Is Native Instruments Kontrol S61 MK3 Worth the price?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Olymoon, Sep 26, 2023.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    So I see this keyboards with 61 keys, no fader, no pads, only 8 + 1 Knobs for 835€.... in 2023.

    Is this worth it or not, and why Important:
    If I wanted a a poll, I would have posted a poll, I'm only interested in argued opinions.
    NO or YES answers, are not what I'm looking for. Thank you.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2023
  3. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    It has perfect Komplete integration (and bundled Komplete Select btw.) with a big display, color coded keys, etc. Also the Fatar keybed is probably not too bad. If that's what you're looking for, it could be the best option available. But if you're just looking for a universal MIDI keyboard with basic controls and don't care about the NI stuff, then you could find something much cheaper that will do just fine (or even better).

  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Well, at that price 835€, it should have all this, AND serious physical controls. Native instruments are not the only one who produce Vst(i) ... And some do it much better than them.
    Also, for live, and sound design use, the physical controls are very important.

    It's more marketing than any thing.

    Nektar Panorama T6, 317€, 9 faders, 8 knobs, 8 pads, al programmable, for what ever vst(i) including Native Instruments ones...
    Excellent keybed.

    Nektar P6: 620€, good keybed, 12 pads, 9 faders, 9 Switches, DAW conmtrols, completely programmable for DAW and VST(I) control.

    Novation 61SL MKIII, 590€, 16 pads, 9 faders, 8 knobs, semi weighted keybed...

    Also, Fatar Keybed, doesn't necessarily mean premium keybed. The Fatar TP/8S is a premium keybed, the TP/9S is a more entry-level one, with a shorter lever, which means the TP/8S will be more playable near the fallboard. Not to speak about the TP/7BA which of lower quality.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2023
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  5. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    If you are a die hard Native Instruments user, probably yes. I personally think it should be more competitive price wise. Guy Michelmore has a good review pointing out his list of missing features.
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  6. Cosmos Universum

    Cosmos Universum Newbie

    Sep 27, 2023
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    First Post on here, thought it would be interesting to reply.

    I currently only the MK2 S61 and I'm satisfied with it and do not see a need at all to upgrade. The main thing I noticed visually is that the MK3 is longer, which just doesnt seem appealing for space efficiency. It seemed necessary for the larger display but is not an upgrade I see worthy for purchasing. It's main purpose is for viewing libraries, presets, and some parameter adjustments. From Video reviews I've seen, you can still see all the things you'd want to see just as fine on both.

    I absolutley agree that for live use and sound design you would need the extra knobs and faders but the music I mainly write and produce is metal with the occasional electronic and orchestral arrangment. I find the mod wheel, touch strip, and 8 knobs sufficient for my limited amounts of automations and sound design. Mechanically I could only see my self automating two paramaters in a single recording as automating with more than my thumb and index fingers on both hands seems cumbersome. But if building an entire movement with changes in articulations from different instruments or parameter, I can see how 8 will become too little quickly. Playing with analog synthesizers creates more immersion and fuel inspiration and creativity when all of the musical elements are within reach.

    To expand on the faders, I jump between Pro Tools, Ableton, Cubase, and Maschine for DAWs and accessing the faders within the mixer windows doesn't bother or feel menial. Accessing mixer controls within the keyboard and using the knobs feels like a nice convenience but not a game breaker if I had to choose between computer click mixing or knob mixing. I've worked on one analog console and faders felt nice but I never had the luxury to use them in my home studio. I can only see myself mixing up to 8 channels as it would usually be a bus of many other channels so those aren't game changing, just a different tool for the same job.

    The biggest feature I love accessing that made me gravitate towards the S61 vs other MIDI keyboards are the built in arppegiator and scale/chord modes. I am sure there are other keyboards that have the feature but when looking through guitar center at different keyboards, the simple layout and ease of access on the S61 made it an easy choice. I also notice that there are many people out there who are more musician than engineer so programming anything seems like a daunting task. This leads me into my only real dislike with the MK3 and it's the smaller lights. Kontakt libraries with color coded sections make finding modifiers and coming up with an idea and getting inspired easy. If I can not see the lights as well, it would make me fear the .5ms to see the color properly as I think I would lose inspiration in that time...

    I think they are just following a sound strategy by Apple in creating minor, cosmetic upgrades that people who were considering paying full price for a product in a previous version will pay more for the newer one, even though functionally they're 95% identical. The only other thing to consider is the bundled software as well. When I got my MK2, it came with a very good starter pack, I'm sure it's much better now and has more things given that NI has bundled other companies in the package now.

    - In Light,

  7. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    First of all, for that kind of money, you could buy a real synth, not a mere controller.

    The only thing MK3 has that the others don't is the polyphonic aftertouch: Does it justify being $150 more expensive than the other keyboards? I don't think so.

    I am not even going to bother with the lack of faders as it was already mentioned before.

    Regarding the lack of pads, I assume this is intentional since they want people to buy another product for this (Maschine).

    Yes it also has the light guide but who's seriously considering buying a keyboard especially for this feature?

    We could also argue that the build quality is supposed to be premium but it's not the only one and the other premium controllers are significantly cheaper (arturia, novation).

    This MK3 could be interesting if you only use NKS software and nothing else otherwise there are much better options (less flashier I admit).

    And now, it will be interesting to see what the new premium keyboard from arturia will offer. If I was on the market for a premium controller, I would certainly wait and not choose NI's newest toy.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
  8. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Still, I plan on trading in my MK2 for one.. :yes:
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  9. Friendelek

    Friendelek Platinum Record

    Nov 28, 2020
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    My opinion and experience
    That all "integrated stuff", NKS is just for <fun>. I never use that Komplete Kontrol software, neither standalone nor in the DAW.
    Only thing that I use is
    - Mixer function
    - That 8 knobs , pre-assigned to different VST effects parametrs, to record automation

    My advice, if you need 61-key midi keyboard, no need to buy this BRAND NEW 2023 HIT BESTSELLER keyboards. MK2 is more affordable, or choose other brand keyboard with pads
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  10. Kunter2011

    Kunter2011 Ultrasonic

    Sep 7, 2023
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    Diva integration made me excited about this hardware... If major synths integrate their plugins for MK3 as Diva did It will worth it....
  11. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    The M32 does a similar thing, and it happily sits on top of my digital piano at a fraction of the cost. If I were in the market for a 61-key midi setup I'd be looking at the Novation SL MkIII or something similar, but most importantly I would want to know how it plays with my DAW.
  12. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Plus CV/gate which the Novation has :wink:

  13. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Same thing for the Arturia Keylab MK2 which is also in the premium category (and is $300 less than NI's new keyboard).
  14. dr_after

    dr_after Kapellmeister

    Oct 15, 2014
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    I own Kontrol A49 and I don't see the reason to switch to any other more expensive keyboard. I rarely use any display on my keyboard, because I have 27-inch monitor in front of me, why would I need a display on a controller, except some small information about assignments? I like my Komplete Kontrol integration and I have Komplete Select. All for the price of 149 euro xD It would only be justified to buy something more expensive for live gig. But for that I have my two Roland synths, some Behringer stuff and another controller. For homework - a decent keyboard with pitchbender, modulation wheel and 8 knobs is more than sufficient (for me). And I would have plenty ideas how to better spend 800+ euro...
  15. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    Novation get the best price/quality ratio (if you like semi weighted).
    Arturia ... i don't know. It is a grey zone to me.

    On my side, i opted for a 88 hammer action piano
    Casio CDP-130 (with MIDI USB) AND non weighted Novation with controls (smaller).

    BUT if ppl want something "in the middle", to me Novation semi weighted is the best option, with TONS of second hand products. And more keys than 61 too.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
  16. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Is Novation still using its automap program, which duplicates all plug-ins? Or did they came with something useful finally?
  17. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Totally agree. It's really only nice, but not necessary.
    The missing - absolute - physical controllers are actually a reason not to buy the thing.

    I was dazzled with the bells and whistles a few years ago - idiot me -, but never really used it. I use it as a sheer Midikeyboard.

    The keyboard itself is ok but nothing special. And for the price tag? never worth it
  18. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    From what ive seen this new version makes true of the promise of being able to control and visualize vsts and kontakt intruments. That would be the only reason in my opinion.

    In general these promises are often a lot of hot air, lets take Arturias Keylab series, they promise you a lot but in reality you end up using the mouse. Because the fkers abandone the development of the keyboards as soon as they are released, there are tons of fixes and ways in which they could make them more flexible but they dont even bother.

    They just sit tight some years and release a "new" series with a tiny bit of "improvements" and then abandone the development completely again, like with the MK2 and now im sure with the MK3.

    The previous NI Kontrol keyboard was a bit similar, it looked great but didnt really offer true in practice control, this one seems to achieve that, at least in a whole lot more credible way.
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  19. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    I don't use Automap anymore.

    BUT Novation keyboards are already integrated into most DAWs.
    As an example, my old Novation remote 25 SL display tracks names,control names and more into Ableton.
    Without Automap.

    Automap being a failure, like ANY so called "integration".
    You really need to search integration with your DAW.

    Best integration ever (as i said into another thread) : Studio One
    You can make your OWN maps, and they display on computer screen.

    Because everything displayed on crappy controllers screens will never help you : you just loose your time looking at your computer screen AND controller screen.
    It never worked AND never will, by nature.
    So the main component is your DAW.

    After testing all DAWs on Earth, Studio One is the best on this point.
    Control Link is the best implementation ever ... because it relies on computer screen AND very easy to implement with ANY controller.

    No crappy controller display is going to beat my 32 inch screen ever:rofl:
    And mouse/keyboard shortcuts is the best combination ever.

    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
  20. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Slightly off-topic, have you looked into an Elgato Stream Deck? If you like mouse/keyboard shortcuts this little device can help with your workflow. I take a big picture view when it comes to integration, and there are always different ways of doing things.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
  21. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    i will not say it's way overpriced, because they wouldn't be selling any of them. but after tax, shipping etc; it will be about 900 usd; and that is really getting up there just for a controller. I have the S-49 sitting on my desk next to the Grandmother. And for the same price and with the extra octave on the controller, I had to pick only one of them; it would take me about 1 second to make that decision. It's the same price as a StudioLogic Sledge 2. I'd figure out another way to get some NI integration.