Linux and Musik Hack Master Plan v1.0.17

Discussion in 'Linux' started by paul_audioz, Oct 26, 2023.

  1. paul_audioz

    paul_audioz Kapellmeister

    Feb 21, 2023
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    Hello all Linux users,

    I am using Linux MX21 for quite some time. I managed to do my day-to-day things. I also use MX21 for music making which sometimes is very amazing but sometimes also troublesome.
    - Sometimes a setup program gives an error which I can detect and try to solve.
    - Sometimes a setup does not give an error so no solution to find.
    - But sometimes a setup just installs well, my Reaper recognizes the VST(i), the GUI shows up, but it does not work.

    This last one is the case with "Musik Hack Master Plan v1.0.17": it installs, Reaper recognizes it and the GUI is shown. knob is working. I can however select a preset and by that way I can hear that the plugin works, but it is not possible to change any parameter.

    I guess I am missing some kinda windows library in my Wine configuration, but which one?

    I hope somebody recognize this problem and knows a solution! :unsure:

    Kind regards,
  3. paul_audioz

    paul_audioz Kapellmeister

    Feb 21, 2023
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    I fins another plugin: GuitarML PROTEUS v1.1.
    Exact the same: install is okay, Reaper detects it, the GUI comes up, but I cannot change any knob.

    Not any of you Linux users has had this problem before?
  4. deathroit

    deathroit Kapellmeister

    Dec 29, 2022
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    Do you use yabridge or LinVST for bridging VST plugins?

    From your description, it seems to be a problem with GUI drawing in plugins that use the JUCE framework - the problem is described on the yabridge website

    • If a plugin seems to work fine except for the fact that the GUI never seems to update when you interact with it, then try installing DXVK. Many recent JUCE-based plugins don't redraw anymore when using WineD3D. Make sure you also install Vulkan drivers if you don't already have those set up.
  5. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    I had a similar issue with the GUI of Arturia plugins and it was related to DXVK, It's hard to diagnose those things. You could start the DAW from shell and look if there's a clue in the output. It could be related to the WINE version that is used. I would generally stay on "stable" instead of the development branch and "freeze" your config, because downgrading Wine can be a pain in the ass.
    The yabridge docs has examples of strange effects that can happen and what to do about them.
    Some years ago I tried to start a fundraiser to tackle a few issues regarding audio on Linux to attract people, who might not be interested in Linux, but want to make a few fast bucks and pitched the idea to CodeWeavers. To make a long story short, they said it won't work because of the "complex nature" of Kernel, Wine, bridge and target software (plugins).
    On a positive note, some of those bugs were eventually fixed but it takes time.
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