Akai MPC How do I change Expansion Pack installation folders?

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by VincentCool, Nov 21, 2023.

  1. VincentCool

    VincentCool Member

    Jan 6, 2016
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    MPC is install CONTENT to C:\ProgramData\Akai in the system disk ,
    How do I change Expansion Pack installation folders or move ?

    Symbolic Link cant work and crash MPC,any help ?

  3. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    You can't move them anymore now. Used to be able to but they changed something to make it impossible.
    Its bloody annoying but thats akai for you.
  4. VincentCool

    VincentCool Member

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Sad...50-100 GB CONTENT in C:\ProgramData....
  5. tgunz020707

    tgunz020707 Kapellmeister

    Oct 14, 2013
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    I still have all mine on another hard drive no issue and i have the most recent r2r mpc drop.
  6. VincentCool

    VincentCool Member

    Jan 6, 2016
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  7. tgunz020707

    tgunz020707 Kapellmeister

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Yes you can still add them as before except now the newer ones dont have the directory string so i just copy <directory>F:\Akai\Mpc Expansions\De Beat Eternaldrones</directory> .The old ones use to have this i just paste that at the bottom before the last string of code then replace between the directory with my hard drive/Expansion etc.You put the xml file(the file you edit to add the new expansion) and image file for the expansion in c\Programdata\Akai\Expansions. Also like the new N.I. packs for kontakt i dont even waste my time installing them i just move the folder to my other hard drive and make a library the only time i install a library is when i have no choice and then all i do is install it get the folder and delete it and then do it the way i explained earlier.The expansions that come with xpn files you can just trash the xpn. Any library made for mpc all you need is the main folder it has the xml and the image inside edit the xml and move that and the image to programdata.I just looked and i have the new drift one along with every other release to date all in my mpc software.Just make sure when you open the xml that the .jpg is named the same as your folder i also change the identifier and title to the same as the expansions folders name like in my example De Beat Eternaldrones i put this in all 3.If you dont rename the .jpg it wont find the picture for the expansion and the others it wont find the expansion.I rename all my expansions i like to have them cleaned up some will be like akai.com or other random stuff where i rename mine by the expansion its just cleaner to me.My mpc folder is on an internal samsung ssd drive not on my main c drive it totals right now 156gb none of them are symlinked there all available the way i explained earlier.The only issue i found was that directory string was missing just make sure you copy everything it needs to have the <directory> with where its installed in-between both of them and i usually put them one string up from the bottom its really easy.Let me know if you cant get it to work or need anymore help.Also i use notepad++ to edit my xml files i think you can use regular notepad but im not sure if need be open one of the older xml files and you will see the directory string then open a new one and you will see the directory string isnt there just add it and your good.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
  8. VincentCool

    VincentCool Member

    Jan 6, 2016
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    later i try,thx you for help.
  9. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
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    Best Answer
    I had this same issue as you where the symbolic link all of a sudden started crashing my MPC software constantly be it standalone or plugin, however I got around this by NOT creating the symlink for the entire C:\ProgramData\Akai directory but only for the Expansions folder within this directory, keeping everything else original and it works a treat, I have over 211GB of expansions so needed this off my main boot drive.

    See the image below


    Hope this helps.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
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  10. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Yeah, but i had a different experience:
    In my setup it's the 'Content" folder that is so big. (33 Gig for 32 expansions)
    (The "Expansions" folder on mine is only 112 Meg , containing all the "*.jpg" & "*.xml" files)
    [Maybe i have something set up wrong? I'll try to rearrange and test it ]

    I found that one or both of the "*.json" files need to remain in "C:\ProgramData\Akai\MPC\Content" or it freezes.
    I found the whole folder "Content" could not be symlinked as MPC would freeze, but the Expansion folders INSIDE it could be. (I have 32 "com.akaipro.mpc.expansion.****" folders, but 37 Expansions in the browser).

    You can move the folders that are in "C:\ProgramData\Akai\MPC\Content" folder to another drive, and then Symlink those individual folders back to "C:\ProgramData\Akai\MPC\Content".
    It is a pain to do that manually, but using a tool like in my signature (LinkShellExtension) makes it a breeze.
    You just select all of them , right click and choose "Pick Link Source" (or right-click drag-n-drop and choose drop as...[symlinks]).

    Symlink MPC 1.jpg Symlink MPC 2.jpg
    [Update: I tried moving the expansions content into the 'Expansions" folder but then i only showed a few expansions. I tried a few different things (moving Tags.json file, etc) but never could get them all to show up, except my original setup)
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
  11. tgunz020707

    tgunz020707 Kapellmeister

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Im not sure why i have all mine on F drive, thats why i rename the folder then i rename everything inside the xml file it works perfectly for me. No symlink nothing just editing the xml and putting it into the expansion folder in programdata

    I re downloaded this just to show un-editied xml file

    Heres after i edit the xml

    Heres my folder of expansions

    Heres what my mpc software looks like

    maybe this will help some people it definately works no issues
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
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