V.R. Releases can't be uninstalled.

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Chrisyking, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Chrisyking

    Chrisyking Newbie

    Feb 18, 2017
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    So it turns out the V.R. release for cubase has no uninstaller, or at least the unlocker doesn't. Apparently the wintrust.dll file gets changed, so it's not as simple as just deleting the files, there is no explanation of how to do this. Anyone have an uninstaller? The cubase version is hanging for me, but now I can't uninstall it properly, and it looks like it has messed up any chance of installing from fresh an R2R version.

    Anyone with any ideas?

  3. j0hnman

    j0hnman Ultrasonic

    May 4, 2021
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  4. secretworld

    secretworld Producer

    Mar 7, 2018
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    I Think his or their soft elicencer crack was legendary.
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  5. Trurl

    Trurl Audiosexual

    Nov 17, 2019
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    VR does Toontrack and R2R basically quit so t(he)y get love for that.
  6. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    "It copies override wintrust.dll (Windows system security module) to tampered one.. If you load external plugins using that DLL, the behavior will be unexpected."

    Been using V.R. releases for years without issues. Loaded all kinds of "external plugins" (whatever that means) and never had issue. Certainly many others here are unbothered by steinberg V.R. as well. So if V.R.'s releases were actually a problem there would be much community whining and moaning. If the steiny V.R. release is "hanging" then most likely so will the R2R. The two teams approach to the steiny crack are very similar and differ only in application (which IMO, V.R.'s is easier to deal with)... Many seem to overlook the fact that things like antivirus, open internet connections on machines running production scene releases of any kind, o.s. updater's, etc. will cause problems and try to thwart the uses of such things as scene releases. Not saying that's the case here, but given the fact there are isolated to very few instances of issues with either R2R or V.R. releases in general, it is telling...
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2023
  7. Roger8176

    Roger8176 Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I might be wrong, but didn't one of the recent R2R Cubases have instructions for clearing VR's files that get left behind?
    Myself, even though I will usually use R2R if there is a choice I am extremely grateful for VR's efforts. I don't know near enough to know if he is an "amateur" or not, but I do know that he has contributed greatly to the cause and I'm glad to have him around. If he needed a place to stay I'd put him up for the night and give him a full plate. I'm single so I have no wife or girlfriend to offer, but I would be on the phone with my female friends trying to get something arranged I'll tell you that. It's the least I could do for the man.
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    r2r never do any shoddy "hack job" type of releases. they make releases that are as exact copy of an untampered retail version as is possible. every release is like it would be if it was their own commercial software product.

    VR has also been releasing since at least 2010, so when you read someone call his work "amateur"; consider the source.
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  9. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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    Always install warez with an uninstaller app. I use Revo Uninstaller.
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  10. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    VR releases have been my got for years. For years VR has enabled me to use the Steinberg Download manager as a shop where everything was free; it has been brilliant. All from a website that's direct. R2R and Team VR can exist at the same time. I have much love for both. The hating on one seems to be a bit sad.
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  11. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Most of R2R's releases are quite good. I think the only one I don't particularly care for is Kontakt (although that was for version 6). Bobdule or vkDanilov portable for that, always.

    The thing I like about V.R though is they'll often include a large assortment of presets with several of their instrument releases. I don't think R2R does that quite as often, so I really like that with V.R. IMO (I'm hesitant, but I'd say "objectively", even), V.R does have a higher failure rate with their releases, though. Sometimes they'll time bomb, or protections are missed, and they might have multiple revisions. R2R releases fail from time to time too, but it's pretty impressive how well tested things are and that they almost always just work the first time.

    I still really appreciate V.R though and will download/install their stuff without worry. Just saying, though, R2R releases definitely work without problems more often. If a particular thing I was cracked by both V.R and R2R, I'd definitely grab/try the R2R version first. Thank you to both groups, though, neither are amateur... they both crack a LOT of shit that no one else has a clue how to crack.
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  12. Chrisyking

    Chrisyking Newbie

    Feb 18, 2017
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    Thanks for that
    Yes I use Revo, but the V.R. unlocker has no installed 'program', so you can't uninstall it. Even with Revo. Unless you know how?
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  13. Chrisyking

    Chrisyking Newbie

    Feb 18, 2017
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    Thanks for that, but it seemed a lot of those files and reg entries just don't exist on my system.
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  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Guys, I remind you that OP is looking for a specific solution to a specific problem. So please, respect him and keep it useful and on topic.
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  15. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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    You must install it with Revo because its keeping a db of install items and after that you can uninstall it without any problem.
  16. _mahsofabish

    _mahsofabish Guest

    wintrust is a windows API that VR has modified for making his stuff working properly... the R2R root certificate do a similar thing but in a more "clean" manner... so, as @Sylenth.Will.Fall has said, you can remove all the stuff installed by the unlocker and replace that DLL with the original one... would be nice to VR to integrate a script in his setups to backup system files when tinkering with them to avoid these kind of issues when someone decides to go back and uninstall his stuff... next time, as suggested, use the revo tracker when installing that stuff...
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Why can't you just install it with Revo again? Shouldn't it just overwrite the files, and then let you uninstall from revo?
  18. _mahsofabish

    _mahsofabish Guest

    if the wintrust is already overwritten, revo will end up backing up the modified one
  19. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Couldn't you download the clean wintrust.dll as mentioned above already, save that to your desktop or somewhere easy to get to. then reinstall with revo. then uninstall. you have only wintrust.dll to deal with still.

    if .dll file is already in use by system and cannot be deleted or replaced, you could boot into safe mode and then move the clean one from desktop to whatever folder it is in, let it overwrite. reboot again.

    this site looks comprehensive enough about that: https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-fix-wintrust-dll-not-found-or-missing-errors-2624230.

    The link I posted also mentions that it could be a registry issue. Were the registry edit steps done correctly? these:

    Delete RegValue(s):
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" "DevOverrideEnable"
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\ExcludedApplications" "SteinbergActivationMonager.exe"

    Revert RegValue(s):
    "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WerSvc" "Start". - this is windows error reporting service.

    VR Changes this value to 4. Default value is 3.

    This line refers to "SteinbergActivationMonager.exe". If you are copying and pasting from these directions that file probably isn't going to be deleted because it doesn't exist. The exe name has a misspelled word so it would not be deleted. "SteinbergActivationMonager.exe" should probably be "SteinbergActivationManager.exe"

    it would just tell you the file isn't there to delete.
  20. _mahsofabish

    _mahsofabish Guest

    yep.. the OP could also do that... i'm not the one facing the issue... :bow:
  21. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    oh, I know. Hopefully it will get fixed. It's not my intent to cast any shade about this, but removal of this reminds me a lot of old Windows RATs. Instead of them hooking in that misspelled/counterfeit file via registry, the would also write it into startup using Win.ini and System.ini entries. And the irony of "wintrust.dll" filename just too much. These are common tactics to get something loaded and resident in memory before user is completely logged in. There is no way I'd run something like this, personally. Thanks, but No Thanks.
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