Released my first cover on Youtube! Check it out if you have a min and lmk what you think!

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by tylerv, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    Title pretty much sums it up. not sure how many Hot Mulligan fans there are among us and I'm not usually into making covers but for some reason this one just kindof happened. i liked it and decided it would be a great opportunity to stretch my video making legs since it's been awhile since the last one and i actually think it came out ok. but as with everything i make, i'm always losing objectivity during the process. how do you guys think it turned out?

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2023
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  3. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    good work, congrats. I havent heard the orig but i found the song a tiny bit flappy, like it didnt have a clear direction structurally and i assume that is so in the original tune. Thing is such a song maybe dont match with that type of video, instead you could maybe have recorded something fluid, smooth, simple. But, that just some feedback nice job with the mix and overall production.
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  4. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thanks for giving it a listen. i definitely appreciate it. i kept the structure and vibe pretty much the same as the original. not exactly 1 to 1 but very little deviation from the original version. i will say the original is alittle less polished production wise and has a little bit more of a live sound which may have leant to it's charm more than i gave it credit for. it's possible that my polishing with the production "killed the magic" haha.. i had hoped my version could take on it's own magic and stand on it's own but that's always a huge risk with covers in general (which is why i never do them and probably shouldn't). as far as the video, i'm limited on options as far as space and help (i do everything myself) so i was trying to make something that didn't make those things as obvious. but just bc something is a neat idea though, that doesn't always mean it's the right idea for the piece so that is absolutely a possibility. either way, i really appreciate your input. unfortunately it's too late to redo it now but i'll think more about the whole on the next one and not just settle the first idea that seems doable for the video.
  5. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    sure, its not about one project its about the path and the artistry, the history, to create learn and keep going. I have listened to the original and indeed your version is much more polished and you captured the vibe very well. As said its just the video that clashed. but that's it, next!
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  6. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    The music is great although the video should come with a seizure warning lol

    Incredibly well written, love the guitar work, really really nice. I just subbed!
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  7. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    dude! thank you! very much like to hear you enjoyed it. i hate the video was a miss but like eddie said, "next", haha

    and seriously, thank you for the sub!
  8. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    I think the video was a cool idea, btw.. the idea was GOOD. It just didn't work in execution, because yah, it ended up as a bit of a seizure inducer, unfortunately. :)

    Maybe if had some sort of smoothing in the transitioning between frames, or less contrast in the color swapping or something along the lines... i.e. just smooth it out and dial it back a bit somehow?

    Just trying to give ideas here without you tossing out the whole concept you were going for with the video. Maybe if it was overlaid on top of something more static, and had a bit of smoothing to it (somehow.. I dunno.. transitions, or maybe a lower frequency of changes), it wouldn't be so harsh on the eyes.

    Cool work though!
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  9. Zikaah

    Zikaah Noisemaker

    Jan 28, 2023
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    very interesting work brother, congrats! Which Battery VSTi did you use? Sounds familiar to me, something like GGD.
  10. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    you gave me an idea that i dont know if it completely solved everything with the video side of it but i think it may have done enough to salvage it! i was thinking ab any possible ways to just kindof make it smoother to view like you mentioned, that wouldn't require reshooting if at all possible and i think i figured it out! i've changed the link in my original post with the new video so you can lmk what you think. and
    @EddieXx and @aymat if you guys want to give me ur thoughts on the new version as well. i know you guys have already watched once and it's pushing it to ask you to watch again so i totally get it if you can't be bothered.

    to sum up tho, it wasn't a major change or anything. i just put a transparent overlay over the part of the video with the stop motion (color changing) effect that greatly reduces the abrasiveness imo and kindof turns that aspect of the video into more of a background element just to give the vid some "motion" but kindof puts the focus more on the "lyric video" aspect. i hate to lose the views from the other version but it's totally fine with me if it makes it more watchable. i even kindof used it as an effect in a way by lowering the transparency a bit right when the bigger guitars and drums come in at the end to maybe give that section alittle more impact!

    hopefully this was a step in the right direction and i thank you guys for your input that helped me hopefully refine it to something easier to watch. this is what this forum is for!
  11. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thanks! so usually you're correct, it would've been a GGD kontakt instrument. modern and massive is one of my main go-to's but i also use the one kit wonder: intervals, okw: aggressive rock, benny greb, dry and funky, etc. just depends on the song. i have all of them except maybe 3-4 of em'. GGD stuff is my favorite as it just sounds the most natural to me when used with my electric kit. i refuse to just punch drums in on a grid but i'm just in a little home studio setup in my shop out behind my house (with neighbors) so i cant track live drums unfortunately.. so i found this was the best compromise so that i can still write and track my drums through "feel" rather than on my keyboard. check the link if your interested as i actually made a ig short awhile back that shows kindof that process (highly condensed though obviously ha)

    allll that said though this was the first time in probably 3 years that i tried another drum library creator. it's the Luke Holland drum kit from MixWave. they have it set up pretty much exactly like a GGD kit as far as ui and have some interesting kits. they just did one with aaron gillespie from underoath which is fukkin rad, jay from slipknot, and i think the latest is a model of the drummer from turnstiles kit. so some pretty iconic kits. but... they just aren't as good as GGD imo. they don't play as naturally on an e kit and i think it's bc they don't sample enough velocity's, or maybe variations of the same velocities. so there's like a noticeable jump from groups of velocities if that makes sense. they're decent but it would be hard to recommend them for that reason, especially to someone else coming from GGD stuff. GGD just set the bar really high with their kontakt drum stuff.

    sorry dude that was a really long answer to your pretty short question lol
  12. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    your version sounds almost as good as theirs and i am comparing to their official version on youtube. obv they have pro studio staff to record, mix, master them. their drums are done very nicely, but yours are very close and done by yourself. good job with it.

    i like some of their songs but not so much this one. 2/3 of the song has no drums/rock heavier music and like already posted above it kinda loosely meanders along with not a lot of direction or something. they are playing here in a couple of months and i might go check them out.

    the video you did was pretty cool to go along with it. What software did you do it with? iydm me asking. Stylistically the video reminds me a bit of this one i added below in spoiler; and the musical influence is maybe more obvious in some of their other songs. nice work :)

    I'm surprised you didn't do this one:

    I Replied To Tyler With Three Blue Cars
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2023
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  13. Zikaah

    Zikaah Noisemaker

    Jan 28, 2023
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    Hahaa I thought, I'll check out your IG, thanks for the feedback... Yes, GGD has been a gamechanger for when we don't have options to record drums properly hehe As for Mixwave, I really like it too, you can get an insane sound, but I also agree with you, I feel a very good dynamic in GGD's!
  14. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    Sounds great. Do another. I like to hear one even poppier with strings. great job!!
  15. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    thank you! there are definitely more coming! i'll be sure to post them here when i put em' up.
  16. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    I'd say that's a definite improvement.. much easier on the eyes than before. Good enough that people will be a lot less bothered , anyway!
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
  17. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    dude! thank you! i'll def take the comparison in quality to the original.

    i hear you on this songs kindof meandering a bit. it definitely does. i do like the slow build of it into the big ending though. if you're able to see them live i would for sure recommend it. they're live show is very energetic and they really leave it all on the stage. such a good live band.

    i actually made the video in adobe rush (which might as well be imovie). my subscription for premier pro ran out ab a month ago and i haven't had the keesh to renew it. had to do what i could with what i had kindof thing. i really appreciate your feedback!
  18. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    @tylerv this is nice it gives me that outro music of a great time that vibe when everybody enjoyed they night at the bar or get together and ready to go home because they had so much fun great music great voice by the way u remind me of this group called Simple Plan
  19. Ichos

    Ichos Platinum Record

    Jan 12, 2023
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    You got a great voice... :wink:
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  20. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Sure, no prob. its "better". But my problem is why make a slow song, that is deep in meaning, where the lyrics are telling or attempting to communicate a sensitive story clash with a video full stressful pointless hyper-speed clips? What is the point?

    And i know there must have been an artistic thought or consideration right? I mean, we say we just do stuff but there is always a thought. Here i simply cant see why make this sort of editing. What is the gain? In what way does it contribute to the overall feel of the song?

    Why not be simple and honest, why not try to beat everyone in a naked truthful felt emotion instead? Why not just look into the camera and study some translations of acting a tiny bit, if even necessary.

    Or why not just go out and film others or put the camera on a tripod and capture yourself being on a "thousand" backgrounds (instead of a thousand flashes in the face) with a nice tempo/path?

    Maybe someone would say, the goal is the opposite. that is the "artistic take" to clash. i say nope, its a bad take and simply a bad artistic decision.

    Is it risking being old-school to just think rationally? Its not like its black magic. :)
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2023
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