Is it release ready?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Martel, Sep 11, 2023.

  1. executioner

    executioner Guest

    1st Arrangement Suggestion:

    V1 just gets things started and moves the first drum pattern to the second section instead, since your original beginning groove was adding to the buildup of the intro, making it feel too long.

    2nd Arrangement Suggestion (version I prefer):

    V2 is gonna move things around more and extend the length to balance the energy. It’s gonna be longer yet more succinct because it’s even more "pop" in structure now. I think your remix could take more creative liberty moving things around since I thought even the Original (the original song) arrangement was lacking because the artist was repeating almost each section twice, hence why it had to keep shifting sonically. V2 I removed the repeated “Hook” at ~0:40 because the intimate/airy vocals section is lower in energy and more of a buildup. And the parts with your stripped "Hook" areas are put into places that add to the flow

    Other notes:
    Sonically I can hear it going more jungle just because of the characteristics of the percussion. But if you’re going minimalist the “top” Hi-hats/Percussion really has to drive the groove more so don't be too shy with it, especially at the bigger sections. I can hear the textures but I see you've chosen to keep them down. The melodic elements of the original arpeggiated or contributed to the groove in some way. Your version will need to compensate for it in some way since right now your synth layer just playing straight and at times it takes away from the rhythm. What I mean is that you have just a bit more space to add to the production to drive the groove even more. Make the swells of the synth prominent to add to the texture. Don’t go overboard though, the minimal idea is cool, just have to play into it more. Do listen to how the sections have been moved for both versions and see if any appeals to you. Obviously, it's spliced together so it's not gonna sound gelled together but I hope the idea comes across and you can build on it more. But this current version is a definitely better compared to the first version you shared :mates:
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 13, 2023
  2. reticular

    reticular Producer

    Apr 14, 2022
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    That top end thing you were mentioning, to be able to squeeze it i lost dynamics, but you might be able to get what i mean, the original track top end "sizzle" kinda thing....i´m no help at the arangement..

    So i suggest quickly skipping at 0:48 and hear that hihat come in

    0:55 also double vocal stack get´s more "latin" ???

    several versions and the original mp3
  3. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Very interesting idea on the arrangement. I love the ''extended version'' idea. It actually flow better. I'm not sure about the intro to the first chorus though. I can hear that mine gives too much of a break at a moment where the listener would expect an engagement part but I think that specific ''no low end'' part that you put at the beginning might actually fit later on in your extended version. I love most of the ideas really.

    I'm going to do a final version tomorrow and call it a day. I need to move on. Your version will definitely inspire that last version.

    Thanks again for your time. I really appreciate. :mates:
  4. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    I agree with your idea of giving it a bit more top end. Maybe a bit less though. The dynamic/transient shaping idea didn't work in my opinion. It's Not your fault really.

    I think you would be best served with the unlimited version. It really felt squashed and that's obviously not your fault. You used a sausage (My master) and tried to make a birthday cake out of it.

    Would you like me to send it to you tomorrow so you can have fun with it ? It would be interesting to hear your perspective of tonal balance correction with a decent 2 track to work with.
  5. executioner

    executioner Guest

    Yep, there's a limit to what I can do since I can only reorder the 2-track, but at least you sort of got what I was hearing! Do make the final call soon! Happy to hear that I've aided a bit and good luck with the release. Is it gonna be on Sech's?
  6. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    I actually don't know where the track is going. :mad: All I know is that he said that someone is preparing an Halloween release so I need to bring that vibe into the song.

    Is it the label or someone else, I really don't know.

    I just thrust the guy that gave me the job as he has always been a good jack to me.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023
  7. reticular

    reticular Producer

    Apr 14, 2022
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    I get you, so you like that vocal place where the ear wants to hear every word rather than sizzle top end balance within the transitions, it is sort of different way of interpreting your track really, so all good, i rarely listen to this genre too..

    I do like compressed tracks, so i got some bias in that area for sure. Send the 2 track and i´ll see to try going in the different direction !
  8. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Yes, I don't like harshness in the highs at vocal siting frequency point. That's one thing that happen too often in popular urban music and I think it sound amateur.

    I'm about to begin working on the final edit with executioner recommendation in mind. Once done, i'll send the naked 2bus version and another one with less compression and limiting.

    It's always inspiring to hear your work touched by others because it bring a different perspective and that's where I personally learn the most.

    I usually work alone and VERY rarely ask opinions on my mix and composition but this thread is a genuine proof that it is healthy to sometime put it out there so fellow M.E. and composers can chime in with a fresh uninvolved perspective.

    It doesn't mean that I have to adopt all ideas but some are genuinely good idea that I just dismissed when composing because I'm stucked in my ways.

    All of that to say that it was a very refreshing thread for me.

    Talk to you later.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    To me it really depends on what they hired you for, if it was a Producer they might be pissed you changed or took stuff out of their work, if it was a "producer" they might just accept whatever you give them or be furious depending on blood alcohol/THC content, what their girlfriend thinks, or what their friends say at the time. People spend a lot of time on those small touches, sometimes they see it your way and sometimes they don't

    If you only have a stereo track and would like to preserve some of that original sizzle without all this rewrite you might consider an MS compressor to balance out the uneven M/S jumps and a DeQ/MBC/DS on the offending and often jarring FX where they are most offensive between 1200 and 1500 hertz.

    Either way - you now you client best and like you said, it's time to print and move on. Once you have one print out they'll either love or come back to you for a second pass, that's how you know. Everything else is just prognostication and crystal balls anticipation.
  10. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Totally agree. Now I was never asked to ruin my masters by a professional so I took out the edginess on the vocals because I don't find it desirable. Them not liking it doesn't take back the advance in my bank account and I don't compose so an artist can co-produce it with me. Been there, done that. Not gonna happen ever again unless we agree on the terms beforehand. The difference between the original vocals and my master is substantial. Now some will prefer a more polite master, some others might prefer the usual edginess of a modern masters. I don't like noisy top ends so I'll stick to my guns really.

    ELJUNTADERO2022 Producer

    Jun 10, 2022
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    yee the remix its the oneeee, the bass in the first faults x_x and its kind of distorted.
    the remix one its very sweeeeet like the song its!
  12. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Friend, I don't understand what you mean, sorry. I do speak Spanish (even Costenol too haha) but here you can't write in Spanish. You can write to me privately if you want. I would like to hear your opinion. Blessings.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2023
  13. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    All right, I'm done.

    Here's the final result. Thanks to Executioner for the extensive arrangement class. :mates:
    I'm satisfied with all of it now plus I need to jump into a mix and clean it up a bit so I'm ready to work tomorrow.

    @reticular. here's the virgin 2bus. (24/96)

    If anyone else want to give it a shot and make it sound better then mine, I'll be waiting until tomorrow night (New York Time) to send it and then I'll pick my favourite.

    Thanks a lot guys, that was fun to collaborate with the forum.

    Edit: There's some artifact on the vocals @ 0:48 ...I don't have a single clue where it's coming from. Fawk it. I'll leave it like that.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2023

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Sounds tight.

    ELJUNTADERO2022 Producer

    Jun 10, 2022
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    what I said was: that your remix, is the "one", the bass in the original song, has no consistency and distorts in some parts.
    the remix you did makes it feel so suaaave, it made me happy let's say! so congratulations!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2023
  16. reticular

    reticular Producer

    Apr 14, 2022
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