Building a new PC - Tips for migrating from old PC?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Barncore, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    I spent the past 7 weeks researching parts, ordered them, received them, now it's time for the big dance.

    I'm building an AMD system with no GPU this time (previous system is Intel). The idea being i want something that's as powerful as can be while still being silent. I aimed for the perfect balance.

    Just wondering what i should know as far as the software / OS side of things?

    I don't know what questions to ask exactly, cos I don't know what i don't know. I'm just hoping to tap into the hivemind of AS PC experts!

    So here's a few questions to get it started:

    1. I plan to undervolt the CPU a little. I've read you can get 90-95% of the performance at lower wattage (think it was -25 watts or so), which means less heat, which means less fan noise. Does the BIOS tuning (fan curves as well) happen before or after installing windows?

    2. Is it best to do a fresh install of Windows and start again? Or is cloning my old system onto the new drive equally as sufficient?
    Any general tips for the migration process? Pitfalls to avoid?

    3. Speaking of Windows, what is the most trustworthy Win11 crack? Does such a thing even exist? How do you guys go about it?

    4. I bought 3 NVMe drives for the system... 1TB KC3000 as the boot drive, 2TB NM790 for samples and sample libraries, 2TB NM790 for project files and other data.
    Is that something i need to set up as a RAID thing or nah?

    5. Any tips for the general build process? Or pitfalls to avoid? I built one computer before back in 2019 (a Hackintosh) and it wasn't too hard, but i'm not experienced and certainly don't have the process internalized.

  3. Lonely_Avatar

    Lonely_Avatar Ultrasonic

    Aug 31, 2016
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    0. I would have gone with water cooling - it's more efficient and less noisy. Also get an extra CPU bracket. It shaves off 3-4 degrees, maybe more.
    1. Don't undervolt your CPU. You'd be better off buying a less expensive CPU. AMD is pretty good at managing its volts and temperatures on its own, it's unkikely you will be spending a lot of time at full throttle.
    2. Switching from intel to amd on the same OS may lead to a performance hit. But then again, depending on your setup it might be ok.
    If you have thousands of plugins, migration is a good solution. I used EaseUS Partition Master to clone OS partitions in the past.
    3. It's not a "crack". There are github pages dedicated to this - "windows 11 activator github". Just do a little research, read comments etc
    4. No need for RAID. But I would get something like a 10tb 7200 rpm spinning drive for storing projects. NVME drives live significantly less.
    5. Best thermal paste application I found to be using a spatula and manually spreading it on the CPU lid.

    I also got a new system, the parts sit on my desk, waiting to be assembled.
    i7 14700k, 96gb ram, water cooling, new and old M2 and SATA SSDs from old system, yadda yadda.
  4. wez311

    wez311 Newbie

    Nov 24, 2023
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    Im also migrating . following this thread
  5. wez311

    wez311 Newbie

    Nov 24, 2023
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    not looking for elon musks desktop but need enough power for the latest plugins and pretty large projects . Been looking into mini pcs as they are cheap and customizable
  6. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    I would use those nvme's for samples only and buy basic SSD for projects and audio. That's what I did, not much difference in loading times
  7. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    Hey guys i've already bought the parts, so i don't need advice on that side of things (specs are in the 'spoiler' in the OP)
    I'm happy with the NH-D15 choice. I want something that will last for a long time and not need maintenance in 4-5 yrs. Set and forget. Don't want water in my system, makes me uneasy, and i know i'll forget to replace the water whenever it's needed.
    Also, the NH-D15 rivals the performance of AOI coolers anyway, both in terms of cooling and noise.

    Yep, i've got the CPU brackets (check specs)
    I already bought the CPU.
    Don't want a spinning drive as i'm going for a silent system. I had a spinning drive in my previous system and i ended up disconnecting it cos it was too noisy.
    I got the Honeywell PTM7950 SP thermal pad for that. It's more effective and lasts longer. Again, set and forget. Recommended to me from another audio PC builder. Various companies buy this stuff for laptops etc.

    Fun! I'm curious how the new generation of intels go. Reviews said they get super hot
  8. Plendix

    Plendix Platinum Record

    Nov 14, 2013
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    oh, you alredy bought the components, read that to late
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2023