Amplitube 5 R2R Automatic Activation Not Working

Discussion in 'Software' started by dickinburger36, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. dickinburger36

    dickinburger36 Newbie

    Nov 17, 2023
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    Here's the basic rundown of my problem: I downloaded the R2R version of Amplitube 5 from AudioZ, then I extracted the files, read the .txt file, blocked the access to the hosts they told me to, and then installed the software. After installing the program I ran the keygen and used the "Automatic Registration (Windows)" option, the output log said "Successfully registered!". But when I launch Amplitube 5, all of the pedals and amps are still locked.

    I have tried every possible thing. Disabling my antivirus, uninstalling Custom Shop and IK Product Manager, blocking additional URLs in the host file, deleting every trace of anything related to IK multimedia on my computer before reinstalling the software, I even tried like 4 different versions and none of them worked. I also tried running CCleaner between each reinstall, repaired the registry, nothing works. Unfortunately there isn't a ton of answers online, most other threads of people having the same problem remain unanswered.

    Is there anything I can do to fix this? Or find out whats preventing the keygen from working? At this point I'm almost convinced the keygen exe does absolutely nothing.
  3. dickinburger36

    dickinburger36 Newbie

    Nov 17, 2023
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  4. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    Check to make sure that you have registered the correct version of the software. As it will say successfully registered even if you pick the wrong version in the keygen menu. I made that mistake once.
  5. dickinburger36

    dickinburger36 Newbie

    Nov 17, 2023
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    I always used the dropdown menu to make sure I've selected the right version. That's definitely not it.
  6. DonCaballero

    DonCaballero Producer

    Feb 6, 2016
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    I've had issues with numerous R2R IK releases in the past. It's been a while since I've dealt with it so I don't recall the details (you might be able to find solutions in the comments on the sister site.)

    The problem could be related to the keygen reading the wrong MAC address on some machines when it's calculating the reg info. I think the way I solved it was by installing the IK License Manager and registering with that using the keygen.

    If you have multiple network adapters you could also registering with only one active at a time.
  7. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    That's a very bad idea for one obvious reason.
  8. DonCaballero

    DonCaballero Producer

    Feb 6, 2016
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    Well plenty of people have have reported issues with R2R IK releases, and it's definitely not just a matter of picking the wrong version in the keygen (I've used every version since Amplitube 1). None of R2R's Line6 releases have worked in ages for me either, and other machine-ID based keygen's have failed to work due to reading the wrong MAC address while being fine for the majority of users.

    That's why even though R2R are the undisputed kings, it's good there are other groups still doing old fashioned cracking and patching for those having problems who don't care about untouched binaries and AAX support.

    Anyway, this is the solution that worked for me and I was able to install newer versions without issue afterwards. If there are alternative solutions I'm sure dickenburger would love to know.
  9. Triphammer

    Triphammer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Strange I've not had any issues with either IK OR Line 6. I fact, in both the case of Tonex/Amplitube & Helix,
    I was able to dld the official installers from their respective websites and just install them over the previous
    keygen'd R2R releases and they worked just fine
  10. Davman

    Davman Platinum Record

    Oct 18, 2022
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    I'm talking about Amplitude 5 here and nothing else. I've been using their Amplitude 5 releases for years and only one time did I have a problem that was not down to me which I think was a keygen issue. I guess that people who either cannot follow instructions or know how to clean the remains of a previous install are going to have issues. It's a learning curve and the best advice I can give anyone is never be the first to use a new release but wait and see if any issues pop up in the comments. I've used the last two releases with no problems what so ever. But I'm using a PC as I do not like Apple's business practices. Maybe it's a Mac issue?

    Also, both Amplitude 5 and Tonex Max were and still may be on sale for Black Friday. Infact they were so cheap that I bought both!