Halion 7 Issue

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Lonely_Avatar, Feb 26, 2023.

  1. Lonely_Avatar

    Lonely_Avatar Ultrasonic

    Aug 31, 2016
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    So I've Updated to Halion 7, updated the Mediabay and Activation Manager.
    Problem is: NO PRESETS.

    Libraries in the Library Manager seem ok, registered.
    The "library scan" square keeps rotating, but nothing happens.
    Same issue in Halion sonic.



  3. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe

    Seems like a problem with Meadia Bay. Reinstall it.
    HALion 7 uses no more mediabay.db file, but instead relies on mediaclient.dll in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\MediaBay" so between that you have some error.
    Check if that file I have mentioned lives in your PC. If not install MediaBay from Steinberg.

    BEFORE REINSTALL, delete HALion 7 and HALion Sonic folders from this location:

    Activation Manager has nothing to do with the content, it will load it anyhow, but you will get no license notification.
    To all users, even he says so, with VR method there is no need to install Activation Manager at all.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2023
  4. Lonely_Avatar

    Lonely_Avatar Ultrasonic

    Aug 31, 2016
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    Reinstalled it a couple of times, with no luck.

    mediaclient.dll is indeed inside C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steinberg\MediaBay

    mediabay.db is not present anywhere.

    What should I do next?
    Tried run as administrator, leave halion to scan, no luck.
  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Well that is odd situation. Have you deleted folder I told you so.

    Delete HALion 7 and HALion Sonic folders from this location:
    Then start apps again it should rebuild database.
    HINT: This folder is hiden.
  6. Lonely_Avatar

    Lonely_Avatar Ultrasonic

    Aug 31, 2016
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    Yeah I deleted those, nothing happens.
    It's weird, for some reason it feels like the library isn't connected to mediabay / halion.
    Searched around and nobody seems to have this issue...
  7. techdevil

    techdevil Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Click on the image that says All
  8. Lonely_Avatar

    Lonely_Avatar Ultrasonic

    Aug 31, 2016
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  9. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    1. did you update all the content ?
    2. if you using the R2R version you need to replace license-engine-access.dll file everytime you used the Steinberg Download Manager
  10. Lonely_Avatar

    Lonely_Avatar Ultrasonic

    Aug 31, 2016
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    1. yes. the new ISO, FM and tales libs
    2. Not using the R2R. Are you suggesting this might be a license issue?

    So i've been using the WIN - VR releases since cubase 10, including the instruments. Perhaps there's junk lying around from that..

    1. Is there any way to force halion 7 to rescan the presets, like in version 6? Maybe I'm missing a button or something.
    2. If nothing prevails, should I uninstall / reinstall everything from steinberg, and use the R2R silk emulator?
  11. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    I think all other previous libraries needed the update as well to make them compatible with the Halion 7. It is just a hunch because I've used the Steinberg Download Manager to update them all and all the Halion's library had updates and I remember I've waited for quite some time for the all the library get updated.

    It can also be license problem if library didn't show up, if the libraries aren't updated logically they will pop up a message that it needs updating rather than not showing up at all, that is assuming Steinberg products react the same way as other plugins.

    I can't find any way to force rescan the Halion 7 library for now, I did look for it just now for half an hour. They are just automatic as far as I know, lol, I didn't even know you can force scan in 6.

    I'm using R2R Silk Emulator for new product + V.R e-licenser activator for older products, they are working fine together.

    If you want to switch to R2R Silk Emulator from VR there are a lot of steps you need to do with cleaning up and all and there are users that couldn't make it work after switching, not all, but I've seen them mentioning issue. Just so you know and maybe be careful and do everythign suggested in the Silk Emulator ReadMe file.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2023
  12. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe

    Regarding license, HALion will show up all loaded libraries even the preset, but on load without license will give an error. That is not problem here I am sure with that. So to say it is not license problem at all, not in my case.

    But for sure you have to use TEAM R2R or latest TEAM VR activator in order to use it. But since he can load HALion in any mode standalone or vst, that says that his version is already activated.

    There is another problem maybe with registry or something. I have similar issue with HALion 7 i cant get it load in standalone mode, but in DAW works as it should.

    Tried every single solution no help, now I have to try to delete registry entries. On my other PC freshly installed Windows i have installed same HALion , same activation, loads in stadalnone in no time. On PC where was not preset HALion 6, nor HALion Sonic/SE. It is then registry problem.
    Updating libraries is not essential so with old H6 libraries it will show anyhow just a generic image and when you update libraries you just get new preset set with adequate images, nothing more.

    From my experience so far :
    It is not license problem
    It is not update libraries problem
    Definitely is a registry problem .
  13. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Best Answer
    You definitely need to use latest TEAM VR activator (ABSOLUTE 6) it will do all the nasty cleaning for you from previouse version because he set the installer that method, which is now clean and easy to use, or you can use as described above TEAM R2R activation method.

    That is MEDIABAY issue, that has happen to me with HALion 6 in and GA 5, when i screwed something.
    Then I learned to delete mediabay.db file for each plugin so it can be rebuilt from scratch at next plugin start and it worked.
    But unfortunate thing here is that HALion 7 doesn't use mediabay.db file in old fashioned way.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2023
  14. Lonely_Avatar

    Lonely_Avatar Ultrasonic

    Aug 31, 2016
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    o, I FIXED it! :)

    Looks like some of the libraries were corrupted.

    1. I stared by moving all the .vstsound files to a different drive, using the steinberg library manager. Closed the app afterwards.
    2. Then, I re-run the Activation Manager Unlocker b5.exe from Steinberg.Absolute.6.Instrument.Collection-V.R
    3. Ran HAlion. In the mediabay, only 3 libraries showed up, that usually error out in the library manager - the Modern 80 Drums.
    4. Re-run the steinberg library manager. A LOT of libraries errored out - top right warning triangle. Closed the app
    5. Re-re run Activation Manager Unlocker b5.exe.
    6. Re-re-run the steinberg library manager. Only 5 libs glitched out this time. Haven't figured out how to fix these yet.
    7. Ran Halion 7. Success! :wink:

    It was probably a mix of registry errors and corrupted libraries (hdd is good, probably from bad torrent files). Not sure moving the libs was necesarry.

    Thank you @Hennessey @Stevie Dude @techdevil !
  15. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Okay people, I hope this thread will go alive again so we can discus and resolve my or others issue also.
    It is about Team R2R Silk emulator v1.2.
    Here is the first scenario.

    I am struggling with Halion 7 and now I am at end with my patience, not because essential need for Halion 7 but for my stubbornness and that "smart" aka stupid-clever lazy man trick done by Steinberg.

    1. Halion 7 content is still relying on eLicenser / Activation Manager is the second step which is actually Halion 6 content.

    2. How so?

    Well Halion / Halion Sonic 7 Software needs just Activation Manager / or well known R2R SILKEMU to be used and R2R Silk emu does the job for the software itself, but...
    - Halion Factory library on other side still relies on eLicenser / so in order to run it you with need to have valid Halion 6/7 license on eLicenser or Activation Manager which verifies the license and let content to be used, and content will work but under Halion Sonic, because there is no license in eLicenser for Halion 7.
    But if you have Activation Manager installed in order to work Halion 6/7 library (which is the same thing) library, then that spet nullifies R2R Silkemu...

    All other content is just fine and working , but factory content.

    3. Okay, what is happening?

    Both legit and Team R2R releases wont launch if there is Halion / Halion Sonic library launched and crashes immediately since there is no Activation Manager exe file which creates licenses and picks them up from elicenser. Once I unregister factory library it all okay.
    Now I am in loophole.
    If I install Legit Activation Manager, and legit license on elicenser for Halion 6, or Absolute 5 just Halion Sonic will work, but no other thing (Cubase, Nuendo, other Halion Sonic content etc...)

    Same happens with VSTLive Pro, says there is no valid license found, with Team R2R SilkEmu.

    Just to give a short note I know full well what I am doing and I am not layman in this are but this is rather advice to Team R2R to optimize their Silk emu since it is not working for me and some other people I have came across with same emu.
    in other words, Halion 7 is unusable with factory content registered.

    4. On the other side when I install Team VR activation unlocker I get Halion working because it returns valid license in Activation Manager, from activationmanager.exe file, but Padshop/Retrologue/GA with all content license is gone and they are not working.

    So please help mi think what to do to resolve this, because I am literally tired of thinking and I have a big headache.
    Or should somehow pass this message to Team R2R so they can test by themselves.

    I hope you have understand.
  16. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    do you move the 7.37Kb license-engine-access.dll back to where it belongs everytime after you run the Steinberg whatever manager ? running Activation/Download Manager will overwrite that file and Silk Emu wont work. Check the size, if it's not 7.37kb maybe that's the culprit. I have everything installed online and all Halion full contents work fine in Cubase and other DAWs.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2023
  17. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    I havent read carefully Hennessey post, will do once in studio

    maybe my situation can help, but I havent tested everything with Cubase 13 R2R wich I just installed and opened, not working yet

    here's my situtation feel free to ask me to test something:

    -Cubase 11 legit (actually uninstalled, just to say that "I have that dongle")
    -Cubase 12 legit (hence halion sonic, padshop, groove agent SE and also some "free" libraries for halion or VSTsounds, also have something bought in Steinberg shop, like GA libraries/kits and some Padshop patches like APOLLO which should be also on old dongle licence)
    -Cubase 13 R2R

    -NO VR emulator, never tried

    -Air Pensioneers emulator

    -R2R emulator

    -Halion 7 R2R, Groove Agent R2R

    -PADSHOP R2R, I remember I had to uninstall the legit version I had because I was not able to open all the libraries available on sister site, instead with R2R installer I can open all libraries available, probably including what I purchased, but never did deep test on this, you know, "if it works dont fix it"

    thats all for now, but I follow this thread because I still have problems to open some VSTsounds libraries available on sister site from my legit Cubase, but havent check in C13 R2R, will do soon
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2023
  18. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    I had the same problem with v7.0.20-R2R and reverting to v7.0.10-R2R fixed everything.
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  19. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    I used to have problem where library not showing on 7.0.20 but after I updated the whole catalog, the whole Halion LIbrary using Steinberg Download Manager and let it scan on Cubase 13, it comes back. The scan took around 2 hours +.
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    Jun 21, 2019
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    i use 6 becouse 7 doesnt auto load anima on startup wish there was a fix for this if not i will continue to use 6 it is good enough except for the lack of msegs
  21. iw

    iw Producer

    Sep 24, 2019
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    Yeah, but R2R write
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