why r Youtube musicians so bad about eq and compression?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Garamondo Furbish, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    I can't understand how so many youtube videos on music production or reviews of software have such absolute shit audio.

    I never listen with headphones, but I imagine it must be terrible to have a blasting heavy metal intro for no apparent purpose, followed by some midwit mumbling about software, coughing into his mic, and apologizing for the bad audio, instead of editing it out and fixing what needs levling.

    I can understand the "influencers" who think they have a "career" endlessly expounding on some useless drivel having terrible sound. But the people who make music, you'd think would have an idea about compression and expanders and useable audio levels.

    anyhow, thats one more reason youtube has become unwatchable...

  3. alexbart

    alexbart Producer

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Anybody can upload videos on Youtube, so there is some good content and some bad content.
    My main concern is about hidden product placement on every music based channel, even when the host is a platinum awarded engineer, they try to trick the viewers to sell some product.
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  4. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    What is "YouTube"
  5. saccamano

    saccamano Rock Star

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    what is a youtube musician?
  6. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    That too :rofl:
  7. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    Best Answer
    Is it like MySpace
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  8. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    but with more worst music....
  9. deathroit

    deathroit Member

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Because it's low effort money from sponsors and youtube and the don't care. And people who are audience are beginners in music production who can't do or spot "right things". I've been there, but i'm questioning everything.

    On youtube the are the same. And youtube is powerful yet cheap marketing platform. And adsense.

    There is a few hones people there, who don't sell or advertising/endorsing something, but they lost in marketing crap.

    The two I hate the most is Wytse form WhiteSea Studio and The LoneyRocker.
  10. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    Same feeling here. Note : I'm only into metal production. Actually musicians are often not so bad (even really good when they are big enough to do full time), but I strongly dislike what most of youtube sound engineers are producing. They want to teach you how to be perfect when their own results are really sub-par to my ears. Some channels are really good, as you would expect from a professionnal, but damn most are terrible. And no, I'm not saying I'm better than them, I still suck.
  11. DEGRAD

    DEGRAD Ultrasonic

    Oct 2, 2023
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    What do you expect from a tube?
    People are there to put their wastes in it and push them to others.
  12. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    YouTube changes whatever you do anyway. So does Soundcloud, Amazon, iTunes, Spotify and more...
    So whatever anyone is happy with won't sound exactly the same unless their settings are identical. As each one is slightly different, that's almost impossible.

    As for whether the EQ, compression and all FX on supposed experts are crap, that's opinion. Anyone who uses a streaming platform to assess audiophile quality, is not an audiophile. It is true though that a lot of extremely knowledgeable technical engineers have mixes that are unimpressive - IF you base it on what is available online to assess it with.

    Just because a mix is spectrally perfect, does not mean it will sound great.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2023
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  13. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    why people who follow this forum would go on youtube for musical advice is beyond me...
  14. Garamondo Furbish

    Garamondo Furbish Audiosexual

    Nov 13, 2023
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    North America
    I'm not really critquing the information presented in Youtube videos, though there are many too long videos with little to merit the investment in time, there are also some fantastic short videos and long as well that present obscure software or different flows.
    I enjoy watching people recreate 80's tracks on original synths of the era, not everyone's cup of tea, but when i see how many synths were used and how they were layered It makes my ears smarter...

    What does set the kettle to boiling is these daft videos that have terrible audio, with no attempt to set a proper level. I usually listen through a yamaha sound bar set to stereo, not surround, and Literally every video i'm either pumping up the audio level or muting it so I can punch it down to a tolerable level, often within the same video clip.

    The narrator will discuss a topic and then playback the results of his efforts in his software, and it will either be twice as loud as his narration or half. And apparently no one who films outdoors has ever heard of using a windscreen on their mic. Its as if they've no sense of awareness of their own efforts, perhaps blinded by self love or under a self imposed deadline, they settle for bottom shelf audio, while trying to talk to us about "making music". its like a blind man selling wallpaper.

    still youtube does present a resource for discovering - I often watch for a minute or so to see if a topic interests me and if it does. I download the video and play it back in VLC where I can use the built in compressor and eq to get things sorted. Then I also have the videos available as an off line resources when I want to go back and check something out again. its a little extra effort sorting things into folders by topic, but you never know what youtube will banish or what will dissapear, as anyone who was on the web 20 years ago knows,things go away fast sometimes..
  15. macros mk2

    macros mk2 Rock Star

    Sep 22, 2022
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    tons of good YouTube resources. just buried by even more tons of garbage ones. example- captain pikant for drum machine patterns from famous songs. orrrrr the kush audio guy Gregory (who does also sell plugins so) or the reaper dudes who talk about updates and yeah, lots more. Marc Daniel Nelson.

    just like music in general I think there is more good info out there today than ever before. it's just swallowed by there also being more bad stuff than ever too
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I think they make them because they can get away with it. They always say " I know you are thinking this is just another video about compression, but most people don't understand it". I'm not just thinking that, though; because you just told me exactly what it is. It certainly is just another video. It takes a decent amount of training your ears before you really hear what is happening. Actual work, and they do not want to tell anyone that in their panacea video.
  17. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    Marketing is ALWAYS killing everything by nature.

    There are some videos (lol) from a nice photographer explaining how "big names YTers" sell everything, even bashing some camera one week and praising it just after.
    Clickbait fest on impulse buy.
    You know, those ppl with affiliate links for Sony, Canon, Nikon, Fuji, Olympus/OM, Panasonic ... they don't care !
    Because even if 1/1000 click their affiliate link ... it is 1k cameras sold and at least 2k 3k in their pocket.

    Here is a personal one about "affiliate links" he made (still relevant) :

    You CAN find something interesting on YT on every subject ... but you will spend a lot of TIME to find a good source.

    Guys like Troy Grady, Ben Eller ... are gems in guitar domain.

    Theoria Apophasis is a f*k*n genius in photography, magnetism, light ... and more.
    His channel is only 304 k whereas he covers a BUNCH of subjects. But you know, he is not "sexy" ... and don't care about "video making".
    And NEVER posted a single affiliate link.

    The same way market is flooded by generic products all made in the same factory, YT is flooded by ppl with the same tchit tchat, same concepts ... because they CLONE each others !
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