R2R cracked Acustica, I just can't believe it

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by justwannadownload, Nov 20, 2023.

  1. Barncore

    Barncore Platinum Record

    May 25, 2022
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    Yeah i read your post wrong, my bad. Disregard what i said

    I thought you were saying you don't need gain-staging. But you meant the gain-staging isn't working for you
  2. alexeuskrr

    alexeuskrr Member

    Nov 28, 2022
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    While reading this thread I kept thinking about how the Falcon2 was criticized when R2R was released last year. The same situation now. Look at UVI Falcon 3. It's the most amazing VST software for sound design with millions of features. I bought Falcon in 2021 and it was the best buy in years!!!
    I mean, it's excellent to have opportunity to test before buy, but I cannot understand why so negative words for Acustica and Giancarlo. I'm not a fanboy and not an active user, I don't even know Giancarlo, but I respect what he built and even understand his actions to protect their IP.
    Acustica's VST plugins reminds me those from Sintefex Audio and their Replicator hardware sampler (using Unique Dynamic Convolution Technology) and/or Focusrite Liquid Mix which uses the Dynamic Convolution method. These last two are hardware-based. It's good to have a software counterpart. Thanks to R2R we can try these plugins for more than just 1 month.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
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  3. GodHimSelf

    GodHimSelf Platinum Record

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Don't know at this point.

    The thing is that the service AA produces is good. It's not just the products. They community is active and they tend to listen to customers. They are slow doing updates but some are almost new products. They do give a lot of free very good quality stuff.

    Let's see how they react to this event. In the long term, I think they will sell more.
  4. Fowly

    Fowly Platinum Record

    Jan 7, 2017
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    UAD, IK, Tone Empire and Nembrini among others have used some kind of dynamic convolution in their products. I've also seen some people on dev forums suspect that Slate also uses dynamic convolution for their preamps.

    Also, I think that IK used volterra kernels in their recent tape machine emulations. They would be a perfect fit for this kind of effect, and considering how good the plugins sound/measure and how heavy it is on CPU... I can smell volterra through them.
  5. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    I wonder if it does protect the IP? I wonder what is the contrast between this HUGE bloatware and how much of the market they miss through a lack of 'trial' software, vs something with an unintrusive serial that has minimal impact and gets a wider circulation (GForce for example)? I've barely heard of Acustica but I have GForce licenses.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    But that is all your thread here is about. A clickbait title and no information worth reading. A thread designed to stir up shi*t between the r2r fans and the Acustica "cultists". That is a no-win argument no matter what side you take. So you post this thread, expecting nothing but that; and suddenly you are surprised when the topic turns to your motive in posting it? That is so 2021.

    You sound like a kid crying they got a Barbie instead of My Little Pony for Xmas.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
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  7. Lemmy

    Lemmy Audiosexual

    Apr 5, 2014
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  8. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    I have never used acustica plugs before, but I have used UA's UAD plugs. UAD plugs were pretty good especially since a lot of the actual hardware they emulate I have used before hands on so I know what to expect from the software. The emulations are pretty spot on and the UAD plugs didn't crash daw hosts when using them as long as you kept within the terse limits of the UAD hardware. For me UAD plugs would be hard to beat from a audio quality standpoint. I have never used the UAD natives either but I would expect those to be no different in operation from their hardware co-processed counterparts...

    My question is; For all those that have used acustica before - are acustica plugs any match for the UAD 's?
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
  9. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Hmmm... which ones ? What about...those top mixing engineers who have youtube channels, and make videos like 'guys, i need to show you this new plug-in from xyz, that quickly became my go-to compressor/ reverb/ limiter/ etc. It is amazing, it sounds amazing.... blah blah blah"...

    Then, 'they' basically present every single component, and read the data from the instructions pdf ...

    And of course, at the end of the video, we get '..oh, and you can check the product on the description box below...' ...aka 'you can check my sweet affiliate links , the company has already paid me 5k...10k.... 15k... and i will get an extra 10%...15%, or even more, on each final purchase'

    That kind of guys ? Like those whose youtube channels have 'mix' on the channel name ? Hint : there are a ton

    Btw, simple curiosity... is it just me who sees it that way, or....most (if not 95%) of the guys who used to make nice informative youtube videos, these last years, 9 videos out of 10, are just... presenting a new audio plug-in, with affiliate links !
    After all, why making production videos, when is just so much easier, to get paid 5k..10k.. or even more, to talk about this or that audio plug-in...
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  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I haven't commented anything positive or negative about these plugins. The plugin manager itself is enough for me to see I don't want to buy anything from them. You all might be slowing their server now, but it was just as bad the first time I looked into Aquarius. There were a few freebie plugins when that was launched and I didn't even try them. I have also seen the GS threads and here about this developer's plugins, and they are all complaints about the same thing. Performance, Latency issues, Dev not listening to customers, etc. I also did not say that anyone is "Lying" about these plugins, who will be using them later on down the road. But with all much-hyped products, many people let that influence their first impressions of them. Often enough, I hear something that surprises me and go back to give something a second look. That doesn't mean they are lying; it means they were wrong. Two different things entirely.
  11. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    The cool thing when a company makes these kinds of audio plug-ins, that have the word 'analog' attached to them, the less optimized the plug-ins are, the easier they will sell, and the more forgiving the users will be.

    'Ohh, one single instance of this super-optimized, super-cpu-efficient, analog- sounding audio plug-in uses 95% of all your 16core cpu ? That's absolutely normal ! The hardware unit was replicated so accurately, so perfectly, that it is absolutely normal, if it uses 'quite a bit' of cpu !!!"

    And there you have it, no need to optimize whatsoever.

    That reminds me of the pc gaming:
    For over 4 decades, developers were able to max out every single console, optimizing the code over and over, until the game was using 99.9% of the cpu and gpu, as efficiently as possible.
    Meanwhile, on pc, (still today), if a pc game performs poorly, it's not the game's fault ! Want better visuals and framerate ? Go buy a much better system, with a much more powerful cpu, gpu, ram and drive ! The game's code is perfect !

    That's why we see pc games being played, at 4k ultra (max) settings, where the game barely uses 15 or 20% cpu, and only 5 or 6 GB of video ram are used, from the 16 or 24GB available, and the game is so poorly optimized, that even at low or mid settings, the ultra powerful gpu is 100% used, with 0 optimized code.
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  12. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Like a matter of 'pride', to see who got the biggest dik...
    Instead of 'ohh, mine is 18cm...', 'ohh, mine, is 22cm'... 'ohhh, and mine, 30cm',

    Instead, we have a combat between acoustica vs arturia:

    - arturia : ohhh, to install our V collection, the user must install ~900'000 files and +10'000 folders
    - acoustica : ohhh, to install some of our plugins, they weight 400 megabytes, but once installed, they require +10 GIGABYTES
  13. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    I have never considered Acustica products: the plugins I already have are enough for me. Said that, I find that Giancarlo (maybe CEO?) is so arrogant that it makes me want to install the warez just because. I don't understand how he can go around social platforms with this paternalistic attitude: he's so cringe, doesn't he realize it?
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  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    There is no contest. UAD is a much better comparison in sound quality. Everyone is suddenly OK again with UAD after Spark and Native changes. They were just as bad as this guy with the "take it or leave it" view of customers; for years and years.
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  15. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Just was reading a comment by someone from Acustica in another audio forum.
    Looks like they're a bit afraid that the number of customers could drop after R2R's announcement.
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    What is transferring/selling licenses like now, and what will it be soon? This is a question meant for anybody, as related to the quoted text.
  17. shinyzen

    shinyzen Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2023
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    im pretty sure they meant more plugins on sale as in more of their catalog on sale during actual black friday, as opposed to pre-black friday sale which has been going on for a couple weeks, and is a smaller portion of their catalog.

    I doubt they are that worried about the crack. If anything, i feel like this will direct more business towards acustica. Once people get a taste, realize how good some of the plugs sound, and then want the updates, the hyper editions, the new plugs etc.

    It would be nice of them to update their protection method though, help performance and size of plugins as demonstrated by r2r
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  18. DontKnowJack

    DontKnowJack Platinum Record

    Nov 23, 2020
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    I don't think AA needs to worry about sales figures dropping significantly so soon. From reading the release threads, you see the amount of people who cannot read and follow simple R2R installation instructions. This ensures that the pirated segment of the user base will remain somewhat limited for now.
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  19. BobbyMonfrado

    BobbyMonfrado Member

    Nov 20, 2017
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  20. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    It isn't so much that we didn't know how to install it. It is just that instructions were written a bit... strangely. It was confusing. I am sure that the person who wrote them is not a native English speaker. That is okay. But it did cause a small issue for myself. Lol.