R2R 2023/2024 AA Guides, Bug Reports, Issues & Fixes Megathread (WIN)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Stevie Dude, Nov 29, 2023.

  1. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    If missing vectors are because of the trial version's lack of upgrade, i think we will not see a real fix for Snow R2R. Probably the first of their releases that don't and won't work properly.
  2. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    dont know for sure that problem has to do with trials, I mean what kind of maniac does that, intentionally didnt include the file for trials. cant see Giancarlow be this low

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  3. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Somewhere there was a post with a screenshot from the manual, where it was written that recording is done at 96khz and then goes down sampling rate.
    As of today we have the full version with all samples pack and trial versions with 44 and 96.
    Are you sure they sample hardware for trial version separately? Also in one of R2R's NFOs they wrote that the company makes the mistake of mixing full and trial files.
    Based on the information we have "recording is done at 96khz" there's no difference that pack of SR you got, legit or trial. It's enough to have 96khz vectors.

    There's also another thing, after R2R started to release AA's plugins its strange that Giancarlo himself didn't write anywhere that it was only trial versions so "have fun with it". The only thing I've read myself is that "don't trust unlicensed archives, they are not safe".
    I also don't deny the fact that Giancarlo would never admit that they used corrupted files in the trial versions.

    Personally, I tend to have more confidence in R2R. Some new users from sister site who started making music in recent years are apparently not familiar with R2R. They wouldn't offer a non-working plugins, they also sometimes work out the bugs of other manufacturers.


    update to "recording is done at 96khz"
    From Stevie's post
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
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  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You make an excellent point here. They probably aren't multi-sampled at all the different sample rates. It would be easier to just convert the files; maybe even using a batch convertor. But then I am one of these people who do not believe the 10X Bloat added to each plugin was only for DRM. It's to bulk up the file sizes for dumb customers who think a 10gb plugin must be doing some seriously advanced math inside there to be so big and resources-hungry. " Because that's how accurate these analog emulations are." That would be a trick learned from the sample pack creators/sellers. They stress the file size and number of samples in their marketing; only to turn around and include 5 different formats of the same waveforms. The highest samplerate files are all you would need to do, and who would know the difference?
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
  5. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    knowing Junkarlo: if he had just a small possibility to discredit R2R work he would have doing it (would have been legit as developer obv lol)

    the fact is that he just threated his customers and shout unuseful things on facebook

    there's another point: maybe he didnt analyze or was unable to understand R2R releases? That would be hilarious but who knows...
  6. Vitaliy Shcherbakov

    Vitaliy Shcherbakov Newbie

    Jul 24, 2021
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    Hello everyone! I confirm that SAND 3 crash Reaper and Studio One after opening 21 instances of the plugin, regardless of whether VST2 or VST3 is used.
  7. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Just a friendly reminder that any legit user that would like to contribute the full releases they have, just Copy all the folders, compressed (RAR, 7zip) label it nicely, upload and contact/send to funtime at the sister site. People started to do so for a while now, but don't know for sure if R2R got everything by now but it could help accelerate the process especially those that want to move from legit to R2R version. Approximately 50+ AA plugins havent been released (according to someone here).
  8. Gyorgy Ligeti

    Gyorgy Ligeti Rock Star

    Apr 5, 2020
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    The point that a lot of people talk about trials is essentially wrong. It makes no sense for a Team (GOAT of the teams, the most powerful and respectable ever) to crack trials. But is it possible that we don't even have a legit AA user who can confirm precisely what the hell Frequency Pack is in a plugin? For example Snow legit plugin what Frequency Pack has inside? 44.1 and 96? We've been going on with the same things for weeks, R2R releases a plugin, only 44.1 and 96 and everyone says "Oh noo, trial, trial". If we want to understand what happens we need a legit user to tell us what Frequency Pack has inside.
  9. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Not all of them I don't know, but most of them are trials yes judging from the bugs etc, but still speculation but one definite proof of it is the T letter in plugin names and folder structures that only exist in trials. PINK4 has T on its everything. Diamond Dynamic Saturator has folder structure error once where the plugin is looking for souce in a folder named DIAMONDDST which was later fixed by R2R.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
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  10. Gyorgy Ligeti

    Gyorgy Ligeti Rock Star

    Apr 5, 2020
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    But do we have proof? Do we have a legit AA user who proves that the Pink 4 purchased is different from R2R's Pink 4?
  11. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    not so far, I don't even know who has it, never bought it but hopefully someone that read this can confirm it for you.
  12. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    It's impossible to identify which of the R2R releases provided from a trial or not. But as an ex-legit AA user i know that every trial has a T on the end of the plugin to separate them from the full version. Some R2R releases came as trials, with the T on the end, so it's not a matter of conspiracy theory. But, we can't know which release really came from a trial, and if all releases came from a trial. I doubt that last statement, but for sure, some releases came from trials.
  13. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Confirmed. As i said, if the plugin came with a T on the end, it was a trial version.
  14. Gyorgy Ligeti

    Gyorgy Ligeti Rock Star

    Apr 5, 2020
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    As far as you know, are there many of these plugins with Frequency Pack T?
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    My conspiracy-style theory is not where the files came from and if they have a T or not. It is like the one poster suggested, that it doesn't even matter where the files came from. If you sampled the highest sample rate examples for IR's, who would ever know that the others were not just files generated from that highest sample rate example? Who among their customers would ever think to compare the best file, with converted examples. Maybe it wouldn't even matter if you had nice enough software algorithms doing the conversions? The files are just created to add bloat. I do not have any other plugins which need to be loaded as an entirely different instance for different sample rates. Or I would have 20 different copies of Standard Clip or something like that, with lots of oversampling rate options. it's just handled internally by the plugin.

    Has anyone done a file comparison to see that these 96K files are not the only original files, and the others are just converted copies? Would it even matter and would anyone notice? My real question is are these other files being requested even necessary to get? They could just be created, if they are just stepped on copies. Is asking for "original files" like emailing Jay-Z asking for some more baking soda?

    The entire original point of Vector Graphics done in Illustrator was that they could be resized and still be the same. Are the files being requested just renamed duplicates, sending you down a rabbit hole?

    Trial files have definitely been used for the Mac copies. They were just downloaded from users on another website. Requesting "legit" files might be like tracking down all Waves plugins, one file per contributor. There are just too many of them.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
  16. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    even in their newest Hyper Engine, they all still depend on the sampled capture of the hardware per sample rate but the added the algo/code to reconstruct the value in between of the sampled point. As example, if the EQ sampled for 200Hz and 400Hz, the value in between those two are constructed with combination of those two sampled sources with some added algorithm so they get more or less the same response as if it was using sampled source, they call it hybrid or something. Still they have source files for each sample rate multiple by the 5 or 6 Oversampled versions too.

    I for some reason believe they did try to implement high quality sample rate conversion into the plugin but logically it would push the CPU needs up high because that kind of processing in real time should need more resources. Technically there's no efficient solution for them to stay true to their main approach of how the curve is constructed using sampled source. The problem here is the "convolution" process itself that for lossless result that will always want the CPU power especially if it's done at 96kHz internally. Take IK Multimedia Tape Collection that basically doing the same thing as AA plugins but only using 1 sampled source. If you compare it with TAUPETAPE (using only 1 sampled source I guess because only 1 curve) the IKs showing higher CPU usage. Well, IK have other function but still they cant make it lower than that. It's the most CPU hungry IK plugins IMO, because it is using convolution technique. AA plugin usually running 4-8 sampled source at one time depends on how many modules turned on, so high-quality conversion plus that in real time, would fry the CPU easily.

    IK - 1.6% no oversampling

    TAUPETAPE - 1.0% at 2X oversampling

    I believe all Brainworx, UAD, Softube plugins are all running at 96kHz internally for a really long time now but it was all code base space-state style emulation so it didnt really hit that hard on CPU. I don't know shit about coding, but having the plugins processing running at 96kHz internally on all sample rate and just filter out the final result depending on project sample rate, could trim the bloat by 4 times at least, but in trade of CPU power. Maybe they did compare pros & cons about this and decided to go with the file size route and keep the CPU down.

    The bloat problems become ridiculous with their DRM system which give or take doubled the size for an already big library. I think people can still tolerate if each bundle will be around 2GB in size, after all they are 4 plugins in it. Arturia's plugin is around 1GB each, apart from the PNGs, nobody really say anything about the individual size of the plugin.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
  17. Boreios

    Boreios Kapellmeister

    Jul 19, 2022
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    Last edited: Jun 4, 2024
  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'm not sure I see any benefit to sampling the same hardware 4 times for 4 different sample rate IR's. I made the choice to not enter the AA ecosystem within about an hour of downloading Aquarius the first time. I still have 0 of these installed. But this hack has pretty much sucked all the air out of the room for other discussions for a week. People who have never stepped a single foot on Wall St were completely fascinated with Bernie Madoff and Enron. Like those "famous" Ponzi schemes, it will blow over soon enough. His social media posts are not helping at all. If he had initially ignored it, it would would die down. Especially if all these releases are just extended demos anyway, but that may just mean there are no time-bomb mechanisms coded into these releases.
  19. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Guys, it's like 2 times I'm seeing this. Is this some sort of limitation or anything ? My PC cant run 21 instances of the AA plugins at all I think. Are you sure, it's not because of the CPU ?
  20. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    14th gen CPU here. Crashed both Reaper final and dev versions
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