audioworks PCI sound cards.. lol. Was it ever cracked to run on Windows?
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Logic? Sure. 4.11 Platinum worked great. But Emagic Logic Platinum v.5.3 for Win 7 x64 might be the version to find for newer systems though. People confirmed it worked on Windows 10. Not that I see a point in doing any of this.
  16. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Radium had 3.5, 4.0, etc cracked. That is how I discovered it (I was using ACID Pro and Cakewalk Pro Audio at the time). I ended up buying Cubase VST 24 after trying all the Radium stuff circa 2000, because it had a mixer that actually looked and worked like a real console did. Think it was learning about what you can do with the environment that made me finally move over, along with not liking the look of the new Cubase SX haha. Go figure, never really used any of the crap I made for the environment (had editors for my Microwave XT, Virus, etc), and I ended up moving back to Cubase 11 when they offered the free grace period upgrade to 12 a couple years ago.
  17. grounder

    grounder Kapellmeister

    Jul 14, 2019
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    Everywhere and nowhere
    I can't speak to v5.3, but I had Logic Audio Platinum v5.5.1-OxYGeN release for ages running smoothly using both Win Direct Sound (EASI) and E-MU 1820 ASIO from XP to Windows 10x64. When I moved from XPx32 to Win7x64, took a few tweaks to get it working properly. SEE BELOW . Win10x64 was then a piece of cake to set up with different audio interfaces as well as MIDI KB-controllers.

    A few tips from my notes back in the day.

    - There is an old release that made you install V5.5.1 then replace with V5.3 app to get working on Win7. No idea why they had to do this for their setup, but I had used nothing but 5.5.1 from XP through Win10x64.

    - On Windows 7x64 or 10x64, Even if set to open via shortcut as admin, right click and open via RunAsAdmin EVEN IF the account you are loged in as has Admin rights or is Super Admin it's self. It may take TWO times opening, as the first time it may open and quickly close.

    - Some services or background apps can prevent the app from even opening or will cause it to freeze.
    For me it was NIHardwareAccessibilityHelper service on Win10x64.

    - First, get the app working with a basic Windows audio configuration (I.E. direct sound), then try tweaking for external interface, different drivers, etc.

    - Preferences (Logic.prf) file is typically located in the Windows directory. If you made a change (IE ticked BOTH audio tab settings) that prevents Logic from opening, locking up, etc, delete this file. When you have things set up the way you like, make a backup of this file.

    Good luck and have fun.
  18. jd87

    jd87 Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2023
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    Thanks for the tips Grounder, but I can't even get direct sound to work. I tried Windows 98/XP/11 but I have given up at least for now. It should give me an option to select my m-audio card drivers but it just doesn't. Even if I somehow figured out how to get sound out of logic I still don't understand how to actually use it. I was opening the demos to learn that way but although it plays fine on all systems I've tried, there is never sound. Cubase is like a walk in the park compared to Emagic Logic. I like the complexity of it though and something makes me want to believe what ''Geroi'' said although there really is no proof whatsoever that reaper kills the highs. I'd like someone that can get it working to compare modern reaper output to 2002 logic (5.3) output. Let me know. Thanks.
  19. Passie505

    Passie505 Newbie

    Oct 8, 2024
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    IF you have not fixed your problem.
    First of all install the free Asio4All driver, this will host the asio driver for you
    2nd connect your audio card to usb, can even be a usb stick audiocard if you have no usb audiocard
    3th open asio4all and select the audiodriver that you use, either an internal one or usb audiocard

    Start Emagic Logic 5.3
    On logic go to audio tab
    Then audio preferences
    Then audio driver 2

    Mark Asio
    Then at driver select Asio4all, clock source then changes to big ben
    And now your good to go !

    IF you still do not hear sound then you must open Asio4all and put the green v in front of another audiodriver as then the audiodriver you selected there is not the one connected to your sound output. You can have various soundcards in that list only select the one you want to hear sound from.

    I am running 5.3 on Win 11 So it should work on any windows really.
    BUT using Asio4All is needed so figure that is all you need to get it to work !


    So you can un select the internal audiocard and hear youtube on that
    Then select a usb stick soundcard, i have a simple Logilink one and a 4 in 4 out usb soundcard. Put headphones in that. Then your laptop-pc gives youtube sound and you marked the usb soundcard in asio4all so Logic his output then comes from that usb stick. That way you can use 2 soundcards at the same time. So in asio4all you decide which audio card does the ASIO.

    This should fix your problem. Usb Stick soundcards are very cheap but work. If you want better sound then i would advice any usb soundcard.

    When you install it on Win11 then change compatibility to win xp before you install it.
    5.51 gives max 1 gb ram limit 5.3 i run with 16 gb ram, so thats why nowadays most Logic pc users use 5.3.

    Just always use Asio4all as that kinda hosts your soundcard and turns it into your ASIO driver which Logic needs to playback your sounds.

    I used Delta 10-10 on my old computer but that is a PCI soundcard. Now using a laptop that has no PCI ports to put my 1010 connected. It should run if you have an M-Audio card selected. You may even be able to select your M-Audio ASIO driver where i told you to select asio4all. IF NOT, then select Asio4all and activate your M-Aio card inside the Asio4All settings and then Asio4all hosts your M-Audio card. I use the U-Phoria 4 in 4 out usb card think its behringer and that runs through Asio4all and as said when travelling i use a simple usb audiocard stick where i put my headphones in the usb stick and then that plays Logic while my internal card plays youtube and other computer sounds.

    The downside of using 5.3
    5.51 uses the mk2 exs-24 sampler that has tuning on the gui. 5.3 has an older sampler version so then your missing the tuning option on the sampler gui. There is a trick to use the mk2 sampler from version 5.51 inside 5.3 but sorry i do not know how that was done am trying to find fellow old logic pc users to figure that out. Will add that ones i know how that gets done as that is an extremely useful function that tuning option on the sampler plugin instead of only having it per sound in the settings.

    IF somebody reads this and knows how to use the mk2 exs-24 from 5.51 inside 5.3 please explain how that was done to the both of us !

    Grounder possible gave the mk2 trick here
    - There is an old release that made you install V5.5.1 then replace with V5.3 app to get working on Win7. No idea why they had to do this for their setup, but I had used nothing but 5.5.1 from XP through Win10x64.

    Will give this a try on a virtual windows to see if that trick is the trick to get the mk2 working on 5.3. Would make sense that this be the trick. Just do not know if 5.51 will even install on Win11. 5.3 installs without any problems though.

    That then be
    Install 5.3 and save the exe, program
    Uninstall 5.3 and install 5.51
    Then in the 5.51 folder delete the exe and copy paste 5.3 exe in the 5.51 folder.

    Then 5.3 will run and it may see the mk2 from 5.51 and run the newer sampler on the older sequencer. As that newer sampler is located in that folder of 5.51. :)

    EnJoY !

    as example for such a udb stick soundcard for testing

    Logilink USB Soundkarte 5.1 Channels [10 EU]
    Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD USB Audio Interface [140 EU]

    Both of these work fine for 5.3 but as said needs Asio4all THAT was all you were missing !
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2024
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