Logic Pro stupid file size

Discussion in 'Logic' started by Vincent Price, Sep 17, 2023.

  1. Hello

    I am getting very annoyed

    Working on a project and even though I am only playing one midi track at a time, everything freezes and goes crazy and looking at the file size it is 1.4GB

    Should not be that much!

    Not only that I cannot find where to delete missing files from the project...I have been able to find it in the past but now Logic is not giving me the option
  3. executioner

    executioner Guest

    1. Freeze tracks to save CPU
    2. Increase Buffer Size

    For missing files you want to delete, go into the Browsers page (press F), and delete the ones with (!) if I recall. You can clean up further if you have project alternatives etc: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/gui...o, choose File,from the Project Audio Browser.

    As for the file size, I can't really tell you until you find out what's causing the bloat, whether it's your VSTs or Audio etc. You can also check if you ticked the option to copy files into the project that you usually don't, i.e Sampler Data, Alchemy. Maybe with more information, someone can help.
  4. lxfsn

    lxfsn Platinum Record

    Sep 8, 2021
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    These are all user error, not Logic being funky. It could be a faulty (or very old computer), it could be that you have other apps and web browser open (taking memory and cpu) while making music, it could be soundcard with a too small buffer or using a too high sample rate and the list can go on and on...

    As for the project size, there are backups inside the project file that can be deleted. And project files absolutely CAN be managed.

    Overall it looks that you're looking at a set of issues way over your current abilities. So make sure your computer is no older than 10 years, when running Logic do not run other apps, and start reading the manual and actually learn how the tool works. Logic is a very complex piece of software
  5. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    An otherwise empty project with one MIDI track should not be that much. Unless you've saved multiple times so have copies of the project as autobackups, have a large undo history, copied other assets into the project and so on. Unless your project is actually much bigger than that.

    If you want to inspect the contents of the project, go to where you saved it in the Finder and look at the contents of the project. Then you can see what is taking up the space.

    "Missing files" suggests audio files, so it's clearly not a project with just some MIDI data. As always in Logic for the past 25 years or more, audio files are managed from the audio files tab/window, and again, you can look at the project in Finder to see what's there.
  6. Producer

    Producer Platinum Record

    Mar 21, 2016
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    3rd house on the left.The one with the lemon trees
    Maybe he chose to save all the files as well. You know , the tickboxes when you save your project and asks if you want to save movie file , audio files , alchemy files etc
  7. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    These are the things you could do.
    First use Disk utility to check errors on your Mac HD.Run First Aid.Repair the disk directory.You could check the HD with Disk Warrior if you have a copy.
    Check the audio/midi files inside your project.Identify the bloated file and delete it or you can try to save your open project with a different name using the 'Save as' then check your project again and see if there is any difference.
    to be on the safe side...clone your HD to a new drive.
    As executioner said...try the logic clean up function or as ixfsn explained in detail... if your system is old or faulty plus the string of other issues he stated..
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You can chase your tail with disk operations and chase your tail with these doing anything drastic. The issue is user error in Logic (or MacOS). If he "cannot find something" he also may have just unchecked the Preferences -> Show Advanced Tools option. This post is one of those that gets created when someone is getting "very annoyed" and they don't leave enough information to really fix the problem.

    This is in Project Settings, under the Assets tab. Another option that can add bulk is having a hundred levels of Undo. This is under Logic-> Preferences->General -> Project Handling -> Auto Backup Option. I usually set this to 10, but that's up to the user.

    This could be something as simple as remembering to hold down the Option key when doing finder Go to try to find the Library, which of course leaves that directory hidden. Need some screenshot action, and not on ImgBB.

    The other concern is deleting Unused Files. This is under File menu-> Project Management-> Clean Up and also Consolidate. Consolidate option handles copies made and not re-used if you are using Project Alternatives.

    Everything to fix this is within Logic. Maybe some additional files can be tracked down and deleted. You do not need to clone the hard disk, buy a new computer, or even create a Time Machine Backup. These will all just waste your time. Go on Amazon and buy this book from David Nahmani as a paperback version: https://www.amazon.com/Logic-Pro-Tr...uction-ebook/dp/B09TF8PY8Y?ref_=ast_author_dp

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2023