Do graphics cards effect CPU?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Nick Bellagio, Aug 26, 2023.

  1. xorome

    xorome Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2021
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    That should really not happen unless the driver is super buggy. Here's power draw in Watt for UHD / 144Hz for recent models at idle and when playing back a YouTube UHD HDR 60 FPS video. A second monitor adds 35-60%. Agree with the rest of your post.


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  2. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Not aware of more recent generations in this regard, however my RX580 has no problem jumping from 300 MHz on the VRAM and reporting 25W, to 2 GHz on the VRAM and reporting 77W. GPU clock is still at 300-400MHz, but the VRAM shoots through the roof. That's with dual 1440p monitors so nothing too crazy, it just shoots up the moment it sees a second display. My i7-8700K is sitting at 10-14W in the meantime, so that's easily multiple times more than the CPU. Briefly looking up the issue, it seems to be a common thing as soon as you go dual monitors and/or do high-res/high refresh displays.

    Perhaps they changed something in more recent generations, not a huge gamer so I can't reasonably justify getting anything more than 10xx series / RX5xx as there's just no need. Actually I'm considering scrapping the GPU altogether for the next upgrade and going iGPU only.

    The power difference is not insignificant, 30-40W could technically be cooled passively and allows you to have your fans very low if not completely stopped, meanwhile your GPU plays games and brings it up to 100W which warrants fans going and does heat up your room - possibly the difference between having a completely silent studio and needing to switch the AC on.

    Thanks for the data though, looks like Intel Arc, RX 7000 and any Nvidia GPUs are on the avoid list for me.
  3. Nick Bellagio

    Nick Bellagio Member

    Mar 7, 2021
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    You do not want to do your layered sounds by setting volumes of multiple Kontakts in an Instrument Rack on a single track in Ableton.[/QUOTE]

    a little confused by this.

    -someone on youtube said the more instances of kontakt you use the more cores it accesses on your cpu - i treid this and it didnt really do anything i dont think - I dont usually do this i usually just load the maximum in each instance and then layer from there by the time i have 3 stacks playing at the same time i start getting drop outs.

    -The cables to my drives are not faulty as it happens to multiple drives - Iike i mentioned i had to downgrade to 3.0 so it would stop disconnecting them - I think the answer to this is get one huge internal SSD

    -I have my preload to 6kb the lowest and it actually made it worse and i couldnt even barley hear anything the drpouts were so bad it barley played so i had to move it back up to where it was.

    Thanks for the reply and info i appreciate it
  4. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    This is somewhat true. If you have multiple tracks, with Kontakt on every track, then if your DAW is not a piece of turd, the workload will be distributed across your CPU cores. This can't be done if your plugins sit on a single track, because it has to be mixed into a single track. One instrument can be done earlier than the other, and then we're waiting until the other one finishes calculating. This means we can't do multiple cores.

    Also, Instrument Racks in Ableton are always single core if I remember correctly. By using an Instrument Rack and a single track, you're effectively placing a much lower ceiling on how many plugins you can have. Consider using multiple tracks and grouping them to a folder instead.
    Sounds like you really need to move off external SSDs, whatever external SSD or USB controller shenanigans you have they sure are not helping. If lower preload made things worse, then your SSD was not quick enough to get the samples on time. Higher preload eases the SSD requirements by keeping more of the sample in RAM.
  5. kartouch

    kartouch Newbie

    Jan 17, 2023
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    I have Microsoft surface laptop studio 16 gb ram i7 gen11with graphic 4050ti
    I have
    IK Multimedia AXE I/O One ''' audio interface... I use cable type C to type C to connect the interface with computer .. latency 0
    Don't use type c to type A ...
    I tested Scarlett solo gen 3 ( cable type c to type c .. latency 0

    You need computer with type c gen 3 and audio interface with type c
    Don't use usb adapter
    Should connect direct audio interface to computer if pc to motherboard or laptop...both support type c ... latency 0
  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Multiple instances of Kontakt (and iirc Falcon) are coded so that the entire thing is still using the same engine. How this may be affected by your "instrument" rack I am not sure. I never do this, because I would rather keep each "layer" on it's own Midi channel inside Logic. Duplicate the channel and the midi data. You will have more control over them anyway.
  7. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    There's no denying that Nvidia seems a might retarded when it comes to building video drivers that work and play well with others. However I will share this experience I had recently when I updated drivers on my big A/V production box that contains a RTX 3070ti. The only reason I have a 3070ti in the machine is because I do audio AND video production on the same machine.

    So anyway, I grabbed the newest 'studio' driver from the NVidia drivers site and went about applying the update to an incumbent driver set that was about 1.5 years old (they were 2021-'22 vintage). They hadn't been updated since I first built the machine over 1+ years ago. I opted, as I usually do, to do a "clean install" and instructed the installer to install "ONLY THE DRIVER AND NOTHING ELSE". To my amazement, the installer for this brand new crop of drivers actually did just what I had told it to do - it installed ONLY the driver and NONE of the other resource sucking nvidia garbage (or telemetry even) that it would normally have done in the past.

    I have used nvidia cards for years and I have installed MANY MANY drivers for a number of different NVidia GPU's, and I have never come across an instance wherein the installer actually did what it was told and installed ONLY THE DRIVER and NOTHING else. Just for giggles, I checked latency numbers after I found what had occurred and found them to be much better in terms of how much resources the nv driver was consuming. Significantly less resource hog-age and better latency specs overall. Amazing!

    The only ONE caveat to this story is that while the installer cleaned out all the older junk from the previous install and installed ONLY what I had told it to, it FAILED to install the Nvidia Control Panel for the driver/hardware. Further investigation revealed that this little bugaboo apparently is by design. Seems it's Nvidia's little joke on all those that only want the driver and not the rest of the garbage that installer would unleash upon their systems. Apparently if one wants the Nvidia Control Panel (an obviously needed piece of the puzzle) at this stage of the game one has to obtain it from the "microsoft store" as an "app package"...:rofl: Not as easy for me since there is NO internet allowed on ANY of my production machines and I run optimized GhostSpectre builds that do NOT contain any "ms store" bullshit (along with a whole lot of other junk) on them by default. Needless to say there are ways around this sort of road-block which I have taken advantage of many times before and it is not REALLY an issue for me personally, but I can see for others where it might be an issue or even a show stopper. The added frustration to the end user resulting from an infantile and petulant decision by Nvidia to NOT install the single-most important part of the driver (the control panel) infuriated the piss out of me even though the fix was easy enough to apply given the circumstance.

    Admittedly I was not really having issues with latency artifacts and my decision to update drivers was based purely on maintenance reasons, but a nice little bonus even though I created a second issue as far as the nv control panel was concerned. Suffice to say, all is back to normal, the new driver is installed, as well as the nv control panel, my RME audio gear is even happier now due to the fact that there is even less nvidia trash on the system to have to deal with.
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