Halion 7 Issue

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Lonely_Avatar, Feb 26, 2023.

  1. Dsavvid

    Dsavvid Noisemaker

    Apr 13, 2019
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    I have the same problem
  2. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    yeah, you certainly dont need them but you can use them, instead of downloading the 100 of libraries manually one by one. All libraries have update upon Cubase 13 release.
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  3. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Done everything you can imagine as I have told I am not layman with Steinberg products still i have this strange issue which occurs it seems on my PC only , no matter if is R2R version or official installer, doesn't work and just with factory library, to be exact some Halion presets....
    So i don't have workaround I can revert to Halion 6 because content is same other than FM Labs which sounds good, but like I have said I am stubborn person and I hate this discomfort to have for no reason. Now My suspicion start to evolve with updated certificate from sylenth1 synth....
    Yeah that is fine, like I have said, all apps are working all VSTsound is working except Halion / Halion Sonic 7 factory library and and not whole library, but some parts, and I can not find out what is the exact problem, and VSTLive pro which is irrelevant for my usage, but I have said just to inform TEAM R2R.

    For all to get working most apps The Grand, Halion Sonic, Groove agent, Old VST Sound, all of that still works with eLicenser but to use licenses from eLicenser with new updated apps, you need to have legit Activation Manager to get all stuff working, since the license keys and Activation Manager checks the licenses and store the license from eLC in some TXT file and are the same I have checked all that , and I have some tools more advanced that you're mentioned.
    In fact you have license for evey single app in that txt file, but now there is no workaround like with eLicense license generator was, and....
    Steinberg is not telling that, because it would be a great mess for them to change licensing for whole VSTSound, therefore all eLicenser product will become obsolete, and some users still don't need to go out of eLicenser ecosystem, but like I have said, with my Halion 7 is problem with some decrypted presets which are not working under TEAM R2R emulator. I can use them with HalionSonic under Halion 6 license but then i must to have Actvation Manager installed, but then I lose Cubase, Nuedno Wavelab etc...
    I have tried every single solution, but still wanaa ask did someone else facing similar issue...
    Only thing they change are VSTpreset they update licensing in there which is always up to 50-100mb files, but i cannot find out what is not compatible with TEAM R2R emulator. I have to mention for sake of Arturia Old apps it is mandatory for me to have eLicenser installed on my system, and for Yamaha plugins etc...
    For me neither solves the problem just to delete factory library then everything works. So everything runs as supposed to, except factory library. The problem is there no within app itself. But I have to add that it is true that they have messed up more things with new media bay , because Media Bay in conjunction with Library Manager works as an License Manager and it is always active and takes up to 150mb of RAM memory. Therefore I use version 7.0.0 or I will try 7.0.10 to see if is depended on new Media Bay shit, because v 7.0.20 if 100% depended on it.
    The New Media Bay is just fake mask and new layer for stronger protection nothing else, and it is mandatory to have with from Halion v7.020 otherwise libraries are not visible.

    Anima, Auron, Flux, etc wont work in v7 ethno libraries dont work so far I can confirm that. I will revert to Halion 6 but then I will have to install licenses for all their VSTSound which is pain in the ass.....

    Yeah that is for their releases, but neither their Halion 7 release wont work or load on my system also VSTLive pro. The problem is either emulator is missing some updated info, or I have screwed something when I have updated their certificates from Sylenth1 release...
    Something is bad I don't know what. But I can say I am on brand new fresh system so there is no flaw in registry entries, and I know a lot of things regarding those issues, but this small and stupid thinks kills my morale and I am angry for fact I can not get a workaround....

    Anyways thanks to all for participating in this matter, I hope Team R2R will see this post and re analyze the apps what is happening, there is bug in license flushing but where that happens I can not tell. They can do debug since they have the all tools for doing that and they know what to look.
    So I kindly say that they need to revise either their certificates from Sylenth1 or rewrite a new EMU.
    Keep in mind that Steinberg have anounced Nuendo 13, then will come Groove Agent 6 and most new things they have said...
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2023
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  4. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    I think the certificates from Sylenth1 are only for Windows update.
  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Yes, I know that, but I must build a VM to try without that certificates so I can be certain. Nothing else comes to my mind. I have reverted to Halion 6, but it should be know that Halion 7 is not working so far nor Team R2R version nor legit installer with their emulator, to be specific FACTORY LIBRARY.
  6. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    I am without these certificates :winker:
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  7. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    So, does Halion 7 works for you with TEAM R2R emulator and HAL Factory Library? Does it loads works? Please save me time to build VM :)
  8. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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  9. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe

    Thanks a milion, well I am about to test on other machine to see if it works , so all things installed meaning apps, but no vstsound except Halion factory, so I will give you feedback. Maybe is not a problem with Halion library maybe the library is clashing with another library, and that causes crashes.... Certainly if works afterward I will do Sylenth1 certificate update and if there is no problem there must be problem with some VSTsound together they clash eachother like it was case with that Oud lirabry and they fixed it. But in H6/HS3/HSSE3 all is just perfect.
  10. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Just want to note that the libraries were downloaded from the Steinberg website.
  11. artcrime

    artcrime Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    I had this issue, for me it turned out that I still had halion sonic 3 installed. Once I removed this and installed halion sonic 7 all worked ok
  12. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Well, after a hours of hard working testing one by one library here is my conclusion as I have found what the problem is. It is not related to "certificate" (tested) , it is not related whether content is from TEAM R2R or official content, nor TEAM R2R app nor official one.
    Tested with Halion 7.0.1, 7.1.0, 7.20

    Problem is mainly with TEAM R2R emulator because it does not cover all licenses for Halion Libraries,
    and when I say libraries I mean, I am greedy bastard and have them all :D
    So the problem is related to Halion / Halion Sonic 7 app itself,
    which doesn't accept license, since Halion Sonic SE 3 accepts them all.

    List of libraries which causes crash of Halion 7 and don't work :

    - Ancient Duduk
    - Colors Free
    - Colors Vintage Synth
    - Ethnic Flute Phrases
    - Ethnic String Phrases
    - Ethnic vocal pharases
    - Hybrid Hit
    - Hyperion Brass Elements
    - Kalimba
    - LoFi Piano
    - Lute
    - Lyrical Vocal Phrases
    - Marimba
    - Materials Metal
    - Materials Wood
    - Medieval Phrases Lute
    - MGuitar
    - TGuitar
    - Mimi Page Light
    - Olympus Choir Elements
    - Pad Motion Layers
    - Pandrum
    - Poly
    - RAST A
    - Revolution CRE8
    - SIMPLE
    - Transverse
    - Vertigo Cello
    - Vertigo Flute
    - Vertigo Glass
    - Vertigo Strings
    - Vertigo Violin
    - Vibrant
    - Voice of Wind Adey
    - Wave
    - Zaria
    - Zilhouette Strings

    One most observe and other libraries such is Engine Roar, 80s Drums, 808 Bloodline....
    Those mentioned doesn't work with TEAM R2R emulator, as for now.
    Works with HalionSonic SE3
    Works with Halion 6 / Halion Sonic 3 with elicenser licenses.

    As for the apps only VSTLive Pro is not working with TEAM R2R emulator.
    Cubase 12, Nuendo 12, Wavelab 11, Cubase 13, Nuendo Live 3, Dorico 4-5, Padshop, Retrologue, Backbone, Groove Agent 5, VST Connect, ALL VST Sound and Loops, and related content are ok.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2023
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  13. Zolt

    Zolt Newbie

    Nov 12, 2023
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    Hey, i have Halion 7.0.20 installed. Everything is working fine here. Zilhouette Strings, Vibrant and LoFi Piano working. VST Live Pro work without problems. Download all from Steinberg and change the Original engine with the R2R Emulator. I don`t had any older Versions (elicenser) on my maschine before. I download the Content completely last week Halion7.0.20.jpg
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2023
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  14. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    do you have link to the page ? want to see the version number for those
  15. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Downloads | Steinberg
  16. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Then good for you I cant get em working on two machines... Windows 10 22h2 VSTLive never worked for me with EMU
  17. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Most of content you have to download with SDA, just few days ago i have downloaded all the content. There is something wrong with Halion content. e.g. Halion Sonic 7 Selection content is about 3.5 gb in size, but Library manager registers just about 1.5 gb of content, and can not be seen by it, unlike Halion Sonic SE content which is exactly the same, it has been registered and working... So Steinberg is messing something, and I can not figure what they have done now.
  18. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    please can you tell precisely whats is not working for you? So I can try

    I feel I am in a situation half like you and half like iw, but I have to test THE SAME libraries

    please, tell me a library (NOT FACTORY) that works for iw and doesnt for you, I will try
  19. Blickbard

    Blickbard Ultrasonic

    Jan 20, 2023
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    I have the not appearing thumbnails in halion and Halionsonic . i can load sounds via the Browser ( which is cumbersome . but so far no crash or similar with few I checked ) I did not install CB13 yet and did not try updating via download assistant since I have several legit licenses and it is too risky for me . Also did not install the new mediabay , yet since someone posted issues with that . So I guess to solve the no thumbnails in Halionsonic mediabay I need to install the mediabay or downgrade Halionsonic. Last time I checked VST Live would not open on first try ( something like searching for licenses ) . But then it would strangely launch on second try ... Or running it as admin. Other Steinberg apps do work.I have the elicenser control center installed.
  20. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    I only downloaded this
    HALion 7 · complete content · ISO · 35.7 GB
    HALion 7 · Additional Content Only · ISO · 5.4 GB
    HALion 7 · Iconica Sketch Content for Halion · ISO · 4.7 GB
    HALion 7 · Electric Bass Content for Halion · ISO · 12.07 GB
    Everything works in v7.0.10 :wink:
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2023
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