Computer freezes on Gigabyte screen during boot

Discussion in 'PC' started by vignmusic, Oct 14, 2023.

  1. vignmusic

    vignmusic Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    It freezes at the attached screenshot when I boot many times and having to restart multiple times.
    But when windows loads, it works properly. Any idea why?

    I use windows 11 and Gigabyte UD4-X99 motherboard

  3. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    Sometimes External Hard Drives plugged into USB ports can make it hang or having USB Flash Drives plugged in and once you unplug them it then normally continues straight away. Also check these out:

  4. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Reading this I thought of my 'junk computer' that I use for gaming. X99iiA or something. Intel 6800k CPU. I've always had similar issues. Sometimes it freezes on boot, sometimes it freezes after loading games or in the middle of games. Used to freeze and crash with Cubase. If I got it booted it would usually stay working for the day. Shut it down and I do the circus again... So I gave up and switched to Ryzen a few years later when I could afford... Total waste of money for me.

    Sounds like exactly the same issue with the same chipset and CPU type, different motherboard. I think there's something seriously wrong with these at some point and I've wasted shitloads of hours trying to fix it, from changing all kinds of BIOS settings, to swapping RAM (definitely not that)...

    I've never been certain whether its the CPU or the motherboard and reading this I think narrows it down a bit and tells me that its one of those two things. If you're really interested in working it out we could figure out where the two things converge, if we share BIOS or Chipsets etc.

    Your freeze lands exactly like mine, ASUS boot screen, sometimes I don't get the spinning wheel where its booting into Windows. I think I've had white screens before on boot. When booted I get white and other random colours when it freezes, sometimes mid game with a frozen noise and the white/green/random colour screen.

    Thanks for posting this, I'm glad I've read this, because I tried to prove this shit to Scan when I bought it and they wouldn't have it, because it always booted up in the shop. It did used to boot, it worked. I used the system for making music for some time, so it kind of worked, but it was a shitload of hard work getting it to boot and stay stable and you can't make music tiptoeing around, waiting for crashes. I tried loads of graphics cards as well, both NVidia and AMD cards, with fans and without. Current one is high powered and still crashes.

    I've even changed the PSU, added extra power to the CPU, swapped shit on the motherboard, jumpers etc.

    The reply above is partially relevant. I've considered this before and sometimes I can get a freeze like that, but I get these crashes with nothing plugged in. I tried all kinds of switches to the USB, disabling USB3/3.1 etc... honestly its painful thinking back to all the shit I went through trying stupid shit that doesn't fix it... Its the motherboard or CPU... 100% certain. I've eliminated everything else.

    And if anyone replies about the Windows 11 compatibility again its not the OS. I bought mine because it sat in that sweet spot where that setup liked both Windows 7 and 10. I wanted to stick with 7 and this was as high as I could go before the 7th Gen CPU stopped supporting Windows 7. I get these crashes regardless of the OS. It crashes in BIOS sometimes without touching the OS.

    I've read about other people with similar issues but ASUS always denied that there was a fault, so I've never found out what's wrong or been able to fix it.
  5. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Since when is this issue appearing? What often causes such Problems is when Windows Update is installing unproper drivers (You can check that in the Update History). Also on older PC's like @Samsun wrote USB attached Devices can cause such Problems. Since I'm using only external USB-C Harddrives i never had this Problem but when i was using normal ones this Problem appered in the past for me as well which is solved by unplugin the devices before starting up.

    Also check if you are using the Latest Bios or UEFI update which is available for your Motherboard.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2023
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The first thing I would do would be to change Full Screen Logo Show Enabled to Disabled. I would investigate options to flash bios with another option than this, if possible. I would take an 8gb usb flash drive, download Unetbootin and create a Live Linux flash drive on it. Since it has been mentioned that USB connected drives can cause this problem scenario, maybe booting to an OS from the drive before it hangs could give ideas what else is going on. Since it looks like this software might be kinda moonlighting as a boot manager/boot loader, I would be curious to see what it would do using either LiLo or Grub.
  7. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    This Sounds like an Bios Problem. Did not read anything about that you updated your BIOS. Many User are scared of doing Bios or Uefi updates, but thats a bad idea because this is one of the Things that needs to be updated if there is a new Version out (If you don't do it and install new released drivers which depend on that Bios Version it can cause such problems). Also it could be that your CPU is not working proper any more but first i would check for Bios Update
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2023
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    This is all true, but I wouldn't be looking for an update of this displayed above. I find the boot screen just silly looking, but the rest of this looks graphically enhanced beyond how a normal DOS screen style BIOS appearance looks to me. Overcomplicated or bloated, like this is one of those computers you get at Best Buy (actually, Walmart LOL) and it has the installers for 80 different Antivirus software already on the HD, and all sorts of other bundled junk. It's BIOS so you do need to be careful supposedly, and maybe even more so that when UEFI or Securboot; but I have also flashed bios on literally hundreds of very varied pcs over the years and never had a problem with a single one of them. I think they try to scare customers about doing a BIOS flash because they are also worried they may have to tell them how to use a screwdriver without stabbing themselves in the eyes or electrocuting themselves to pull the CMOS battery out...

    Very scary language like this is used: Please note that because updating BIOS is potentially risky, please do it with caution!! We are sorry that Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd is not responsible for damages of system because of incorrect manipulation of updating BIOS to avoid any claims from end-users. Emphasis here is to "avoid any claims", very scary indeed.

    This is their own guide to flashing AMI BIOS:
  9. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Yeah did all of that over the past 7 years or whatever. Tried multiple BIOS versions, downgrade etc. Tried Linux on it too and that also crashes. Tried re-seating the CPU, different paste, pads... There is literally nothing as a simple solution that can be suggested that will fix my MB and I assume the same for the OP.

    Assuming that the OP has the same issues as me, its either the MB or CPU. 100% certain, after something like 7 years of using this board. Just like the OP my board is usable, can make music, can play games for like 12 hours without any issues and then other days it crashes several times. No logic and different errors each time. Sometimes it gave codes for RAM errors, but swapping RAM, turning off overclocking etc never worked.

    The worst thing in my case is that the error might not show up for 20 boots and might run smoothly, sometimes after one of these 'magic tweaks' until it suddenly decides to crash again, but none of the 'fixes' have ever worked and I have tried several years worth of fixes...

    A quick search on YouTube somebody wrote... "After reading all these horror stories about the X99's I have changed my mind on the X99 platform"... It always felt like there was a massive cover up about these CPU's or Chipsets and instead of looking at the complaints they just pointed you to the success stories as proof that there was nothing wrong with any of them, its just the end user's fault.
  10. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    CPU is very rarely the problem, unless you've been overclocking it heavily for years. If you don't push it to extreme, and cool it properly, a CPU is probably the most resilient and lasting part of any computer.

    In my experience, the problematic part could be: RAM, MB, PSU, VGA. Most probably RAM or MB. Have you tried fiddling with RAM timings and voltage? Maybe it's not properly set up? Check that your RAM is set to proper frequency, use SPD or XMP timings, keeping RAM settings within specifications. I would try running memtest86+ for an hour or so and see what happens. Also check that you have the latest stable BIOS.
  11. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    if it is crashing a live linux, it's probably time to put the smartphone on the charger so you can take pictures of the screen with errors and diagnostic messages displayed. Keep in mind if the usb bus/ports are involved in your problem at all, a live linux on a flash drive isn't going to help much either. Can you create a Hirens Boot cd?
    . If this sort of thing was going on long ago, with a reputable mobo far, far away; one might even entertain the possibility of a virus hiding out via master boot record before liftoff to the Dumpster.
  12. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    If Linux is also not booting proper than most likely an part of the machine is broken. An Picture of the Massages shown would be good to do a deeper research.
  13. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    That was always my instinct, that its the MB. If other X99 users with different Manufacturers have the same issue then it seems 99% to me that its the CPU, Chipset that they share in common or maybe BIOS, but having swapped the BIOS many times and many people in studios claiming to use this system without issues, it looks like that isn't the issue...

    Personally I don't care about fixing that computer, it is indeed ready for the dumpster @clone ... I just abuse it for gaming as a wind down, because its there and doing nothing, but the OP seems to need it stable.

    I did also change RAM timings, XPD etc. I changed to many different settings including defaults. You probably can't come up with anything original that the Shop or ASUS haven't already suggested, which leads me to think X99 is a junk system maybe '1 in 100 productions' or whatever. I've read about a lot of people having issues over the years but I think it was always ASUS.

    I never wrap my head around the Customer Service attitude that 'these 99 people all have working eyes so you can't possibly be blind' kind of approach. We don't down these computers deliberately and refuse to make music because we want to piss them off for months.

    Done all the Memtest stuff as well, different pieces of software that is supposed to show up issues. LatencyMon etc... Its all looking at the wrong possible issue and it just gives people more runaround, wasting more valuable hours... Simple solution is to dump these X99 boards from my experience, if you can afford.

    @BlackHaze1986 Linux does boot for me, but the issue is with these white screen crashes, BIOS crashes, not booting etc. Same issues, meaning that its nothing to do with Windows. Different hard drives, both spinning 7 years ago, through SATA SSD to current M2.

    One thing that is really worth mentioning as a warning, I've had a crash during gaming where it completely destroyed my game save where I'd completed like 99% of AC Origins. If that had happened to my music I'd be raging at ASUS/Intel... Its worth considering the impact such a crash might have on music. I've only had this happen once that I can remember but it wasn't recoverable, so these boards are a risk when they're faulty IMO and experience.
  14. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    Does Gigabyte UD4-X99 even have TPM 2.0 so it can run Windows 11? I can see the thread starter says that Windows works when it boots, but maybe the TPM creates problems.
    By the way Gigabyte UD4-X99 is like 7 years old now so maybe time to buy something newer.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
  15. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    You don't need TPM 2.0 etc to install Windows 11 you can turn that off while creating the Bootstick as a Option in Rufus 3.18.
  16. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Bottom of the range is still quite powerful. These were hex cores upwards before Ryzen was a thing.
  17. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    if nothing else works, try booting with one stick of ram at a time to rule out that one went bad.
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  18. Daskeladden

    Daskeladden Rock Star

    Jan 7, 2018
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    That is actually a "hack". TPM 2.0 is still what is officially needed to get updates in the future...
  19. BlackHaze1986

    BlackHaze1986 Rock Star

    Jun 25, 2014
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    i wrote this often but i recommend turning of the TPM 2.0 Module, because if it goes Broke (which is not unusual) you will be in Trouble. Also i run Win 11 with the Hack and all updates work as expected.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2023
  20. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Unplug every device / peripherals and try and boot even memory. If you have a graphics card that also and use on board video. If that is good to get to bios then turn off the stupid bios splash screen int he bios.. then plugin one peripherals at a time until you can boot that is what I would do.
  21. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Are you guys really sure it's not a disk issue? I mean, have you tried booting into a fresh new disk (or a different spare one) without anything other a mouse and keyboard plugged in?

    It is somewhat rare, but I've experienced an HDD crashing Windows (back during Win7/8 days) even though it was just storage. Unplugged it and everything went back to normal.

    Also worth noting that motherboards can spit out error codes. Just plug a beeper or a 2 digit screen (if supported) and you might get some answers.
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