IK Multimedia ToneX - Discussion topic

Discussion in 'Software' started by MaxSxB, Oct 1, 2022.

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  1. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    ...well, nothing, i've tried from another device after logging, and nothing, perhaps is a temporary IK web issue.
  2. scoob701

    scoob701 Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    The web page is only for likes and scouting out profiles. You need to use the tonex pc app to download actual profiles. I don't know all the ins and outs of how that works. Something about downloading the free version then messing with things. Some of my earlier stuff was on the database posted here so it's just a matter of getting a more up to date version but it is massive at this point. I try not to too many profiles to pollute the system. My recent ones seem to be received well which is nice. I only have about 10 new ones and I'll probably stop again.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
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  3. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Absolutely clear, thx for you knowledge & suggestions. I use to say that 99.9% of the time i just need ONE rig, one which let me flow between a clean tone and (all the internal grays) 'till a wild fury :rofl:. Later we entered in this crazy tornado, imagine me from a poor amp with a Zoom 505 pedal to sound through every possible HQ sound in Earth...:disco: Thx again for your knowledge. Anyway, i've just downloaded the big .rar, i guess i'll take a raid over there after read this entire thread.
  4. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Hi!, as my profile says.. i'm a digital newbie looking for the way to digitalize my analog fingers...; what do you think about the STL Ignite Libra IR's loader? Now a very dumb question; can i load in Overloud's TH-U the profiles contained in the .rar that @MaxSxB posted in this thread? Thx a lot for your time!
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
  5. scoob701

    scoob701 Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    Yep, when I got a Kemper I spent years trying out profiles and now it's the same all over.
    I posted a few more today with 4 more coming in a few days then I'm taking a break.
    I will say this...people (not you) need to remember that some captures are meant for playing and some are already carved up for mixing. Everyone is looking for different things. When I do my captures for album tones, I listen to the isolated guitar tracks knowing that they have been studio produced and have been carved up a lot. I take that as a starting point and try to add some beef and highs back into it so it's also fun to play. The low and high cuts can then be later applied when mixing. The new Black Album capture I posted is a good example of this. Listen to the isolated guitar tracks and they have been heavily eq'd. I added back fizz and some low end. There are already a ton of captures by others of their amp heads. I'm not one to post 1000 profiles with the amps at different settings. There's no need for me to duplicate what others are doing. I'm just trying to add something different to the database that's usable and fun.
    With respect to the 'chugging' comment above. I find that Tonex can promote bass content. If you use tonex live then I find there has to be an eq to tighten things up somewhere in the path. Whether it's a PEQ on the mixing board or elsewhere in the chain. It would be nice if IK would add this to their EQ section.
  6. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Obviously all of this stuff is flyin' at warp4 to the future, if the current economic phillosophy collapses we'll achieve warp 9.9 in a short time, i'm sure that all the improvements suggested in this thread will see the light anytime. I've found your "scoob701.db" inside the downloaded package.. NOW I'M FLYING, is truely impressive, trillon thx!

    By the way; which is, for you, the best possible audio interface for play these jewels on stage?
  7. scoob701

    scoob701 Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    If I was using Tonex live I would use Tonex to a delay, and reverb pedal and out direct to the mixing board. Let the sound guy figure the rest out. They are paid to make it sound cohesive.

    Edit: sorry I was referring to the Tonex pedal above. I am fully embedded into the Tonex ecosystem.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
  8. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    @avenocturno Which .rar file that I posted are you talking about ? I don't recall any since Rodger has deleted his content. Anyway, playing myself bass live with a computer into a combo with a simple and cheap Behringer UMC202HD interface (Aurora DSP's Mammoth plugin as a preamp, what a killer one <3 ), I'd say literally any interface will do the job.

    But it's not only a matter of interface. You interface Out is line level whereas your amp input is instrument level. Then you'll need a reamp box to match impedance. LO AND BEHOLD ! Here comes IK Multimedia's AXE I/O One. An audio interface with a, instument level (hi-Z) output ! For around 140 bucks, you have the whole necessary package. Users seem to have mitigated experiences, some love it, some hate it, but at this price point it seems like a good option (I regret not having known of it before...)

    If you have a decent budget, I'll still advise you to grab a Focusrite 2i2 3rd gen (4th gen is nearly double the price... for not actually that much of a better result) and a good reamp box, like a Radial Pro RMP. That's a 300 bucks budget for a safe gear.

    If you have an amp head, use it of course. If you want to get rid of it, you'll have to invest in a power amp. Harley Benton actually provide good ones according to reviews (80 bucks for 100W @ 8 ohms, wtf). Or, if budget is crazy, the unbeatable Seymour Duncan Power Stage series.

    Or... there's ToneX Pedal :p
  9. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Thx @scoob701 !!, understood.

    Hi @MaxSxB , thx for share your experience. The 2ยบ link in your initial post, uploaded by @iz444nz , is still online, so i guess i'll can't play the content previous to 6th March 2023 for now. My question about the best possible interface was related to their best possible preamps, Class A, Midas, etc.., u know, that difference which can be heard when a guitar is inserted in the 1/4 jack & the high-z button is pushed, plus the latency affair, and so on. I've heard over there that the "colour" given by a guitar amp isn't *convenient* 'cause the possible mess of really different "colours" interacting (the amps sim and the real one), i've never had a choice to test it, anyway i have no more amp head since many years ago. My last live experience as guitar player was through the Zoom 505 stomp into a very little amp taken by an SM57 to the console guy hahahahaahahaaaa...., truely poor, the same way i've recorded this in 2002 => , a home demo for a class b movie never finished. So, no amp head, no real cab. My idea is to make an amp through which the processed digital sound could flow to the air with the minimum possible deformation, big search about this grial. But, obviously, my ignorance about this huge field is almost absolute, so here i'm stolin' the patience of experimented producers and very good people as u & Scoob.

    BIG LIB FILE.jpg
  10. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    You mean Instrument level (Hi-Z) INPUT not output right?
    They have a variable impedance input which they call tripple topology guitar input with TONE-Z.
    As the outputs is 2 balanced and 2 unbalanced and they are line level.
    They have a software based thing they call "Amp Out" whatever that means? i bet it is equally crappy as other solutions like Line6 "Air" etc etc.
  11. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Thx 4 your input!, yes, to choose the right input por the passive mics of my guitars in the best interface possible, lower latency, high grade pre-amps, converters, etc.. I knew about the compensations, is just that i thought the best possible start point equals to a better chain, generaly speaking. By the way, 'cause if i'm searching for info from another's experience i've gotta be more clear & specific; my "sound chain" idea for home is GUITAR--->AUDIO INTERFACE--->COMPUTER--->AUDIO INTERFACE--->"PLAIN" AMP + 2 CABINETS, if i strike back to live performances could go directly to the console or the cabs taken by mics, but for now i'm too far away from stages... I could be writing just senseless things, that's why i'm in the search for knowledge. Thx for your time.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2023
  12. ItsFine

    ItsFine Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2023
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    Another solution is using different DI boxes (with pad).
    So you can choose more easily than swapping audio interfaces to test their Hi Z inputs :wink:

    Like BSS Audio AR133 (1 Mohm) or any Radial for instruments.
    IK Multimedia Z-Tone DI and others "special" solutions.

    With AT LEAST 500 kOhm input impedance.
    Just stay away from anything under 500 kOhm input impedance : they are line input only (DJ, keyboard ...)

    It becomes : guitar > DI > audio Interface (even without Hi Z input)
  13. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Thx a lot @ItsFine . Yes a proper DI box does their job, anyway i need a nice Focusrite, or a Lexicom, something with a nice midi in/out. I was truely shocked playin' the Diva synth through my strato, it blowed my mind when i tried to emulate Tony Banks solos, impressive.
  14. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    Nope, I really mean Hi-Z OUTPUT, there is a female jack plug labeled "AMP OUT" front right on the Axe I/O, it's an integrated reamping solution outputing a Hi-Z signal. Pretty insane. There are of course your usual line outs in the back to go to monitors.

    IMHO, with your setup, you could go with just the classical bedroom producer kit :
    - whatever audio interface you want (Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen would be my choice)
    - 2 active studio monitors (Kali LP6 2nd wave are told to be bang for the bucks)

    If you want to go on stage :
    - Just your audio interface if the place has a full PA system (guitar -> interface -> computer -> interface -> mix console -> PA)
    - Your audio interface + a reamp box + a power amp if the place has no PA system. In this case, the Axe I/O would be the best option to spare the reamp box $$$. Power amp would still be mandatory
  15. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    First post edited :
    - got rid of the download links, don't want to be warned unless mods give me the permission which I doubt
    - summarized the signal chain to play live with ToneX or whatever plugin you want
  16. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Thx for all your work & your sugerences, @MaxSxB :wink:

    I've never imagined that your initial post could generate some kind of problem, it was there for so long, forgive me for mention it, i speak too much.
  17. FalloutFan

    FalloutFan Kapellmeister

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Good thing I downloaded the library a few days ago.
  18. MaxSxB

    MaxSxB Platinum Record

    Dec 26, 2014
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    Nope you did well ! You avoided me potential trouble. I referenced the links shared by other people, one of whom was given a warning last month. I simply forgot I shared that link too haha.

    I have a strong feeling the database will be available on sister site soon though
  19. avenocturno

    avenocturno Kapellmeister

    Oct 6, 2022
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    Understood @MaxSxB . Anyway i promess to be more discrete from now & on. I'll share all my work about building presets from zero, only from the original & legit database of Tonex CS. I've just wondering for many days about the whole presets stuff 'cause i'm an eternal student.
  20. izn444nz

    izn444nz Platinum Record

    Jul 23, 2022
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    Maybe the problem was the "exe" files in Rodger's shared content instead of the db files.
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