8Dio 1928 Steinway in Kontakt 7 ?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by ted2020, Nov 14, 2023.

  1. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Slightly different question, as this is legit and free from the 8Dio website (if anyone wants to grab it).

    However I'd like this to come up as a tab like my other Kontakt libraries, in K7 (k'd)
    8Dio says this can be accessed by the Files Tab and Quick-load Folder System?

    I'd like it to be added as a tab in the side like a traditional Kontakt Library.
    So i made a .ninct with KLC and made an identical .xml file for the Service Centre folder.
    Also used Kitty Scripts to get this working but it doesn't show?

    I have K5 (k'd) to add libraries. I do this and it shows but says :

    'Your version of Kontakt is too old to load this file.
    You can update to the latest version by exiting Kontakt and starting Service Center''

    So I try in K6 and K7 but nothing shows at all in these later versions?

    So i'm half way there, but would like to use it in K7

    - There was mention of the ''new feature NI added to add 3rd party libraries to the library tab manually'' in Kontakt 7 but not sure where or how this works?

    Thanks for any help.
  3. Aidene

    Aidene Rock Star

    Jan 13, 2023
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    @ted2020 Maybe slightly off base and not really the solution you want but.....If you cant figure it out in Kontakt and really want to use the 1928 Steinway it is a free instrument that comes in the 8Dio Soundpaint software which also has a few other free libraries. I use it as a nice alternative to Kontakt sometimes.
    (Soundpaint has to be online initially to download and register libraries but then you can use it offline if needed)
  4. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Thanks to the OP.
    I also downloaded this freebie but have no experience with Kontakt.
    I'll take whatever info the OP gets and try to run with it.
  5. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Thanks @Aidene, yeah i was hoping i could just grab it and use it as a side panel Kontakt 7 instrument? as I think it was a Kontakt library
  6. Aidene

    Aidene Rock Star

    Jan 13, 2023
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    8Dio seem to converting their older Kontakt libraries into Soundpaint format and adding new specific libraries to the platform.

    Soundpaint is definitively worth a look at though especially as its free and comes with the 1928 included .

    In many ways i prefer using it to Kontakt......loads faster and i think a bit like a cross between Kontakt and a synth....lots of controls and easy to use........no I'm not affiliated with the company in any way hahahaha....just find it useful as an instrument.

    Hope you can get the Kontakt version to your liking though!
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  7. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Thanks for your advice, Aidene.
    Downloaded Soundpaint, got the Steinway and it works in FL Studio.
    You made it easy...
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2023
  8. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Great, I'm glad this worked.
    So If I want to go down the SoundPaint route (it was just that I had a lot of Kontakt Libraries and didn't want to install yet more sample players etc)
    Is it easy to do?

    I have already downloaded 10Gb 1928 Steinway library, but can I delete this (as a Kontakt Library) as it installs from SoundPaint?

    I just thought I'd ask before diving in as to how you guys did it
  9. Aidene

    Aidene Rock Star

    Jan 13, 2023
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    @ted2020 Soundpaint is only for 8Dio libraries....it's their alternative to Kontakt and their attempt to get away from using a competitor platform so you cant install whole Kontakt libraries as such though you can import your own samples, tweak them and save as user instruments.
    So it works alongside Kontakt rather replacing it I guess.
    Its a relatively small download though and has the free libraries available and a good discord community who share tips, presets etc.
    Even the 8Dio libraries you can buy are mostly relatively cheap compared to Kontakt stuff in general.
    8Dio as a company might not be you as they have a bit of a chequered history in some ways but have a look on soundpaint.com and see if its for you.
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