UAD Apollo Vocal Recording

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by reziduchamp, Nov 27, 2023.

  1. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Does anyone have experience of using the 1176 and LA2A in the recording chain?

    I have both free versions in my input chain and I see that the collections are both on sale, so I'm wondering what difference they both make to the input and recording?

    Does it make a huge difference? Will it improve performance? Which versions of each are the best for vocal recording?
  3. Tayh

    Tayh Kapellmeister

    Aug 6, 2017
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    • The UREI-built Silver LA-2A is generally appreciated for its faster time constant and its treatment of transients. This makes it a versatile performer that's suitable for the widest variety of applications — including drums, percussion, and bass guitar.
    • The Gray model, paying homage to Jim Lawrence's original mid-‘60s Pasadena-built units, is typically used for material requiring a medium-speed compression — think lead and background vocals, keyboards, and (judiciously) acoustic and electric guitars.
    • The LA-2 model captures the mojo of one of the very earliest Teletronix units, offering the slowest response time and a distinctive "mellow" sound owing to its 50-year-old luminescent panel. It may be best used on legato vocals, strings, and horns. But you know the old maxim, “If it sounds good, it is good".

    Here's some tricks and tips about the 1176 collection as well.

    You can also combine these two compressors in your vocal chain. Using the 1176 before the 2A.

    I believe the best answer is: use your ears.
  4. Rodrick Williams

    Rodrick Williams Member

    Feb 1, 2019
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    I use those when tracking 1176ae into La2a or Cl1b warms everything up and my vocals come out crystal clear
  5. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Oh that's really interesting thanks... I haven't seen the AE mentioned people seem to be using the LN... Are you using the 2:1 ratio?

    Which version of the 2A do you use?

    Did you find any performance improvement from the Legacy versions of both?
  6. Rodrick Williams

    Rodrick Williams Member

    Feb 1, 2019
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    Yes 2:1 ratio I normally use LA2a Legacy I dont think theres a "performance improvement" from one or the other but they all sound good I Screenshot 2023-11-27 at 4.22.26 PM.png track with Apollo
  7. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Thanks for this. Really helpful. You have a similar setup to me, RMX16 on the send, I think I put the comp after though. I'll try swapping that out of interest. Do you use a preset? I think I have something like a Non-Lin plus the second Aux with a 224.

    I've forgotten that I bought the Studer for vocal recording so that's a great reminder thanks and I also have the Manley. I never liked its sound, it came with the Apollo, but I've just had an idea for setting up a second channel for BVs using the Manley for contrast.

    I'm going to have to test the 76, 2A and Century whilst these offers are on. I'll check your suggestions. I guess I could even use different 76s on the LV and BV assuming the Apollo can handle that.

    I nearly got a Townsend but I went with a U87 copy instead, I really liked its sound. How do you find that thing? Is the flexibility worthwhile?
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