
Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by capitan crunch, Oct 12, 2023.

  1. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    just wanted to share this tack from the other day. thank for any suggestions
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  3. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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  4. Aidene

    Aidene Rock Star

    Jan 13, 2023
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    There I was pulling an all nighter driving back from Vegas to LA. The sky was 3am dark with streaks of aquamarine shining like a nuclear ray. I hit the search button on the radio. The after hours DJ introduced a dreamer called Tuesday by a mysterious band named Coochie Bean Paste. Intrigued by the name i saved the station to a preset, sat back and ate up so much of the road I was grinning. I could play Tuesday over and over again i thought....any day of the week ! Great track. I pulled into a rest stop...the music had healed my curious soul. The waitress filled my coffee cup without even asking. "Ever heard of the band Coochie Bean Paste?" I asked her. "Sure" she replied spilling the hot coffee on the table top, "they were in here last week. They're gonna be big, real big...you'll see!" She wiped the table clean and as she walked away started humming Tuesday to herself. Stunned i burned my tongue on the coffee......
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  5. Midge F

    Midge F Audiosexual

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Valenciana, Spain
    It's crunchy, crispy and fluffy. Nice work, El Capitano. Tran kilo.
  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Sounds great! Congrats to you and rest involved :wink:
  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    @Aidene ... Stunned i burned my tongue on the coffee......

    Patiently, Tuesday had been for the past 14 years, every single day in her spare time away from her day job as a door to door Venus Fly Trap salesperson, perfecting the art of Kintsugi. As per her master, Kunio Nakamura, artist extraordinaire, the man who put the Wabi in the Sabi, she was required to repair at a minimum 10,000 cups before she herself could be elevated to the title Master and fulfill her lifelong goal in this eastern creative discipline. She was up to 9,999.

    She was not so patiently waiting the last long and agonizingly slowly rolling by 23 miles to pull over because she really, really, really needed to pee. Normally she would have just stopped the car on the side of the highway, opened up both the passenger side and rear doors to shield her squat and hunch from the prying eyes of the passengers and drivers whizzing by on US Hwy.15, although she really couldn't give a shit if they did, and would say to herself, "Fuck'm if they couldn't take a joke", and she meant it. Tuesday didn't take gruff from nobody. The rain was just too damn heavy and she didn't want to muddy up her new color mismatched white and green Converse hightops. Tuesday liked a clean shoe.

    She thankfully was able to pull into the spot closest to the entrance of the diner and was ever so grateful for this small blessing as she was now in full bladder agony and couldn't wait 30 seconds more to relieve herself. She pounded her way through the double glass doors, was greeted by the sound of Merle Haggard singing through horrible speakers "Mama Tried", scoped out the shortest between two points direction to the rest rooms and headed left between the counter and the first row of red upholstered booths directly to her hurried and most needed destination. A waitress was just walking away from the third booth humming something that Tuesday had just been listening to on her car radio, that new tune by Coochie Bean Paste, when the woman sitting there let out more a yip than an ouch after what seemed as if she had just burned her lip on her coffee while at the same time letting drop the mug from her right hand, and just as Tuesday rushed on by, the mug came crashing down and shattered on the maroon linoleum tiles right in her path, the coffee splashing onto Tuesday's new sneakers and drenching them in the brown and very hot near boiling liquid.

    Tuesday screamed, not in pain although the the near boiling steaming java had soaked through both the canvas of her sneakers and her favorite new Rick and Morty tube socks (one size fits all), but rather in joy and elation (which trumped the 2nd degree burns working their way into blisters on the tops of her now deeply pinked damaged feet) to have literally stumbled upon the mug that would take her to the magic 10,000 and deem her a master of her craft.

    "NOBODY TOUCHES THAT FLUCKING MUG UNTIL I COME OUTTA THE CAN" she almost screamed at the top of her lungs to a now rapt audience of patrons staunched and quieted by the smashing pottery, half of them bemused at the scene, the other half frightened and eyeing the exit for a quick escape if necessary. The waitress just put up her hands and made a squinchy wide eyed face which without words said, "I'd never ever, ever, ever do that, ever!".

    It took Tuesday at least a couple of minutes to finish up in the toilet, the last 5 seconds or so loudly cursing at the empty soap dispenser. When she again entered the dining room it was much the same as she had left it minus the young Mormon threesome who used to be in the corner booth at the back window of the place who had evidently dragged out and quickly made way with their eleven children to the happy-homey safety of their Winnebago Inspire parked at the back of the lot next to where the truckers slept and dreamed of diesel, to make a fast getaway the moment the toilet door closed behind that crazy, dangerous woman, leaving a hundred and twenty dollar bill to cover their burgers, fries and syrupy drinks, fleeing home to the simple soft safety of their beloved Salt Lake City.

    By the time Tuesday returned to the scene of the puddle and pottery mass-a-cree, Aidene had procured a thin white napkin with a single ice cube inside to help keep the pain of her java perk burned lip at bay. A tiny piece of napkin was stuck to the corner of her left lower lip area but she didn't realize it and wouldn't have cared if she had because...

    ...it was love at first sight for the both of them, Tuesday and Aidene.

    To make a long story short...

    After Tuesday had gathered up both the shards and the chunks, the slivers and the still intact cup handle as her need dictated, the two spoke for hours into the night while drinking down copious amounts of ice coffee from tall plastic tumblers, whispering to each other intimate secrets, cracking up in hilarious jags of laughter while never straying out of each other's newly found love smitten eyes. Around about 5 o'clock when the sun began to bluen the dink out of the oily night sky, Tuesday followed Aidene to the closest damn Motel 8 that they could Google Map and found their way into each other's hearts forever, from then on never spending a night away out each other's arms. A year l later they adopted a beautiful pair, young brothers ages 3 and 2 years old, moved into a small farm holding in the northern California countryside where they raised Nigerian Dwarf goats to make homemade cheese and sold the extra eggs from their prize winning Japanese Bantam chickens to the people in town at the weekly Saturday Ukiah People's Farmer's Market. Aidene, as her fame grew exponentially as one of the world's greatest cat trainers of all time, entertained a viewing audience of 112,000,000 at the half-time show of the 2023 Super Bowl while ensuring their children's financial security by raking in a cool $1.75 million bucks for her feline enhanced spectical and extravaganza, ooing and awing the gathered from both those in attendance at the stadium and all those gazilion eyes glued to their screens from around the whole wide world. It was the first time ever witnessed that both competing teams had forgone the haven of their respective locker rooms, to hatch plays, to plan their opponent's defeat all when the while, while not salving their two quartered pounded wounds, but instead watched the incredible pussycat pagent of Aidene's Tabby Troublemakers, not moving an inch from their sturdy aluminum benches at their allocated areas at the sideline...the referees too never retiring at the half's end, instead using their portable Acme Whistle Cleaning Kits (just like in the old days) right there on the field instead of using the official league industrial version supplied, trucked and transported at great expense by said league. They would be reprimanded though not fined.

    After Tuesday made her 10,000th she was graced by Master Nakamura as a master herself, began a bi-weekly podcast where she garnered over 12 million followers, where beside speaking poetically about the process of her creative journey, hawked do-it-yourself Kintsugi kits to the masses while making a small fortune at it, and who faithfully tuned in 104 times a year (10 repeats per annum with Russel Brand filling in for two more so that Tuesday, Aidene, Rick and Morty could have their six weeks of vacation to relax and recharge).

    The four of them lived happily ever after.

    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
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  8. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Very nice track!! And @No Avenger 's suggestion is jaw-dropping and on point, as usual.
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  9. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    Thanks to everyone. I love your stories.
    hi No Avenger! you got a bit more high end frequencies in there. would that be a sound quality difference between SC and GoFile? Thx.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
  10. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    [​IMG] Thank you very much :bow:

    Not because of the hosters. When you have a look at an analyzer, you can still see a sharp drop at ~ 16kHz.
    It's rather because it's louder, slightly saturated and I changed the mid-side balance towards the mid where the HH sits.
  11. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    Which analyzer do you use for all that?
  12. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Usually, I'm using Voxengo SPAN with a block size of 8192, sometimes Seven Phases' Spectrum Analyzer with 6 bands/octave and for phase mainly Voxengo Correlometer with 32 bands, all of which are free.
    But if your DAW comes with one, it should work too without problems.
  13. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    yea I've got to study this stuff more. thanks a lot for the info. just to be lazy can you recommend any tutorials regarding what you did?
  14. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    TBH, no. I'll tell you why:
    - At least 90% of what I'm knowing about mixing and mastering is self-taught.
    - Analyzers (phase or freq) are just tools, they can show you where issues could be, but this doesn't necessarily mean there are any.
    - For instance, I like to use FirComp2, it sounds good, has sufficient options and I know how to handle it, but in this case I couldn't produce the sound I wanted to have so I went with the MC 77, which I rarely do, but in a blind test it sounded more convincing to me.
    - It's sugg 2 because in 1 I made the mid (center) even louder but after a break I had the impression it was too much, so I rebalanced it and saved it separately to have a comparison.
    - Another example would be the LUFS. The ori track has a pretty low level so I wasn't sure about -13LUFS and checked -14LUFS aswell, but the higher one felt more meaty.

    And stuff like that. These are things you can't learn from a tutorial but only from experience and are also a matter of taste (and of course listening environment, monitors, ...).
    Also, I practiced mastering (and mixing) for myself for years with older songs before I released my first one.
  15. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    Thanks for your response. yea these things are best to learn by doing, i know you're right. I really don't know what correlation is, for example, and that I can discover in youtube... my correlation is usually off to the right side and I ignore it!! they say on the right of Jesus...at least here in italy.
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    What kinds of plugins do you normally have on your Stereo Out while you are working?
  17. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    mostly just a compressor and limiter. lately Townhouse and L2. then Q3. also the waves SSl G sometimes. I just try to squeeze it a little I'm not trying to make a master.
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  18. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Are you feeding your entire mix directly to the Stereo Out or is it summed first and then bussed there? Most of these mentioned analysis tools like Span, or your DAW's stock Multimeter/Goniometer/Correlation meter, etc can live at the very end of your Stereo Out; but you can also have them be the only things on that strip with no effects plugins doing any "work" there right before them. All of your busses wether they are summing stacks, groups, etc, are not being summed right before those analysis tools. They are hitting another fader first. Maybe it doesn't matter all that much, but the first time I sent @No Avenger a track to check out (with the same "damn" results); it was the most obvious difference in workflow I could easily identify after a nearly identical conversation :)

    Logic has a great stock Multimeter tool, and you see guys use it all the time in Logic videos. But since the "price is right", I really like using iZotope Insight there instead. v1 is the green one, v2 is probably better but i am not entirely used to all it's new features yet. You can have both installed and inserted there at the same time; but it's maybe not the best idea to have them both running simultaneously. You can switch them on and off to periodically check things out as you go. They have no actual affect on the sound, so give them a try. You can select other free or more specific meters, but you'll get a quick idea of what it works out like. They show you everything you could need to know. Any effects you can put there you can always just use after a bounce and reimport like you probably already do anyway.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2023
  19. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    thanks for your input clone. I really have to study these technical aspects to get a grip on the situation.
    I just start playing then i decide to use a buss or go to the master buss. I usually use between 12 and 25 tracks . yesterday I started with a set up default I made of all busses : mix, drum, bass, keys, synth, fx, side. each one with a fircomp2 and an L2. then I just filled in the blanks. at that point my computer was maxxed so I rendered the busses (to go faster and if I have a problem I can go back) next I will put some Q3 on each track and this time I'll use some metering and start studying. thanks again for you kind help. :like:
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