Output Arcade - "Search" more efficiently and keep productivity.

Discussion in 'Software' started by Katakura, Oct 22, 2021.

  1. March96

    March96 Newbie

    May 14, 2022
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    Yooo guys! Thanks so much for the tip on using the NKS files to improve arcade library searching, this really was a game changer. I just have a problem right now and would love to know if there's a solution. The arcade read correctly using Komplete Kontrol in standalone mode, but within Ableton, when I open arcade in Komplete Kontrol itself, the arcade skin does not open, it has no image at all, it only plays the sounds, making it impossible to manipulate any arcade parameter without the his image on the screen. print.png
  2. jfbeatz

    jfbeatz Newbie

    Jul 1, 2022
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    hello I have a question is there also the NKS files for complete up to date with all the new libraries of Output Arcade
  3. mebyy

    mebyy Newbie

    Nov 4, 2023
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    I want to start by saying thank you Katakura for your instructions.
    I hope that this can be useful to anyone who wants to do this but with macOS (without using Komplete Kontrol).
    I think the process is quite quick.
    You'll need to install "DB Browser for SQLite" (https://sqlitebrowser.org/dl/).

    Close your Arcade if it is running.

    Find the file named "local.db" and make a backup of it (it's important to copy it somewhere in your PC if something goes wrong when you modify the DB).
    The default path is: /Library/Application Support/Output/Arcade

    Launch "DB Browser for SQLite" then drag n drop local.db


    Go to the "Execute SQL" tab

    Please note that this SQL command changes the name of the kit like this: [name of product] name of kit (ex. [Drip] On the Grind).
    If you want a different type of naming rule than you should change the SQL command according to what you want.

    Paste this lines of SQL code:
    UPDATE kits
    SET name = '[' || (SELECT products.name FROM products WHERE products.uuid = kits.product_id) || '] ' || name;

    Then execute the code by pressing the button above the space where you wrote the code (circled with yellow).
    Screenshot 2023-11-04 alle 21.34.43.png

    You can check that everything went well by opening the "Browse Data" tab, selecting "kits" from "Table" dropdown menu and looking at "name" column.

    4. Save the changes made to the DB (S), close "DB Browser for SQLite", open Arcade in your DAW and check the result.

    I hope this is clear enough.
    If anything goes wrong just copy the backup of the "local.db" file to /Library/Application Support/Output/Arcade.
    I don't think I will answer future questions sry.

    But here's a link of a discussion with some useful PDFs made by @kooper https://audiosex.pro/threads/output-arcade-lines-note-kits-and-samples-master-list.61358/page-6 (idk if you can find all the lines but I really appreciate his work)
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2023
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