Computer freezes on Gigabyte screen during boot

Discussion in 'PC' started by vignmusic, Oct 14, 2023.

  1. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    did you do the intensive memory scans that take days to complete? with your description I'm stuck believing you have partially bad memory
  2. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    It's possible vignmusic fried whilst changing their bios or cannot access their computer due to still being stuck on the bios screen so I will thank you all for all of your help on vignmusic's behalf :wink:
  3. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    hmm, as the last step i would reset the bios. Gigabyte has this built-in "last working" bios settings, at least used to, on the motherboard there are buttons to control this. I would try that first and then even erase both instances if it doesn't help There should be tuts online about this, its not that complicated but i dont really remember the exact path.

    But before anything, try the easiest, disconnect all devices but keyboard and mouse and use the Gigabyte app and set everything to regular and disable any cpu or graphics overclocking, put it to the machines stock settings and reboot.

    Check so that your memory stick ssds and other attachments inside are sitting properly, pull them out, also see if the machine works fine with just one memory stick, sometimes stuff like this just make systems to wake up from stuck modes and forces it to "rectify".

    If you updated to W11 from 10 i would think about making a clean install and resetting the bios if you ever did stuff like play around with efi partitions, hackintosh etc. It could be so simple that Bios has difficulties knowing what or where to start reading the boot section because of system corruption.

    A lot of stuff, but pick what seems most reasonable to you. Good luck
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2023
  4. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Sounds like this board and it's offshoots have a design flaw built into it that causes them to be unstable as hell. I know that not all GigaByte boards are like this as there are quite a few that have been steadfast winners when it comes to audio and video production. The asus Z39x, Z4xx, Z5xx prime and TUF boards come to mind as well as Gigabyte B365M. All have decent track records when it comes to production usage. There's no way around bad design. You can bang your head against a wall for years (literally it seems) trying to make up for it, but in the end either bad design in board layout causing built in timing issues, or bad/faulty/intermittent component selection by the OEM are all impossible hurdles to overcome as an end user. Judging from the number of posts here by owners of the X99 series there is an obvious flaw in basic hardware/design that causes intermittent instability (the worst kind) in any scenario. Doing a google query for "gigabyte X99 system issues" brings up pages of forum articles citing the same BOOT CRASH issues. Seems pretty cut & dry if it's not CPU related, or at all related to other key system pieces like power supply, accessory bus cards, or storage devices then the problem lies with the board itself.
  5. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Cheers... I mentioned above in my TL:DR that I've tried different RAM sticks. That's been ruled out. I tried single sticks too... If it is a RAM issue, then its not the sticks themselves but something related to the MB in how it uses the sticks...

    I said earlier there isn't a scenario that I haven't run already.

    The only info I could add is that when it crashes whilst gaming it makes a noise, like a 2 frame endless loop and it can be loud and horrible... I can't remember if that will come out of the internal soundcard, its been a while since I used speakers but right now I have audio coming out of a Radeon Graphics Card 570 I think, into the HDMI so the audio comes out of my monitor... So troubleshooting that means that when it does the white screen freeze it must be partially active in some way and that info is still being processed and spitting out both the white screen freeze and an audio loop...

    When I get the freeze on boot its like the OP, I get the boot screen (ASUS logo) before the spinning 'loading' wheel, but no wheel comes, it just freezes there. Reboot and it usually works. Sometimes it defaults to losing MB settings, I have to go in and reset the BIOS. Its not a battery issue either, that has been new when it fails, although it sometimes acts like the battery needs replacing.

    As a measure, I've played Elden Ring in total for nearly 500 hours, so the computer does work, just like the OP wrote, but it just does this instability thing that makes it too unreliable for making music. I must have used this MB for 1000's of hours by now then.
  6. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Yeah thanks for your thoughts... I have totally ruled out all of those so its nice to read that you agree that its the board.

    I thought its really weird reading a different MB having the same issue though. To me that means it won't be the MB itself as I've always assumed, but something common that ASUS and Gigabyte both share in how they use the X99.
  7. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Yes that is strange re: asus>gigbyte>X99... But you tried and eliminated <E V E R Y T H I N G> within the means of what an end user can do to remedy the issue to no avail. It's simply bad design at the OEM level re: the X99. Not sure how asus and giga tie in, but obviously something is amok with those series of hardwares.

    Thing is UEFI bios's are persnickety creatures by default even in properly designed hardware. The fact that now the OS's have been given the capability of mucking around with those settings and firmware is SCARY. My newly built production machine runs in legacy mode to prevent just such an occurrence. To me the trade off is WIN-WIN. The only thing lost is the ability to boot to GPT. On the other hand keeping the OS out of the low level machine hardware settings is a fair trade off in my book. Some might piss and moan about no secure boot or TPM, but I would disable all that shit anyway even if I was running in full UEFI, so not an issue for me...
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
  8. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    It will work until Microsoft decide to stop it....
  9. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    If Microsoft could so something against it they would have done it already. If you get deeper into TPM 2.0 and what it is there for you will notice that it has already been cracked some time ago so its useless. If you know what you are doing you don't need Stuff like that.
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