Plugin Alliance, always need to reactivate every time, is there a fix?

Discussion in 'Software' started by good!, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. good!

    good! Guest

    I installed a new PA plugin today. Followed the instructions exactly (first installing the: Setup Plugin Alliance Wrapper Core 2022 v3.0.0). Completed activation for the new plugin. It works.

    I then tried to load another PA VST3 into the project, now I need to activate that one again, it works until I close the project. When I reopen the same project, I need to reactivate all PA plugins again. If I load a new PA plugin in a new project, same deal. Always reactivate. They only ever activate for the active project now. They used to work fine so I dunno whats happened.

    What am I missing here? Is there a fix for this constant reactivating headache?
  3. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Couple of questions to better understand your situation - Do you use legit and r2r plugins at the same time? What device you select for Hardware ID, your PC or a USB (or both)? Do plugins deactivate when you restart the project or when you restart the PC?
  4. good!

    good! Guest

    Only using R2R. Device is desktop PC. Plugins deactivate when I restart a project and/or in a fresh project adding a PA plugin and/or restart the PC, all of the above they need to be reactivated every time now. They used to all work fine. Then some started needing reactivation while others worked fine. Now all of them need reactivation all of the time.
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  5. Jayster

    Jayster Producer

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Havin the same thing here. Only R2R, and followed *exacly* the path to installation. After about 1-2 weeks of usage, all PA Plugins which have DiGiTAL.Ai(ARXAN) protection and use "Wrapper Core 2022 v3.0.0" get unregistered! I can re-register immediatley but after few days license is lost again! The R2R crack is NOT fully working, sorry to announce this and there seems to be no workaround and/or fix currently from R2R ...
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  6. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Ok, just wanted to check if there was a problem /w USB key/port/power.. Now it narrows down to activation. I'll just say here that you have to be careful when activating a new plugin because the new license can ofc activate that particular one, but it doesn't cover the previously activated ones and as such deactivates them.

    I just have a couple of r2rs installed and they work (along legit ones), so let's see if this is a wider problem..
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    No mention of the DAW being used or firewall? Also, the R2R nfo files for these always say to put the legit copies on the external/removable device, if you are mixing them with legit copies. It sounds like they are timebombed, but without other steps that is guessing.

    their "short note" about protection:


    Short Review Of The Protection

    While the ARXAN protection is strong and tight enough, there are nothing
    to specially mention.

    - PE protector (packer)
    - Code obfuscation
    - Code integration check (start up and cyclic)
    - Anti Debugs

    These are commonly used today. Similar functionality to VMProtect but ARXAN
    is much less documented than VMProtect. VMProtect is too famous and much
    cheaper than other rich solution. In that respect, ARXAN should have better
    protection than VMProtect.

    Protection Side Effects 2022

    - Slow loading time. It's really slow. Sometime slower than iLok. If you
    subscribe PA's all bundle in 2022, you will have more than 100 ARXAN
    protected DLLs. Your DAW will take really long time to scan them all.

    - Massive Memory Leaks. Plugin Alliance plugins 2022 cannot be unloaded. Even
    program calls FreeLibrary(), the DLL file will not be unloaded from the
    process. You can't escape from the demon once you contract.

    - Periodical integration check and debugger detection. One debugger detection
    is using exception. More ARXAN protected DLLs you load, your DAW will have
    more exceptions in short time. The performance loss of exception cannot be
    simply inspected. If you attach the debugger to DAW with PA plugin (ARXAN
    protected) you will have nice exception hell.

    Here is your Microsoft documents.

    > Exceptions and performance
    > ...
    > If an exception is thrown, the cost of the stack traversal and unwinding
    > is roughly comparable to the cost of a function call.
    > ...
    > In any case, it's impossible to know the actual cost of exceptions without
    > profiling and measuring.

    We don't think protector developer ( consider that user loads
    10 or 100+ protected DLLs to one application. Audio application is time
    critical. These intentional exception should be strictly avoided.

    Please note, that exception is done in non audio processing thread of the
    plugin. The plugin CPU usage meter in DAW does not measure it.

    - Obfuscated code which kills compiler optimization.

    - Bloating the binary. 5MB - 10MB is protection code in 1 DLL file.

    R2R Thinks
    Avoid ARXAN protected Plugin Alliance plugins if you can. Find alternatives
    yourself. Unlike our "rebuilt" iLok releases, our PA release does not perform
    better than legit version. Not worse than legit, though.

    We are sure that PA will update the protection soon again, like always. After
    that update, we don't reveal next crack in short time. Cracking and testing
    about 450 ARXAN protected DLL is nothing but crazy. We would like to spend our
    time to other new products which does not harm your studio :)

    Enjoy the cursed sour grapes. There are some good unique grapes, but most
    grapes are not better than you already have.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
  8. good!

    good! Guest

    Windows 10 PC. Ableton Live 11. Offline. Not mixing legit with R2R. I always block the host file addresses they instruct to do so with. Its only PA plugins doing this. The newest plugin I installed was the BX Amek desk along with the v3 wrapper install, I select "activate all" check box, none activate and even the new BX plugin immediately reverts to activation required. Like I said, before, all worked (older plugins), then some did and some didnt, now none. I load one onto a track and activate, it works for that session only. Rinse and repeat :crazy:
  9. good!

    good! Guest

    So its just luck of the draw then? Nobody has found a workaround or solution?
  10. Alino2

    Alino2 Newbie

    Feb 10, 2023
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    Hi, Ok I have the same problem and the solution is simple : Do with the problem by minus it, but in my knowledge it can't disapear...
    When you have this problem you have to do this, but you can't use legit one :
    -Erase all the old "PA.license" in your hard drive and USB key
    -Create a new project with just one instance of the last r2r release
    -Authorize all the stuff to the computer then save the project and reload it
    -If the plugin is unauthorized, reauthorize, save project and relaunch
    -The plugin must be authorized now
    -Click on the key icon right down the interface and authorize a usb 3 key on a highly priority usb3 port (Idon't know why but it works for me...)
    -After that it'ok but you have to learn good practice:

    Never connect or disconnect a usb disk or key when you work on a project. In this case the plugin risk to unauthorize...
    But it's not a problem : save, close project and restart the computer and the authorize will be return, without the need to keygen again!

    Good Music
  11. Rock2112

    Rock2112 Member

    May 25, 2019
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    In the most recent big R2R release that had everything (a couple years ago), I followed the instructions on install, blocked everything, and everything went fine for a while. But then some later R2R releases came out and authorizing them too made everything random in terms of activation or need for reactivation. Trust me, I have tried everything, and there is no rhyme or reason. If I instantiate 20 instances of Maag4, the first 17 may come in deactivated, and the 18th will come in activated. Or the other way around. As I bring plugs in, it is a toss of a coin whether they are activated or require reactivation for the session. It is to the point that I avoid using PA at all now, because I keep launching projects and wondering why instruments are missing. Then I finally realize I need to go in and authorize for that session.

    In my troubleshooting, I noticed at one point that PA's activation scheme is seeing two different Machine IDs for my computer. I think the problem has something to do with that. I have tried deleting the license file, cleansing the hell out of my PC and registry, and reinstalling everything - again all to no avail. I have lost many hours to this and I give up!

    Last thing - I have not installed any other team releases for PA, because I am afraid it will mess things up even more. Nor do I have legit. So any of my troubleshooting is specific to the R2R releases.
  12. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I've never done this, why should I activate all the other already activated plugins? So maybe here's a culprit? :unsure:
  13. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    if Topic Creator don't get it solved by any other means, from all the help here....

    Well, then i can advise you to try a TCD release of the same plugins from P.A, if found.

    They are not dependant of a plugin alliance license and therefore just works out of the box. (That means just install). I use a mixed bag of both R2R / TCD side by side all the time. Maybe not the answer you are looking for...but anyways....just saying.
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Arturia bundles are exactly like this for Analog lab and V collection. And they are all from the same dev. If you individually update some instruments it gets out of control pretty quickly.
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  15. good!

    good! Guest

    Yes, I actually just installed the latest TCD release and it works perfectly. I wish TCD had a full bundle or at least the newer plugs?

    Interestingly enough, before installing TCD, I did locate any and all PA licenses and delete them from all folders I could find. I added to my block host file. I then installed 1 plugin from R2R and authorized it creating a license on my desktop (which I then c/p to the user/app data/PA/ folder), then installed TCD release. Opened a project and went through every PA plugin. Some work without reauthorizing, some didnt. I reauthorized those, deleted from track, reload onto the track and opened, some remained activated, some didnt. TCD working fine after several restarts and reloading projects.. so yeah, until R2R sorts this or somebody has a solution, imo TCD is the way to go!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2023
  16. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    I guess you mean TCD :)
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  17. good!

    good! Guest

    Oops!! yes I mean TCD (TeamCubeadooby) :thumbsup:

    Just did another session, same results. Some work some dont TCD still works fine. I also tried reactivating without "Activate all" selected, made no difference. I really hope R2R fixes this or perhaps TCD takes notice and offers a working solution as they seem to be on it with PA, because this is so frustrating. :snuffy:
  18. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    download everything from (voidtools) and do a search on all your discs for the license file name. Maybe you will find a license file hiding somewhere on your harddiscs, and remove / uninstall all versions of Setup Plugin Alliance Wrapper Core 2022, reboot and then reinstall Setup Plugin Alliance Wrapper Core 2022 v3.0.0 and do a new license install.
  19. good!

    good! Guest

    Sounds like a plan! Downloaded and will give it a go.

    Once ive deleted all 'Setup Plugin Alliance Wrapper Core 2022, should I also delete all PAlicense files as well? Install 'Setup Plugin Alliance Wrapper Core 2022 v3.0.0, and then when I go to activate a plugin on a track, check "activate all" or not and go through each and every plugin and activate individually, what'ya think? :dunno:
  20. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    do you have any "legal" pa licenses?
    if not, just remove them all, and do as i wrote before
  21. good!

    good! Guest

    None are legit PA. All are R2R and one TCD I installed last night.