Is anyone still working completely analog?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by aafje, Aug 31, 2023.

  1. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    When I saw his rack I think that my blood pressure rose and the innate fear and flight mechanism kicked in. @tylerv .. Please, appease the Valve-God and give those tube units some air to cool lest she is angered and rains murderous hell fire down on your studio and smites your nice and precious audio equipment. The rack you currently have looks nice but will in the end break your heart. Class A circuitry creates lots of heat and there needs to be space, at least 1U between hot running units. With some gear it's OK to have stacked, others which become hot to the touch need more care in order to enjoy a long and productive life. Please take heed.
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  2. Colin

    Colin Producer

    Jan 17, 2017
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    Recording-wise .... things are great.

    We have now entered A.I. times ... it's long since been the way of things that people with no musical ability or talent can push their wy in to the industry.

    I've heard some A.I. generated stuff ... and to be honest, it's pretty decent.

    As humans, expressing our humanity to each other, maybe we're fkd now.

    and as long as someone is making money its all okay .... right?
  3. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    we are of like mind on this! learned this lesson in my early 20's and have always stuck to it and preach the same whenever applicable. better to save and wait until you can get what you actually want rather than settle and be underwhelmed and eventually sell at a loss just to put it toward what you should've gotten to begin with.

    I hear you both loud and clear! :thanks:

    i built myself a desk last year and decided to build a matching rack. i am at this moment moving the units to get them space for ventilation. thank sky daddy for this site otherwise i'd never find this shit out until it was too late!

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  4. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @tylerv Your place is looking nice. I do not want to get off topic here but nevertheless I have another suggestion unrelated to the topic of this thread. It is regarding your first-second point of reflections. Reflections from that window on the left are going to drive you nuts when mixing. It seems like you have an absorption panel under the diffuser directly across but that wont be enough. Also, on the first-second point of reflection from the right speaker I don't see any absorption panel. That will create problems, too, and lead to incorrect mixing decisions. Alternating panels is better than nothing but not the ideal way to go, unless expertly design.
    I will move the panel and difusser from left side of the windows across the room where your first-second point of reflection will be. Also, I will build a "portable" panel / difusser combo to place in front of that window when mixing. For now you can leave the other half of the room without any absorption, a la LEDE (Live End Dead End)
    Good luck, and enjoy your room.:metal:
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  5. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    Thanks for the rec's @The Pirate! there has not been a single expert in this studio for treatment design or otherwise so i appreciate the advice. all of the treatment has been done by myself basing off of what i find on these forums and otherwise. im sure i can figure something out to address what you mentioned.

    regarding the treatment in my room though i have to share the crazy luck i had acquiring it! in real life i manage high end remodels and had a client last year that i was doing a kitchen and bathroom remodel for. early in the project i had noticed the awesome sound treatment they had in the basement that was professionally designed and installed by the previous owners as a theatre room. i told my assistant at the time that i really wished we were doing work in the basement that would require removing all the treatment (a boy can dream lol). well as we were finishing the kitchen/bath part of the project the client, knowing the painters would be back for touch ups, asked if we could add painting the basement to the job. i said a little prayer in my head and asked if they would like us to paint around the treatment or remove it and toss it... they said remove it and toss it!! which is exactly what we did, right into the back of my truck:phunk:

    when i got it all home i roughly priced it out and it was something like 10k+ of panels and diffusers, just given to me for nothing. i still can't believe my luck on this one and it was one of those situations that make me halfway believe in manifesting..
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  6. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    The thing most people miss is: digital is only as complex as you want it to be. Nothing stopping you from using GarageBand, Audacity, or the builtin audio recorder program in Windows/Mac.
    We either have an Universal Audio employee or a fanboy getting out of hand, possibly both, can't tell
  7. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    There are some prominent "analog-only" proponents like Adrian Younge or Daptone Records.

  8. m.sarti

    m.sarti Producer

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I started on Tascam and Fostex 4-tracks, in the '80s. Learning to capture and then bounce (sub-mix) tracks taught me about clarity and fidelity. I'm glad that I'd had to learn recording this way. Same with photography, on film. As much as I wish that they'd had this digital stuff when I was a kid, I believe that the influence of learning things "analog" had been good preparation for the digital realm.
  9. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    And yet there are some prominent analog proponents who realized with shrinking budgets and the expectation to provide say, a backing track for live performance with specific tracks muted, within hours and not days, it's getting increasingly difficult to justify keeping such a workflow. Look no further than Andrew Scheps. Granted, he was hybrid for quite some time already (since 2009) - however you don't sell two Neve 8068 desks and go fully in the box (since 2013) lightly.
  10. tylerv

    tylerv Platinum Record

    Mar 6, 2020
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    LOL def not a ua employee so the latter must be true. is that bad? jk

    but yea i do really like their hardware and i did want a ua studio light for a long time but it is no easy feat. especially for a guy who's studio is a barn behind his house and who's only client is himself (shit... that sounds really sad when i boil it down to it's purest form). but if i want something i'm pretty relentless. the fact that you aren't totally sure either way is rad to hear. i only have ever seen them in serious studios and even if it's just me out here, it makes me feel nice to see it when i open my doors.
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