Your opinion on Acustica Audio Plugins ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucas Schauer, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    This is the accurate definition of a professional. So yes, it counts.
    You'll find similar artists like yourself have different tastes with different outboard and onboard choices, and that is exactly how it should be. :)
  2. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Funnily, v1 is closer

    ABCXYZ Kapellmeister

    Mar 21, 2023
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    El Ray came down like a Celestial, falling like the Snow. He had a Jade crown. His eyes were Ruby, his breath was Green and his dick was Purple.

    Since they're emulating the hardware way too closely they weigh more than the units themselves. They cost like plywood but feel like MDF. Maybe there's rockwool or something else inside other than the impulses that make it so. Maybe we should email the bloatveloper.

    I'm an idiot, I know.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2023
  4. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    I get the complaints about bugs cpu load etc but I don't think you can find a plugin that has depth and separation. I tried Ruby 2 on the bus and sorry you can't get that with other plugs off the rip. Just no

    They are good when used sparingly with algorithmic types... My opinion
  5. Chaindog

    Chaindog Platinum Record

    Dec 12, 2016
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    To be honest, the more Acustia Audio plugins I tried, the less I cared for them, hence their CPU usage and sound.
    The only plugin I still use in my DAW is Space Control.
    And nearly all of them can be replaced with a less cpu-hungry counterpart.
    I used to have Sienna on my Control Room in Cubase before the R2R Release, and went back to Realphones, as this gave me a more pleasing sound, after some tweaking, and after realizing that even Sienna took a good portion of my CPU. :sad:

    So again, there's NO Acustica Audio plugin that you really need, that other plugins can't do.
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  6. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    This is the option 2, if i want a more lively sound and rock and roll sound. But it's not the secret weapon.

    You're right. My taste is my taste, and maybe what give me thrills can be a "meeh" to another person. But the (not anymore) secret weapon for 2buss is called Amethyst - 2500 bus. It makes a DAW mix sound like it was made on really expensive gear without a single effort. If you like how Serban Ghenea mixes sounds, cinematic, big, clean, controlled-but-explosive, you should go for this plugin. OFC there's no magic plugin that can fix a crap mix, but if those sound descriptions are something that you aim for, go for it. But it's a Urban Pop/Hip Hop style of preamp on my mix.

    If i'm mixing a Bolero, Salsa, Bossa Nova or any trational music, i probably go for Coffee because it's also has the vintage mojo that goes well with those, also being very solid and defined. The Amethyst one can sound strange if you're recording those styles that don't have that Billboard/Cinematic appeal. There's when Coffee shines.
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  7. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Personally I felt Sugartits peaked with Crime Of The Century. I wonder if Ken Scott likes Acustica plugins?
  8. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Ah that one is the problematic one on the AMETHYSTPRE plugin @ 48kHz. I found that the EQ's PRE also not working. So it's working @ 44.1kHz ? So everything on the PRE plugin especially on the CUST selection working for you @ 44.1kHz ? It's not working @ 48kHz here. Sad, I don't even know how the 2500 BUS sounds like, the 2500 MIX ST however is pretty cool. If you're kind enough please confirm or verify some of the ISSUES I found with AMETHYST, it's on the other thread, if everything working fine for you at 44.1kHz I want to update the thread. Cheers.
  9. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    lol, at people saying their plugins perform poorly
    obviously you have never worked with hardware, analog gear where baking down tracks is a normal process.
    you get used to it.
    i can do most of what i can do with AA with other plugins as well but some of them really excell in certain areas and are hard to substitute with other plugins
    plugins like white, cobalt, el rey, pumpkin, ash... if you can not hear a difference than maybe you need more experience or upgrade your monitoring system.
    Sorry but kids here and on the sister site who just recently discovered what a DAW is should just STFU , saying bs stuff like there is no difference between Ruby and a stock EQ, just ridiculous.
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  10. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Wow, that was painful. Ruby was one of the most unique plugins i could got acess so far. Just to get the signal passing through its a monster. If you do boosts and cuts, the beast wakes up an show it's power at full potential. The thing is agressive, there's no way to compare with stock eq. It's just like comparing a scissor with a chainsaw.
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  11. Riddim Machine

    Riddim Machine Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Yes, that's exactly about the Cust section that i'm talking about. No issues, no mute, no aliasing or strange sounds. All the Line, Mic, and Cust amps are working 100% flawless at 44.1

    Side note: i tested here with different material as soon as you reported. I didn't find any issues before, and now, paying atention to what you said and testing, no issues at all.
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  12. Stewart Daniels

    Stewart Daniels Kapellmeister

    Aug 20, 2023
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    When I was in engeneering school, I was taught, "Of course, use your ears...but times have changed, your eyes are part of the equation now." This was a quote from the oldest, grumpiest mastering professor from the 70's-90's production era. I graduated in 2021...still paying my dues.

    Even professor dinosaur understood that "Sometimes you gotta look at your work in some visual form"

    Not everyone can close their eyes and "Use The Force" to make great mixes by sheer will alone. That takes time. I love an informative GUI. Who wouldn't?

    Having plugins that facilitate a view "Under The Hood" is not bad. It's just what it is. The future.

    I must be too young (Because you sound a little Boomer-ish to me). To carpet bomb an entire generation as not having the ability to discern awesome production values from garbage, plus...we all lack musical talent and use...sigh...computers to make music (In 2023?) says a lot about yourself.

    I can listen to 'Hotel California Live', or I can listen to Gunna...they all sound great. And I say that as a fan, and not as a journeyman mix/master technician.

    Listeners enjoy what feels good, not whether computers, Melodyne, or Autotune were used, or did the mastering engineer dare look at SPAN GUI while squeezing out that final 0.5dB.

    If it don't feel/sound right, It's prolly not for you.
  13. typical-love

    typical-love Producer

    May 9, 2020
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    TBH i kinda feel like I'm not sure I can trust the results from the R2R plugs with the whole 48k and claims that these have bugs that the official ones don't (like someone said about Midnight I think)
  14. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    Most professionals work on high-powered computers and they don't care that 1 AA plugin loads the processor as much as 3.5 Omnisphere's.
    They just do their job.
    It is very interesting to know what CPU's people use during the tests. I see a lot of comments about high CPU usage.

    So many popular engineers involved commercially by different companies and it's ok ,but if the advertised AA it's just a commercial partnership and it's bad.

    AA got some useless plugins and some good plugins. Everyone will find his own. Today you have opportunity to try them without stupid Aquarius and without the unnecessary GB's of protection.
  15. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Producer

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    They are as good as or better than the average vst. good to have . they don't damage.
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  16. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    see: that's 43 likes in agreement, pro Acustica.. plus Acustica has the most interested on the other site. what if people who like them and use them just use them quietly ?

    I mean we know pros use the other site too, they probably just laugh at people making a fuss and just use them lol

    steve drive.jpg

    maybe the cool thing is to hate on acustica. idk. it doesn't add up all these claims that they are standard plugins, they're just not and I'm obviously talking about the good ones
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  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Then what they really have is no consistency or quality control. That would be great for a musician who was coding things for use on their own work. But asking someone to just trust you (and shell out some pretty serious cash) about your plugins that are all over the map is crazy.

    Sometimes we have to let an audio product which is not perfect and 100% complete slide by on the promise of future updates. You buy it, and maybe you have to figure out a workaround for something. But not buy a new computer. Or watch more and more products get released without fixing the one you already have paid for.
  18. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    he cant hear, cant tell the difference between Ruby vs IK Sontec EQ, :deep_facepalm: but it's the plugins fault. :wink:

    That 43 people that upvotes my comment can't stand that. Not agreeing with what I've said, nor pro-Acustica.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2023
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  19. Jayster

    Jayster Kapellmeister

    Mar 22, 2018
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    All Acustica EQ's cramp at Nyquist - just check it for yourself in PluginDoctor! Hence thier Acqua/Hyper1,2,3/V.V.K.T/Nebula1,2,3,4 ... blablabla technologies (insane marketing bullshit names) are crap and worthless!
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  20. iTzPrime

    iTzPrime Newbie

    Aug 16, 2022
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    To those that think the sound is good, have you put them through plugin doctor? I found that I could copy the curves in most modern EQs and the distortion also often has some pleasent EQ added.
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