App won't install because of APFS Case sensitive

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Zoketula, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    An important app won't install, because the drive uses APFS (case-sensitive). It looks like it can be switched to non-case sensitive, but there is a good chance according to google results to destroy existing data.
    I also can't copy backup data to an external exfat drive that I use for Linux and Windows, because of case-sensitivty and have to compress a few hundreds gigs into a zip file so I can copy it. Takes hours.
    My question is:
    If I reformat or switch to a non-sensive file system, does anyone know if there is software that needs a case sensitive FS and I have the same problem the other way around?
    Or to phrase it differently: Is a non-case sensitive file system safe to use?
  3. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Best Answer
    To my recollection, I've never formatted a drive to case-sensitive (I've been using Macs for a long time). I just verified that my two external drives are indeed standard APFS, and they are. I would say you would experience data loss if you attempt to switch file systems. You probably need to reformat to do it.
  4. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    Thanks, that's useful info. I am concerned that if I copy for example the backup file folder of the Spectrasonics Trilogy, which contains thousands of files, back from a exfat drive to the Mac that I will be majorly screwed and have to re-install everything. I did this once and had to click buttons for hours to get anything back working.
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    i don't want to answer flippantly, but I will say that in my many years of doing all this stuff (IT in general), that I have never actually run into this situation.

    Some more context and details might be helpful. But I really think there is some better solution to your problem. Maybe it is something like changing the "important app", or even something like partitioning the drive, resizing the partition so all data remains intact; then switching the file system for the newly created empty partition and moving the data there, and then finally switching the file system to the other partition and moving the data again. Like a shell game.

    Personally, I would probably look at just replacing the "important" app to another solution, because my existing data would probably be a lot more "important" than whatever it is you are trying to install. There is very likely some better solution for whatever it is you are trying to do.

    There is no way I would install a case-sensitive file system. Every time you type a location into Go-> to Folder you will have to match Case. Or create a folder or FilenaMe. Oh, hell no. Whatever other options you have, those are the correct ones to pick because case-sensitive will suck.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
  6. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    Hi there! I didn't meant to be cryptic, it's just ... complicated. The software is "Cartoon Animator" and latest version does not exist on Mac (yet), because macOS dropped mocap support and now it's Windows only. It's the one I use. There are alternatives, but I would prefer to stick to "the evil I know". The older version on Mac however does everything I want and it would be more convenient to have all 2D & audio stuff on Mac together, because I don't use a network and run from one computer to another with an USB stick and drives to transfer and backup. Not ideal, I know but I am a trained creature of habit.
    So when I installed that older version on Mac I was really surprised that case-sensitivty is a problem. I thought that problem was solved since MS-DOS days. I never ran into that problem, because I only use a few programs and update them until Apple, Adobe or lately Ableton locks me out. Maybe I shoudn't use software from companies that start with an "A". There seems to be a pattern there.
    I downloaded two alternatives and will test them before I reformat the Mac. I have two Mac Minis and can use one to test the waters. There is one called "OpenToonz" that is open source and receives often updates and look pretty good. Maybe it's all for the better to switch anyway.
    Thanks you for your reply. I know now, that a case-sensitive FS isn't better than one without that feature.