WTB / or donate: MOTU Ethno Instrument 2 license

Discussion in 'Selling / Buying' started by Dukienukie, Oct 28, 2023.

  1. Dukienukie

    Dukienukie Newbie

    Nov 30, 2021
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    1st I must clarify some info:

    R2R has just uploaded UVI's Workstation on sister site. There's a feature called UVI EMUlator, where you can make a "R2RUVI" file - using legit license from owned UVI products. The resulting R2RUVI file can be used to load the library on R2R version of Workstation (then safely deactivate the license on your original ILok). Thus It's encouraged to make R2RUVI files of your favorite libraries, and share among this community (+ support future R2R releases).

    R2R most likely will not bother with Ethno Instrument - nor any MOTU products - since they are VERY old libraries. And also I believe some of the content on Ethno 2 was included in (the newer) World Suite. Though World Suite is very disk intensive, and I find I don't like nor need the newer stuff included there. I found some people wish to just use the original library instead, as do I.

    For such an old library I think a price of $2-5 dollars is very fair - for only a license. Perhaps It's possibly better to just donate the license instead? (if one were generous enough). Reason being: R2R made no specific mention of MOTU libraries being compatible with R2RUVI EMUlator. They only mentioned to support UVI in-house libraries (which have a newer ILOK ??).
    So if the UVIEmu license making effort fails, thered be no money wasted and no refund needed (Lol)

    PS: NOTHING malicious can be done with the license/R2RUVI according to statements from R2R:
    • "R2RUVI file contains only minimal information to make emulation (library decryption) working. R2RUVI file does not contain any personal information. Our tester confirmed R2RUVI files will be same between different licenses. It's safe to share your purchased *.ufs and generated R2RUVI to others.
    MOTU products also cannot be bought normally on their site in the US & Canada - have to use 3rd party sellers (of which I cannot find any - anyway - and also seems risky).

    Maybe (a dream perhaps but still) some could donate licenses for other MOTU products and support more R2R releases (should the MOTU licenses work for UVI EMUlator anyway) Then these products will be forever preserved should MOTU finally kill them off

    I looked through rules but I don't think this goes against anything - but if It does LMK and I will delete. I think this is the best forum for this request.
    Thank you
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2023
  3. Dukienukie

    Dukienukie Newbie

    Nov 30, 2021
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  4. Barmaley (covid edition)

    Barmaley (covid edition) Producer

    Oct 26, 2020
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