Cubase 13 soon?

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by 8bits, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. blasterx

    blasterx Kapellmeister

    Nov 1, 2016
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    And a free version :woot:
  2. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    Correct, and it's been verified by a Steinberg dev on their official forum.
  3. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I'll wait for v14 then (v13.5). :rofl:
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Their 10.5 update was released shortly before, or after; Logic 10.5 update. I was about to buy Cubase for about 500$ or so; and I saw them charging another 100 or 150 for their 10.5 update, while the Logic update was free and seemed to include WAY more nice updates. I had forgotten what Steinberg are like with updates and paying them over and over again. Logic is now on 10.7 (or 10.8) and Cubase will probably be v14 by the time Apple do another Logic major version release. I would have paid about double the Cubase original price by now.
  5. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    The relationship between Apple (a hardware manufacturer selling software exclusive to its platform, whose hardware sales can subsidize the costs of continued development of that exclusive software) and Logic, can't really be compared to Steinberg and Cubase, or any of the other DAW developers that charge for subsequent versions of their software.

    Edit: Also, unless you suffer from crippling FOMO, you don't have to get every single version that comes out.
  6. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    bro there's no daw that exist can be compared to steinberg this why they are very egotistical about they stuff i can tell u this tho they don't give a shit about Apple or Pc im telling u this now only thing they care about is them being relevant within the composing industry as long as they stay important in that industry then they have nothing to worry about u want to know why? u want to know how many movies made from Cubase that alone is enough.....when people composing for hollywood most people not pulling up FL Studio or Bitwig or Studio one bro just saying....
  7. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    yes they will keep doing it and will forever do it untill something changes they mind
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Sure it can. I am not a Steinberg stock holder. I don't give a rat's ass about their business model. I have been using the same problem free DAW software for 200 bucks for longer than from 10.5 actually. It was 10.4, which is why i was comparing their 10.5 updates in the first place. SB's update schedule has never been based on real developments within the software.

    You are 100% right about "subsidized by hardware sales". And? I don't care if they sell 5000$ VR Devices while strip mining for gold in the Amazon. You guys are talking about Cubase updates, and that is one of the worst things about being a Cubase user. Money. Their updates are primarily a periodic cash grab; and this is nothing new, or even new within the last 2 decades. The other is them blaming every real tech support-worthy help ticket's cause on r2r or some third party plugin vendor while you wait for yet another 100$ update.
  9. Chet_M

    Chet_M Member

    Feb 18, 2021
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  10. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
  11. Semarus

    Semarus Producer

    Mar 26, 2022
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    All DAW updates are a periodic money grab except for Logic, incidentally. This isn't isolated to Cubase, nor just audio production software. Some applications have free updates, some up to a point, some don't. The value of those updates is certainly always up for debate, and that perceived value is not agreed upon for everyone. Which brings me to why I said you're comparing apples to oranges, and that it's apparent by this post that you have no idea what it costs to maintain and continuously release software.
  12. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    yeah and some people pay $100 for a shit load of bug fixes that should of been already fixed its like a double edge sword dealing with this mess:rofl:
  13. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Ok, lets see you release a bug free DAW in your first release.. Actually, let's see you release ANYTHING bug free if its that simple.. Software doesnt work that way when there are literally tens of thousands of combinations of random hardware you can put together in the end that will affect something in your app.

    Or maybe you're the rich guy who's got enough money to put all these infinitely imaginable setups together and test against them in a timely manner, and not take 10 years to release your app? Let's see that happen too.

    A lot of you really don't have the first clue how software development actually works. Try working in the 'industry' for a bit and let's see how it goes.
  14. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    i know software have bugs and thats just the type of stuff that happens when dealing with software but for software that are way more buggy than others for the ones that's infested with bugs should at least have less of a charge for updates meaning not making people pay for something that haven't been fixed in years that they didn't even try to fix that can reduce customers workflow at the end of the day it's about u keeping your product working for the customers that made you who u are u let a software company like Imageline have a less buggy software than you and u have way more money than imageline and imageline updates are free and the updates are head to head with a industry standard software like Cubase u see this weird pattern thats going on ....u can see who really care about they customers and who don't action speaks louder than words a simple phrase but true enough....another good example like Reaper they company have way less money than Cubase and Fl Studio and still put care into they software with updates and bug fixes and cost a little bit of nothing u see who really cares im telling u now
  15. gotnofriends

    gotnofriends Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2023
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    maybe you should put this on your first post @Atlantis84

    WHAT’S NEW IN 13?

    Mix on the go
    The new channel tab in the Project window gives you direct access to your mix, without leaving the arrangement.
    The new design means you can intuitively find what you need, letting you mix on the go in a compact, per channel view.

    Slick, streamlined, focused
    The MixConsole has been given a fresh overhaul with a slick, streamlined design to help you focus on your mix.

    Increase your range
    The Range tool is one of the most powerful tools in Cubase and it’s now available in the Key Editor as well as the Drum Editor.

    A new editor experience
    Edit multiple parts from within the Key Editor and Drum Editor, switch between tracks with the Visibility tab and maintain an overview with the new Track display

    The ultimate vocal chain
    Vocal processing is an art of its own, taking a lot of expertise and experience to master the different processing steps. The VocalChain plug-in provides dedicated modules for each step, helping to turn your recordings into professional-sounding vocal tracks.

    Progress your progressions
    The new chord pads make it easy to find creative chord progressions. New presets give you excellent starting points and enhanced functions make it even simpler to create unique music.

    Sketch out your scores
    Iconica Sketch allows everyone from beginners to professional composers to create full orchestral scores of the highest quality with 140 articulations for 34 instruments in a compact 5GB library.

    Τweak it
    The Sampler Track is even more creative, thanks to stunning new Spectral Warp modes for extreme manipulation and powerful envelope creation.

    Τhe return of a legend
    Create classic robotic vocals or add analog flavor to your instruments with the legendary Steinberg Vocoder. Use up to 24 filter bands, sidechain input, and enjoy in-depth control over the sound.
    Compression with character
    Black Valve is a classic tube compressor with lots of warmth and character. Its sonic detail makes this tribute to one of the most iconic studio processors really stand out

    Add class with frequency
    Two new equalizers, the EQ-P1A and the EQ-M5, add a classy sound to your productions.

    Be a vocal specialist
    The new VoxComp is a compressor specifically designed for vocals, gently taming your recordings without compromising clarity, transients, or expression.

    Creative starting points
    Be inspired by five exclusive new sample packs by Grammy-winning producer Beat Butcha, creative mastermind Sharooz, and acclaimed sample boutiques 91Vocals and Touch Loops.

    • STEP & MIDI INPUT - The Step and MIDI Input features are now more even powerful. Modify note lengths on the fly and add voices on top with the new polyphonic note input feature.
    • KEY EDITOR - MIDI CCs can now be recorded in simplified ramps to make it quicker and easier for editing the controller events afterward
    • TRACK VERSIONS FOR VIDEO - Working with new video edits is now more convenient with new Track Versions for the VideoTrack.
    • START MODES - Do you want to start from the cycle marker, the last position or your selection? Configure where playback starts to precisely match your workflow.
    • TRANSPORT BAR - Easily adjust the project tempo to the beat with the new Tap Tempo feature in the Transport Bar.
    • CHANNEL CONFIGURATION - Change the channel type from mono to stereo or vice versa with just one click
    • VERTICAL ZOOM - Zoom in and out vertically with the mouse wheel and decide whether you want to zoom to transport or selection.
    • KEY COMMANDS - The new Key Command dialog makes managing your short cuts quick and easy. Find commands easier with the dynamic filter and try new macros on the fly.The new Key Command dialog makes managing your short cuts quick and easy. Find commands easier with the dynamic filter and try new macros on the fly.
    • IMPORT TRACKS FROM PROJECTS - There are several new options that give you more flexibility and control when importing tracks, events, and time ranges.
    • MIDI PLUG-INS - MIDI plug-ins have had a design overhaul with a fresh new look
    • MIDI 2.0 - With support for high resolution velocity, CC, aftertouch, pitch bend, and poly pressure data, Cubase 13 is ready for the widespread adoption of MIDI 2.0.
    • ROUTING - You can now set instrument tracks/racks/sampler return channels as inputs for audio tracks, as well as FX and group channels.
    • DEMO PROJECTS - Explore three new excellent showcase demo projects, including productions by Austin Hull and Azodi.
    • WINDOW MANAGEMENT - Cubase now features Windows-compliant multi-window handling.
    • VIDEO ENGINE - The Windows video engine has been improved, including GPU hardware decoding for H264 and better overall performance
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  16. Pinhead12

    Pinhead12 Ultrasonic

    Feb 6, 2022
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    Some screenshots of the new interface of several things, the new mixer among them.
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  17. stopped

    stopped Platinum Record

    Mar 22, 2016
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    I'm always a sucker for a new vocoder
  18. oldskoolproductions

    oldskoolproductions Producer

    Sep 8, 2013
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    Probably March 2024.

    It does not make sense to go back to the original schedule of release dates.
    We all got short changed with a horrible V12 update...
    They can buy more time if they make everyone wait until next year.
    They know that most long time customers are dissatisfied with the last release.

    Removing a dongle... Blah Blah Blah…
    Lets improve the logical editor.... most people don't even know what it is, how how to use it....

    • A new MIDI Remote system that helps to map hardware controllers to Cubase functionality;
    • The addition of a Scale Assistant to VariAudio, to aid in automatic pitch correction;
    • A new Audio To MIDI chords function, which can extract chord information from polyphonic audio;
    • A new multi-effects processor called FX Modulator, which allows you to modulate its parameters using custom LFOs, audio side-chain signals and more;
    • Improvements to the AudioWarp time-stretching algorithm, plus the ability to stretch audio directly within your project timeline;
    • Improvements to the audio editing workflow, including the addition of new keyboard shortcuts, improved navigation and new slip and nudge edit modes;
    • A new dynamics processor called Raiser, which promises extra-fast attack times and ultra-transparent limiting;
    • Sample-accurate volume automation;
    • New tools for importing tempo and signature tracks from other Cubase projects;
    • Compatibility with Bluetooth MIDI (on Windows machines);
    • The ability to export channels and stems in isolation while applying correct side-chain processing;
    • Improvements to the Logical Editor;
    • A new felt piano instrument called Verve;
    • Native support for Apple Silicon architecture;
    • Smoother waveform drawing.
  19. blasterx

    blasterx Kapellmeister

    Nov 1, 2016
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  20. Melodic Reality

    Melodic Reality Rock Star

    Feb 18, 2023
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    Wonder if they are referring to 30 days trial as free version, hope not, that would be really silly blurb, guess they will set free LE/AI versions, they are kinda free already, you get them with some gear, upgrades to next version are free, so it kinda makes sense to try to lure more people in with them and have them craving for more. Unless they pull some Bitwig nonsense and cripple them out so much one lose every interest in even dealing with that nonsense... like their earlier attempts with 8/16 track, this new stuff isn't bigger improvement either, they really know how to cripple them so you lose interest in it lol
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