Behringer Screwed Up Too Hard This Time

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Daisy69, Aug 13, 2023.

  1. luckyLuke7

    luckyLuke7 Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2021
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    The fact is Behringher belong to an elite group. They come with this bullshit we are for the people we care about masses but they have some nasty agendas behind it. They don't care about shit. They are just pushing the accelerationism further and will take all small companies out of business like RIP Moog. You see all companies being bought by 2 big groups. These groups end up belonging to 1 group etc...

    Try to make a company and copy every synth out there you gonna have so much lawsuit maybe end up in jail. How did they get away with it ? Not only good lawyers. They belong to the very few group that is "above the law".

    Once you understand that basic sociological concept you see they are an enemy. All the money they make goes back into weapons/genetic/robotics one could say goes to sky net to put it simple.

    Don't call me cons theory cause it's just make stamp ignorant on your forehead.

    I put my 2 cents on those fighting against it. I will not buy anything from Behringher cause I have some ethics fuk if I can't afford to own an original minimooog or a TB303. Will use a n emulation instead. Behringher filter sounds like shit compared to the moog anyway

    Anyway we still have a bit of freewill to at least buy what you choose so no worries I don't condemn if you buy it it's your right I respect that.
  2. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    "Elite"? What elite group? People with money, with shares? That is hardly a secret is it lol

    "We are for the people"? You mean their business model is cheaper products for the masses? Well Thats a huge difference

    "Accelerationism"? By a corporation!? You think the shareholders of a private company want a music gear company to crash capitalism by making cheap instruments!!?? lol, that must be the most genuinely stupid thing ive heard in a while.

    Conglomerates, fusions and oligopolies are an inherent part of capitalism, enjoy it. its not a Behringer conspiracy ffs lol :rofl:

    "All the money they make goes back into weapons/genetic/robotics one could say goes to sky net to put it simple. Don't call me cons theory cause it's just make stamp ignorant on your forehead." -

    I wouldn't call you anything just very picky and selective with your sudden rage against the machine, you point out well known phenomenons but choose to "activate" the "struggle" when it suits you, and then with other hand? What are your "ethical corporations" to buy from? lol
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2023
  3. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Behringer's MONITOR2USB Monitor Controller is brilliant. Clone of SPL's 2Control Monitor Controller.
  4. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    every synth that is more than 20 years old is open to be legally and widely copied (our economy was constructed such that not only can they be, they *should* be). this is how patents work
  5. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Long & McQuade confirmed that a partnership with Behringer is in the works.
    I have a few gripes with Behringer, but am overjoyed with the news.
    I wanted to trade my Behringer Odyssey in but L&M wouldn't take what they don't sell.
    It sounds great but the performance controls and keyboard are sh1t.
    The effects aren't programmable or stereo and the sequencer won't sync.
    I'd love to trade it towards the new Behringer Oberheim module or the Proton.
    Now, it looks like I can :wink:
  6. crackhoar

    crackhoar Guest

    Exactly right.

    @luckyLuke7 et alia. "They come with this bullshit we are for the people we care about masses but they have some nasty agendas behind it. They don't care about shit. They are just pushing the accelerationism further and will take all small companies out of business like RIP Moog. You see all companies being bought by 2 big groups. These groups end up belonging to 1 group etc..."

    Right so, say for instance, just one of an endless supply of examples, do you use Spotify?

    Then not only are you supporting and rewarding the assclown "we are for the people.." owners for their blatant systematic destruction of the independent music industry and consumer thereof, you literally are financially supporting the destruction (see : murder) of humans on a mass scale through their research, development, manufacturing and use of "weapons/genetic/robotics" being sold to the highest bidders.

    So which is it then?

  7. luckyLuke7

    luckyLuke7 Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2021
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    Bro me Spotify ? :deep_facepalm: Not even for free.

    I still have my old record collection, K7, and now even an Ipod is out-dated but still have them with much better music than it's on Spotify. I like to OWN my music. OWN what I like.

    I'm not in favor of the new order that "you will own nothing but will be happy (doped up)" kind of thing that people is falling for.

    Spotify is the assassin of the musical artist. Now they are going for Bandcamp. Just look around for a bit was going on

    People is shooting their own feet by buying Behringher but they can't see it. Still trying to deceive themselves that's it's an amazing thing.
    Very cheap but there are hidden costs and they are very high. Be aware with this narrative of "for the poeple" and "non-profit organizations" it's just a big criminal trying to hide itself in a nice benevolent package so people will fall in the trap.

    What can be more elitist than 1 group of people owing all companies all software all music gear ?
  8. luckyLuke7

    luckyLuke7 Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2021
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    Thanks for the reply but this type of mindset is that "IGNORANT AND PROUD" archetype that "debunks" everything that conflicts with status quo thinking. No offenses don't take it personal. I was just being ironic.

    People with money and shares???? Can't think bigger than Forbes magazine. Don't even know what Accelerationism is?!
    People work for money THEY just print it. So it's above of that layer. For them it's peanuts to go buy Moog just to squeeze out some profit then destroy it.
    All there's built form human passion must go now. All that was created must go it belong to the old world. War on consciousness ?

    This is what I mean I will draw for you:
  9. El Cycer

    El Cycer Producer

    Sep 9, 2023
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    I see Uli as those cringy standup comedians who think they make you laugh because of their witty jokes, but in reality they make you laugh because of how pitiful they are
  10. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    No prob, but i would suggest when you want something to come across you better spell it out properly before free-styling. Irony is an art, you must put some effort to make it work, simply writing half-finished sentences and abrupt half-baked concepts does not cut it.

    Just like music, there is little point in trying to jazz it up if you dont even manage to get across a twinkle little star melody. And twinkle can be beautiful, but you have to at least play the notes.
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