Can't assign Midi folder to Superior Drummer 3 on Mac Studio M1

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by beluga_man, Oct 5, 2023.

  1. beluga_man

    beluga_man Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I had it running fine (v.3.3.5) then I had to move the MIDI folder location and now I can't get the midi files back. I tried everything. Re-installed the program. I moved the MIDI folder to various locations, it just won't take it.

    Any suggestions how to fix this? I kind of renders that plug-in useless without all the groove library.

  3. Cosmos Universum

    Cosmos Universum Newbie

    Sep 27, 2023
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    Have you tried to add a linked library?

    Click on the Grooves Tab --> Then Options --> User Midi and Linked Folders --> Add Linked Library.

    I noticed most of my midi files are located in Users/Library/Application\ Support/EZDrummer/Midi. I would double confirm you have your midi files stored there.
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  4. beluga_man

    beluga_man Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Thank you for your suggestion!

    The only place I see where I can add links is in Settings / Libraries/Paths, then at the bottom "Additional Libraries" when I point to My Midifiles folder it says no content at path. I did create and moved my files to an EZDRummer/Midi at that location still the same issue.
    I did notice I had several shortcut to MIDI folder as well as MY MIDIFILES, also one for EZX_RockSolid in my Application Support folder. I deleted those. I tried "restore midi database", it doesn't seem to do anything.

    I tried to force it to recreate the Midi database which I think might be the issue by emptying Application Support/ Toontrack / Superior Drummer 3 / Database but then SD complains some components are missing.

    When I have more time I'll try to do a clean install see if that works. I will also try to find and install a proper MIDI pack (the only one I have won't install I have to manually do it so I'd like to try a proper one see if that show SD the path to my midefiles)
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    First, I would use BatChmod or Permissions Reset 2, to reset the permissions on any of the folders you have moved around. You want everyone to have r-w-x permissions so the application can access those folders. Remember that if a plugin or program has a new ProcessID #, it can also have a "user" associated with it. If that user doesn't have permission to access the folder, it will be invisible or inaccessible to the program.

    I do not use EZ or SD drummers, but I have previously. I put all content related to them into a folder /EZdrummer in the root directory of an external usb drive. Everything relatively unceremoniously dumped into them. Then you select that path within the drummer program, and it should all work. In that example, all the Midi files just end up in /Ezdrummer/Midi, not Users/Library/Application\ Support/EZDrummer/Midi. It's basically the same thing anyway, but a shorter path. This does not need to be an external drive, and could be a directory on your internal SSD.

    Codesign everything again. Use Pm2 or BatChmod to give access to all users as r-w-x on your main content folder, and all subdirectories. Pick one SD expansion to use as an example of one you know you want to use. In case I need to download one, I will use your example. Do you remember if you happened to install a very low version number first, and then updated to 3.3.5 ? See if those simple permissions and codesign changes help at all, because they will be your fastest and easiest solution. If not, I can reinstall from scratch; the install and upgrade path for many programs can be a specific order, or it will never work.

    I think your problem is somehow related to your installation process.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2023
  6. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Maybe the folder structure is messed up. The library path should contain Database folder inside it, like this
    For ex. EzDrummer - toontrack\ (the database folder should be here named 'Database' inside which contains folder that are named like "000352@THE_CLASSIC" inside that folder there will be midiDB file for that particular Library, and along with EZX_blah bla so on, also with a folder named Midi which contains all ur midi files).
    Check it.
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  7. beluga_man

    beluga_man Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Thanks guys, I'll give it a shot with resetting the permissions. My midi folder is huge like 45GB of midi files! Almost 200K files. It used to work.
  8. NeXT

    NeXT Ultrasonic

    Apr 2, 2020
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    Can't imagine 48GB(!!!!!!) of midi files ... that seems excessive by ANY standards. You might have others stuff beside midi that might choke the scanning process (a shot in the dark kind-of assessment). I would make sure it's just MIDI related content. (permission consideration firstly ofc)
    ps.MIDI for Toontrack Drummers on my drive 178 MB.
  9. beluga_man

    beluga_man Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2011
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    I tried resetting the permissions. Didn't help. I also tried moving it to EZDrummer in App Support. No fix. I downloaded Monster Pack 3 and used that as my main MIDI folder. I've reset the permissions and still no go. Last thing left to try is a clean re-install. Thank you all !
  10. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Best Answer
    Did u check
    I'm not a mac user, but the folder should look like something like this
    database 1.jpg

    Forget the .exe but does ur have database folder inside the path u moved, when SD or EzD checks for grooves it looks for the database it created. And also its a better idea to make a backup of that always, because rebuilding the whole stuff is tedious process even for a new machine.

    Inside the Database folder looks like this
    database 2.jpg
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  11. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    At the top right of SD3 screen...Options/User Midi/Add Linked Folder
    (it will take a while to add everything. close and reopen if need be to get the indexing going.
  12. beluga_man

    beluga_man Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2011
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    My database folder was missing. Well somehow it was here /Application Support/Toontrack/Superior Drummer 3/. So I move my MIDI folder there and SD3 finally accepted that new linked location and quickly rebuilt my groove library and all working now. This is a good day! Thanks again!!

    I use Linksnappy. I'm about to renew in a couple weeks and I always get a free voucher. Please let me know if you'd like it as a token of my appreciation.
  13. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Glad it worked out for u dude.

    Thats not necessary dude, ur Thanks is more enough, its just a simple guidance after all, but much appreciated for the offer though man, real nice of u.
    I pass, but if its ok with u, pls mark the post solved, so that others like us looking for answers might find it helpful.
    Have a nice day.
  14. beluga_man

    beluga_man Ultrasonic

    Nov 16, 2011
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    Alright! I'm not quite sure how to mark a post as solved but I marked your answer as the best answer.
    Cheers and have a good one!
  15. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Dude TBH neither did I, i ve given some thought about it and gave up. Until now, i think that marking a post makes the post solved. I guess. I just learned something new.

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