Spitfire are (well known) liars.

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by zpaces, Dec 2, 2023.

  1. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Producer

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    He who spits into fire risks burning face. :guru::bow:
  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I hate assuming because it makes an ASS of U and ME.... that said... Hypothetically, for this scenario only, assume that they did not mistype it and their marketing department decided to do it intentionally to sell more. It would be impossible to prove anything intentionally malicious or dishonest because they could easily say it was a typo. Additionally, I never saw the point of complaining about something I purchased incredibly cheaply if it did not quite meet my expectations. It was cheap...For heaven's sake, some people on here complain regularly about software they never purchased :facepalm:

    If I was truly that pissed off, I would have written to their support directly and followed every possible avenue, to get at the least, an explanation. None of the avenues I would follow include posting on a public forum.
  3. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Sorry @Xupito :bow:,no offense to you,i really mean this :) :wink: :bow: ^,but this is simple not true for Spitfire Audio :bow:
    Here are once again the facts :bow: :
    Spitfire Audio this year alone did release new libraries with newly recorded samples/recordings & are even more than 5 :bow: :
    1.Albion Colossus : The two orchestras were captured at Scotland's Studios, based in the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall — the chamber orchestra in the New Auditorium, and the symphony orchestra in the Royal Concert Hall. Recorded using the same recording equipment and the same musicians.
    2.Abbey Road High Percussion : new Abbey Road recordings
    3.British Drama Toolkit: Brass and Reeds : Recorded in Castlesound Studios in Edinburgh,by Samuel Sim
    4.Abbey Road Metal Percussion : new Abbey Road recordings

    5.BBC Symphony Orchestra Piano Professional & Core versions : Recorded in concerto position in Studio One.

    6.Abbey Road Orchestra: 1st Violins Professional : new Abbey Road recordings
    7.Abbey Road Orchestra: Cellos Professional : new Abbey Road recordings
    8.Eric Whitacre Contrast : At the heart of the library are 245 experimental techniques performed by 19 members of the Eric Whitacre Singers (Soprano 5, Alto 5, Tenor 4, Bass 5) recorded with a comprehensive range of mic positions in the stunning acoustics of AIR Studios
    cheers! :wink::bow:

    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  4. Deuterium

    Deuterium Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2021
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    please elaborate on where 8Dio watermarks are?
  5. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    When you purchase a library, you are directed to several pages, a login, a download (and downloader) and disclaimer/EULA. There it says the usual thanks for your purchase and the files within have been watermarked per user purchase.
    You could read that as the samples, or the *.nki files or containers if you like? It was not that important for me to ask because I owned it and have already used it on a paid project. If they are which I see no reason for them to lie, it is actually a good thing for people who write and compose music, especially if I have any airplay royalty issues with the network because my name will be in the files.

    Their Black Friday sale seems to still be going so buy a cheap library and ask them where and how :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2023
  6. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    But thats a rather old myth about watermarking samples

    /sorry some forum bug happened/
  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Is it? Why would they say it then?
    Maybe buy something from 8Dio and find out. Then tell them it's a myth. They may tell you because they tell the people buying the bigger libraries it is watermarked. Who's to say it isn't there? I wouldn't know how to reverse engineer it, but I am not complaining. Funny how many 8Dio newer libraries are on the sister site.... lots of requests....not much else.
  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    From other forums - As I said in another thread, everyone is an expert and nobody is and expert :) - Two conflicting ones, and one company demonstrating it has clients it watermarks audio for.
  9. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    spitfire hates linux, so on behalf of linux, linux hates them back
  10. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Just marketing bullshite to hinder spreading their libraries on the internet. Imagine manually tweeking files for every customer :)
    And moreover Kontakt doesnt support that kind of intrusion to their file format
  11. zpaces

    zpaces Producer

    Jul 29, 2016
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    You assume it's an obvious mistype. Assuming is not knowing. And this is a fact!

    In the good old Christian Henson times a decade ago, a bunch of customers were able to witness a drunk Christian Henson sending out internal mails as newsletter. It was funny and very honest. Too bad I didn't keep those mails. Would be great to share!
  12. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    It's a piece of cake. It is inserted on download by username/purchase information - why do you think they make you login? - The code can be programmed by a database....how do you think marketing spammers manage to bulk mail (mailmerge) ??? Same principle from paid access to Google info. Check out the company above in the other reply to you who does Audio watermarking.

    In simple pseudo..
    On purchase read username and ID#, insert into files "X.nki", zip files, place on \\Server\Downloads, make https://downloads/username, upload zip files, send download mail to [email protected], instruct user to login, get them to confirm EULA, then on completion send email.

    (simple IF THEN ELSE programming)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2023
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    it is not to uncommon to use already released samples in another Kontakt instrument, because you can always use them different. Also it is important to note that for a kontakt instrument also the Script part matters. You can get a totally different instrument if you create a different kontakt script.

    Unless Spitfire has mentioned somewhere on the sales page, that they have recorded new samples for that instrument.
    (basically advertising it as feature to get you to buy it.)
  14. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Nope :no: & once again you're totally wrong :yes: :wink: :bow:
    Next time be more careful with all the misinformation you write here on the forum,cheers ! :winker: :
  15. zpaces

    zpaces Producer

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Keep trolling bro!:rofl:
    You already showed your brown nose to everyone.
    They finally changed it! But you can still find it at web.archive.org =)
    The internet won't forget anything ;-)

    But you know what's the difference between you and Spitfire?
    Spitfire actually know it was wrong and this "mistype" led to a bad buy by me.
    And guess what? They refunded me finally!
  16. SpyFx ✪ ✓

    SpyFx ✪ ✓ Audiosexual

    Jun 1, 2021
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    I am trolling you now ? how is that ?
    Yes that is what I'm trying to explain to you from the beginning: that is was a mistype and yes Spitfire changed it yesterday.
    Glad you got a refund, but there is nothing wrong with the library & you assumed that Spitfire Audio are liars & dishonest.
    I on the other hand stated only facts :bow: & tried to help you understand.

    now you say to me :

    You already showed your brown nose to everyone.
    Really ? :deep_facepalm: @SAiNT can you please review this thread from page one please ? :bow:
  17. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I am glad they refunded you

    The rest is none of my business and you should have got the refund first, then started the thread as an observation. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2023
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