Omnisphere 2.8 losing sound output sometimes

Discussion in 'Omnisphere' started by hazeglow., Aug 28, 2023.

  1. hazeglow.

    hazeglow. Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2023
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    Hi there.
    My specs:
    MacBook Pro 2021 (M1 Pro chip), Ventura 13.5.1
    Omnisphere 2.8 - soundsources, patches and moog all up to date.

    Omnisphere was installed on this computer in December 2022 (2.6 by The Pirate), updated by latest MORIA releases a couple months ago. I've never noticed that earlier, but nowadays the plugin (standalone or VST, no matter) randomly losing output, so no sound as a result. There are no classic wavetable/soundsource errors, all working correct since 2022, and i just can load another instance of omni, and play the same patch without any problem.
    The interesting thing, I can hear sound by clicking small play button in the lower left corner of plugin, but the master output of omnisphere shows no signal. Another interesting thing, the sound can come back, but it will disappear again. So if it happens in omni instance, there are no ways and i need to delete it and reload another instance: and this "bug" can disappear in new instance, I can play omni for hours without issues.
    The diagnostic button shows equal numbers with windows release, and the STEAM library is full (90 gb). It is not a DAW problem because as I said, standalone randomly losing output with no reasons too.
    Only Omnisphere has this problem on my mac.
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  3. MokuseiFolf13

    MokuseiFolf13 Ultrasonic

    Dec 25, 2021
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    I may not be of help, but I might as well mention something to maybe bump this post. I too am having this very obnoxious issue. Even messing with the audio settings is a hit and miss thing. Sucks that you gotta reopen the app just to temporarily fix the issue. Hang in there, mate!

    Though on the off-chance you can reply, what is in your STEAM folder besides the obvious Omnisphere folder? You mentioned how it's 90GB total so I'm not sure if you had other stuff as well as I get a bit of OCD on what's installed lol. Cheers.
  4. hazeglow.

    hazeglow. Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2023
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    Thanks for the reply. My full STEAM folder includes libraries from omni, keyscape and unclean machine extension. As a result, folder size is about 174 gb (screen is pinned). 90 gb from them, as I said, just the omni library (2.6 by The Pirate with all updates). I have mentioned this because there are a lot of common problems with STEAM folder that was not properly installed - the size is smaller/you get various soundsources errors/samples missing etc. In our case, as you can see, it is kinda random output problems. Seems like bug or timebomb tbh.
    FYI it seems that this problem disappears(?), or, at least, doesn't happen very often in VST3 host. But to be honest, it is hard to confirm that because this "bug" appears very randomly and sometimes it is very hard to claim it.

    Attached Files:

  5. MokuseiFolf13

    MokuseiFolf13 Ultrasonic

    Dec 25, 2021
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    Thank you! I must agree, that pesky bug is just hard to reproduce. I always thought the way to reproduce it is to put my Mac to sleep, go away for awhile and return to it, kind of how like MIDI keyboards behave when you reboot/wake the machine up, but to no avail. I'm hoping this is just a matter of the pirate's doing, which God bless them but the software can get janky. Hopefully the next release for Mac rectifies this issue.
  6. hazeglow.

    hazeglow. Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2023
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    The interesting moment that the first (AFAIK) mention of output problems was in this 2021 thread about 2.6.4 version of omnisphere (
    Its here: "Omnisphere would just stop outputting audio or generate audio, and that specific instance would just stop working even if you reload and project, and it basically has to be removed."
    While the classic blank preset timebomb was described below, it seems that this quote is the same problem that we are talking about.
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  7. MokuseiFolf13

    MokuseiFolf13 Ultrasonic

    Dec 25, 2021
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    Now that you mention it, that does seem like an oversight from the crackers... Perhaps there's a fix for that?
  8. Kenneth Lavrsen

    Kenneth Lavrsen Newbie

    Sep 24, 2023
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    I have the exact same problem behaving exactly as you describe. I am on a MacStudio M1 Ultra. I just sent a support email to Spectrasonic. It is always nice to know others have exact same problem because I am sure the first answer I get is that they have never heard about it and that I must be doing something wrong. Now I know I am not alone
  9. MokuseiFolf13

    MokuseiFolf13 Ultrasonic

    Dec 25, 2021
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    Do you have a genuine copy? I'm wondering if it's a matter of it being cracked causing this issue, or version 2.8.5f has got that pesky bug. It's strange considering I can have multiple instances of Omnisphere, but one can sometimes get all funky and not play anything at all despite recognizing key depressions.
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The "classic blank preset" timebomb takes a very long time to reveal itself. R2R mentioned this about their later fixed version in the nfo file where they referred to VKDanilov as something of a lone cowboy. But when developer figures out that sub has been taken care of in non-legit versions; they do something different in later update versions. If you guys are right, it's not something you can fix by doing anything other than waiting for another copy, or rolling back to an earlier one that worked perfectly.

    This problem does not exist on legit Omnisphere for Mac when used in Logic. Sometimes these things can even be DAW specific problems.

    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
  11. hazeglow.

    hazeglow. Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2023
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    It depends, I guess. If you are using licensed copy of omnisphere, it will be interesting to see support answer. If not, it is very hard to point what causes this problem: pirated update of software/soundsources/patches, all of these pirated updates or a hidden timebomb... who knows.
    To make it more clear a little bit, there is a topic on spectra site devoted to the output problem. They recommend to check STEAM folder size and check MIDI channels. But of course, it is irrelevant when the STEAM size is correct and instance randomly stops playing even it is standalone. The only interesting thing, the behavior is the same as they write: preview button makes sound in most cases.
  12. hazeglow.

    hazeglow. Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2023
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    I can confirm that the blank preset timebomb (besides the topic problem) still exists in non-windows (vkDanilov) releases. It happens rarely, tho. I have experienced blanks preset timebombs 2-3 times since the January 2023. But this one is the most generic pirated omnisphere's headache, I think.
  13. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The problem about these is they are hard to duplicate problems. And also, I am on intel and you are on Silicon. I have never had it do this and I use it all the time. I never use the standalone version, and also when I am working in a project nearing completion I often start rendering and then disabling cpu hungry synth instances. Omnisphere is one of those for me, really only just behind Alchemy.

    I have standalone open and no other audio apps open. I'll leave it sit unused for some hours and maybe it will happen. But I did just notice you are using the Bob Moog Tribute expansion? I am using legit Omnisphere, but I did try using a shared version of that library. That was quite a while ago and I have since removed it; but I removed it because it was seemingly the cause of some stupid little "new problems" I was having. If it was just the bug you are running into, I'd probably just write it off as a nuisance and put up with the bug. It was an easier decision for me because for those style sounds I just use a Moog.

    Since you guys have also mentioned Sleep and we are talking about hard to replicate or seemingly random issues. Have you tried force quitting Coreaudiod process when it has done this? Go to applications, utilities, and run Activity Monitor. Use the Search to locate Coreaudiod process, under the CPU tab. Highlight it, click Quit, then Force Quit on the popup message. In a few seconds, you will probably get a message from your DAW; and then in another short period of time; the coreaudiod process will respawn and you will see it under CPU tab as running again. Notice that on Activity Monitor, you will see it keeping track of Idle Wake Ups. If this is the cause of your problem, it's a bug within MacOS. I have this happen sometimes when I leave a Logic project open, but unused; for a long time. It is the same issue you can have happen watching videos in a browser after the computer has been idle for hours. The playback of the video will be sped up and will play through the entire video in about 1 second. All you will hear is a click when it happens. You could try this the next time you have this audio dropout, just to see what happens.

    If I can confirm the problem too, I can create a support ticket/contact them. Support for any of these bugs will always assume user error/cracked stuff when they first get reports about it. After a few reports of the same issue they can begin to take it seriously and look into it... (maybe). You could also look at the Changelog and see if there are any prior mentions of something like this one. Sometimes old problems resurface.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2023
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  14. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    I had the same issue (intel Mac, Catalina, Live 11) and it seems to be gone since I applied all updates (Moria) again in order and replaced files instead of merging them. I can't find my detective hat right now, but I believe merging files manually resulted in a mixture of older and newer files causing the bug.
  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    i left the standalone version open for about 12 hours. still no timebomb type problem with dropped audio.

    Do you guys disable SIP to run this, or other programs?
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2023
  16. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    Hi clone,
    if your version is legit and you are using the offical updates it probably won't be affected (my guess). I have my money on a bug caused by mixed files instead of a timebomb, but I can be wrong of course.The audio dropout happened here pretty fast with v 2.5 from the R2R/Dynamics release. After that I merged a complete STEAM folder from a rusky torrent and it happened again. Also one time the right level meter was stuck in Live. Never saw that one before. Another time the sustain pedal stopped working. Then I deleted all 3rd party libs, because some were incomplete and installed from .omnisphere files and overwrote files in the STEAM folder with the Moria updates.
    If I remember correctly, I didn't have to reload the plugin and just hit the "SOLO" button and it worked again.
    All good here so far, but I will also leave it open later and see if I will eat my words :)
    I am using only the AU and didn't disable SIP. Nothing else runs except the DAW.
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    My thinking was Timebomb too, but I noticed that @Kenneth Lavrsen mentioned that he emailed support. That's why I was looking to see if the bug can be duplicated.

    It's a pretty lame timebomb. That Blank Presets one is much worse. I have other plugins and synths that sometimes need to be restarted randomly and I paid for those too! lol. This one would not make me rush out to spend 500$ over it. I would just put up with it and come up with some workarounds. The blank preset thing is bad, because it makes you question wether or not you will loose any work if you even made all your own presets.

    Assuming @Kenneth Lavrsen also has a legit copy, if he has not disabled SIP there should be no real variation in the system and ancillary files when comparing installations. It probably wouldn't matter on/off anyway, but it's best to rule it out.

    I had a similar experience with some of Moria's handiwork. Bitwig 3.something disabled your keyboard upon launch, immediately. It was fixed very quickly, but that problem wasn't exactly stealthy. :dunno:
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2023
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  18. Zoketula

    Zoketula Guest

    I missed that part. Then the files should be good,
    Blank presets indeed are extremely uncool, because I use my patches for the most part. Maybe I should start using Time Machine as a backup for that case.
  19. hazeglow.

    hazeglow. Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2023
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    From my personal experience, output cuts happened randomly while the session too: for example, I am tweaking LFO or just scrolling presets and accidentally omni stops playing. The maing thing is just the fact that this bug (or a timebomb) will not disappear in particular instance. Output can come back for a while, but it will disappear again. Reloading the instance is the only way to solve this.
    It is pretty interesting at the moment, but now I've started using VST3 host and cannot replicate sound cuts, even it is 5+ instances in the project. But I can confirm for sure that I noticed this bug at least in standalone and VST2. Nevertheless, I have to check VST3 stability a little bit more tbh.
  20. hazeglow.

    hazeglow. Noisemaker

    Aug 28, 2023
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    I also want to mention that it can be useless in particular instance as I said before. I tried to catch this bug once in VST2 host for hour at least without results. A lot of random here
  21. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I could be wrong of course, but I think this is a telltale sign of it being part of the protection or what was tampered with to create the release you are using. If it was conflicting with anything external to your actual Omnisphere instance, such as finding a scrap object file on the hard disk or downloading a blacklist from vendor website; I know if I was the one programming it, I would de-authorize and lock your plugin up right then and there; Game Over. It would be something far less sneaky than some nuisance you might be able to work around. That's no form of real protection at all.

    In this thread it seems like this is actually connected with the blank presets timebomb:

    With the sound dropping out intermittently as you describe, but then coming back; that sounds programmed to me, rather than a conflict or caused by anything external to the plugin. It sounds like the behavior of a demo creating white noise on a timer, or a demo which has expired.
    I doubt it says in your nfo file that they used a demo installer to crack this application.

    Did you already try reinstallation? It takes sooooo long to install I wouldn't want to go that route if at all remotely possible.

    Which versions did you install, and in what sequence? People had all sorts of problems with Moria's stuff early on, but they got way more reliable later on. You mentioned using ThePirate's instructions to install, but he uses a pc and Oprekin version for windows.
    Does this bug also happen on windows? I'm stumped, I will give it some more thought. I did get it working correctly in Logic using Komplete Kontrol, Bluecat Patchwork with Omnisphere loaded into Patchwork. I used the AU format plugin, but patchwork accepts VST also. I always delete them.
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