Cubase 13 soon?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by 8bits, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I hope it never comes to Cubase, and I'm glad Steinberg keeps ignoring the posts about it every time someone makes one. If I want to do loop based 'clip' production, I've got both Ableton Live, which was made for it, and Logic Pro which had it hacked on a couple years ago. Or hell I can go use my MPC as well. Cubase is the tool I use to write linear arrangements from start to finish on a timeline, like its always been..

    Just because some new DAW comes out with a new workflow does not mean everyone else NEEDS to adopt it. There's a reason each DAW is its own thing, that's its own way of doing things. If a certain method works better for you, buy that tool and learn it and quit trying to force everyone else in the game to become what you want when it already exists elsewhere.

    If I've got to nail something up on the wall, I don't go buy a saw and hope it turns into a hammer eventually.
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  2. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I've listened to a few of your tracks. There is nothing in any of them which could not be done with a more linear "old dog" style DAW, or non-modular hardware. Zilch. Nada. It's 4/4 dance music and sounds like half the tracks are produced using about 3 synths. You've gotta be kidding yourself bro to talk to other people like you just did. You sound like you think you are Autechre or Richie Hawtin.

    It's worse than this. It's buying a different hammer over and over again, and blaming the hammer for not being the right hammer; while ignoring the fact you are a partial quadripalegic. Just like the MPC, it's all in the Swing.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2023
  3. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Just responded on use case of clip launcher and expanded on my personal experience using it, you were the one putting people down for using it and advising them to use FL instead. Changing workflow habits is hard and doubt many people even care to explore that, so even if that feature is there on another tab, it's of no importance for them, which is fine. I couldn't get into it either, even in Bitwig, it took me long to embrace different way of working, I would do same thing I was doing in Logic, make arrangement area my sketch pad and than move things around or mute and hide them for later use.

    It's sad to see you so hostile suddenly and getting so personal, it's little uncalled for, you really painted me ugly from that response and went full blast to put me down, sorry, but I didn't claimed any of those things you are mentioning and find it strange you took all of that from it, but it's ok, we all have bad days and interpret things our own way.

    About my 4/4 music, you are spot on, it can be made in any DAW, it can be made with even one synth like Diva (which mostly is the case), joy of making it is that I mostly do it on laptop somewhere while having fun, between my wife, day job and other responsibilities, without trying too hard or impressing anybody, quick rough "mixing" into God Particle and Ozone on export, using mostly presets and Vengeance samples, sounding like something everyone's dog can do and is doing, but really happy dog nonetheless. I have been doing it for two decades and at one point I was doing it as my main occupation, never made a dime with 4/4 dance music and do it just for my own pleasure, was working on music for commercials, documentaries and all that from which I had income, but all the pressure killed my joy of doing it, so I stopped making music and continued to work full time, recently I got back to it and it's fun again, so call it a day when it stops being fun, so results I have are glorified rough demo's and sketches anyone with 2 months of experience and few tutorials can do. But it's fun and using Bitwig for it is perfect.

    Have a great day my friend and welcome you to send me your music to listen:mates:
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2023
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  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    FL is not a Linear DAW and there is nothing wrong with using it. I used it for a long time. If you want that sort of stuff in Cubase or Logic you could just use another program. There is nothing personal about my comments at all. I didn't say you make bad music. I said it can be done with ANY DAW. You are calling people "old dog" and too stupid to learn new software or understand what your snark comment was really saying. Some of those "Old dogs" have been using these 2 DAW software packages probably longer than you have lived on this planet. Switching DAW over and over is not some sign of mastery of it; it means that you want your DAW to make your music for you.

    Apple listened to people such as yourself, and added this Live Loops influencer junk to Logic. It's useless to anyone who actually knows the program. Now you hope to see that added to Cubase? Let's see how bad they can wreck it with bloat and junk (more). I have not heard one single track from Ableton or Bitwig sketch styled workflow where the listener would even ask what it was done with. No-one but another producer is going to notice that every single parameter in a track is being modulated.
  5. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Again same nonsense, you can't teach old dog new tricks is a saying, there's nothing snarky in my comments and you are constantly making out to be, but you are full of it at this point, stop putting words in my mouth and trying to shoehorn me in your stereotype/delusion you have about myself, just expanded on the use case, I didn't cared for clip launching in Logic, I didn't cared for clip launching in Bitwig and I don't care for clip launching in Cubase now even less, I didn't begged anyone for it or switched DAW's because of it, I just got along with it and could use it on PC I had at the moment, I didn't even know it's useful until I give it a shot over a period of time, it didn't stopped me from working, could do it without it, but it's a nice feature now when I'm familiar with it and found use case for it.

    If you want to continue this discussion I can even do a video call, at this point I'm really interested to hear about your music and credentials.
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    No, you misunderstood my comment about FL and you meant what you said. exactly the way you said it. Now you try to walk that back but you just admitted to your intentions. You know what I am interested in hearing? Silence. Have fun with your toy Mac. Maybe you can someday upgrade to an iPad. You don't even use FL. You'd have to pay for something.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2023
  7. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Same way you misunderstood my response too, but guess you made your judgment about myself and you are fine with being snarky and condescending, bringing discussion down to personal attacks, speaks volumes about you, who ever you are, guess we will never find that out.

    Thanks, I love this Air, best laptop I ever had, gonna check out iPad too, didn't tried to use Bitwig with touch, maybe it's even better than touch pad.
  8. blasterx

    blasterx Kapellmeister

    Nov 1, 2016
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    Any news?
  9. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Not sure why there would be, Steinberg don't work weekends.
  10. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    whats a good day you think it will be released?
  11. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe

    It will be on day when they fix and re-open their online store...
    Is anyone reading comments, why is release of Cubase 13 subsided and many new products to come???
  12. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Is anyone actually reading what Steinberg has said about all this?? There won't be any immediate Cubase or anything released once the store reopens.

    That would be about the stupidest thing they could do is have the store collapse on day 1 because everyone flooded it and HAD to have their Cubase 13 update that instant..

    @Atlantis84 - nobody knows now, but the store issues are about wrapped up. It was supposed to be released back on the 26th/27th but then the whole Asknet thing kinda threw a wrench into that right at the last minute..
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
  13. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    That is literary happening every time new version is released... So nothing strange with that... Really ...

    You have just repeated what I have said.... And here is from Steinberg, I hope you can understand English.

    What about upcoming product releases?

    In the short term, planned product releases will be delayed until we have a new online shop in place. We have many exciting products in the release pipeline and are looking forward to showing you what we have been working on. Unfortunately, we must ask for your patience while we work to reopen our online shop. Our new products are worth waiting for!
  14. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    English is my native language and I have a rather awesome grasp on it. You apparently don't, as you've missed multiple posts over the last week from Steinberg reps saying once the store is re-opened any updates and new product releases will be 'on hold' for a bit until they know everything is running smoothly again..
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I am not familiar with any of the details about posts they have made, but that sounds like BS from them. What supposedly happened to their store?
  16. Legotron

    Legotron Audiosexual

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Ask got bankrupt, Steinberg did resell through them
  17. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Yeah what @Legotron said basically. Their 'direct' sales were handled by Asknet, who just filed for insolvency earlier this year. Their sales, and any new releases/upgrades are in limbo because they aren't setup to process payments and whatnot on their own,. They're in the process of a new deal with a new payment processor, which is pretty much done, and at the same time they've been doing their own stuff in parallel so its all ready at the same time. You can still go to a retailer that sells it and buy Cubase, but they won't release 13 until everyone is able to buy it. For those in Europe that can't order from places like Sweetwater (where you can also buy updates too if they were out), the Steinberg shop was their only choice so they're cut off for now.

    They were going over it again yesterday. Once everything is 'ready' there will be a soft release, and they're going to be testing it out with the current product lineup. Once they've gotten some sales from different regions and know everything is 'safe and sound' they'll be back to 'normal'.. Not sure what else might be coming out, but they've hinted the delay has given them more time to do 'other things' too. I'm hoping for a new Groove Agent that finally gets a new icon that doesn't look out of place in the new MacOS. Maybe Wavelab? Its been a couple years since 11 came out..
  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    That makes sense if they were using a third-party seller. It wouldn't if it was a self-hosted and maintained part of their own website. That would make it sound like they missed a target date for the release, or they were making some last minute changes to Cubase. I have been expecting some kind of shoe to drop ever since their drm/copy protection was broken; like eventually they will surprise people who have become newly locked out of their projects. Disabling SIP on it's own is bad enough; but it wouldn't exactly shock me to find out down the road, the entire thing was some underhanded maneuver or ploy by SB/
  19. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I've just seen on a Cubase group that someone received a reply from Steinberg customer service that their new store is soft launching tomorrow (23 October 2023). If all goes well, likely the new store will be up online within days and likely quickly followed with their Cubase 13 release I imagine.

    Wednesday 25 October will likely be too soon, so I'd probably pencil in Wednesday 1 November 2023 (or at worst 8 November 2023) for the Cubase 13 release with Steinberg normally releasing on a Wednesday, and an early November release was the common timing before the last coupe of update versions.

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2023
  20. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    yeah most def i think it will be November they really do love launching Cubase in Nov i will say the first or second week of November on Wednesday to be exact
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