Ableton Live (all Versions), Push (all Versions) Technical Tips

Discussion in 'Live' started by twoheart, Aug 23, 2023.

  1. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Dear Live users,

    for all of us it took time to set up our DAWs in a way that they run really smoothly with our setup.
    For this purpose, each of us has acquired a bunch of tricks and tips over a long time that make life in Live easier.

    How about we share our experiences and tricks with our fellow Live users in short posts here? That would save a lot of work.

    A request:
    • Let's, please, not clutter up the thread with discussions about details.
    • If you know an even better solution to a problem than the other one offered just post with a link to the previous tip. If you found an error please contact the poster by PM.
    • This is NOT specifically about cracks, crashes or plugins in nor a about a special version of Ableton Live, there is already a great one by @ArticStorm:
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  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    01. How to enter, exit, and make reasonable use of Live's full-screen mode [Shift-F11].

    While working with a DAW, we need as much real estate on the screen as we can get.

    It does make sense if you use Live in full-screen mode, because it gives you two extra lines of useful information instead of the menu and program header.
    Many people, especially in the beginning, have accidentally invoked full screen mode with [Shift-F11] and found it more of a hindrance than anything else. They sometimes don’t even know how to leave full screen mode.

    • So the first reasonable info is: [Shift F11] is a toggle. You toggle fulls creen mode on and off with it.
    • If Live is closed in full screen mode, it starts the next time with full screen mode again.
    The only reason to leave the full screen mode is to call menu functions.

    • But instead of leaving the full screen mode you can call the file menu with [ALT-F] when you are in full screen mode.
    • Generally, you call the menus by pressing [Alt] and the first letter of the respective menu.
    • It is even easier if you just remember [Alt-F] for files menu and then use the [arrow keys] to scroll through the menus.
      In languages other than English, the letters will change.
    • Put Live in window mode and press [Alt]. In the menus the respective letters are then displayed with an underscore.
      You can write them down once, but most of us will be able to remember the 6 letters in no time.

    This way you can use Live in full screen mode all the time and make use of the menus with no effort.

    P.S.: In other languages than englisch there may be other shortcuts to file. In German for instance its [Alt-D] (Datei). Again you can find it out by entering the non full-screen mode and type [Alt] and the commands shortcuts become underscored.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
  4. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    02. Start Live without error log after a crash

    If you do not exit Live correctly, Live will automatically create an error log to send it to Ableton. For this purpose, an additional window is then displayed that informs you about the circumstance of the crash and your options.

    This can be quite useful, but it annoys me more than it helps me.
    In 99% of the cases I know anyway that the program has crashed and in 100% of the cases I don't want Ableton to scan my computer.

    To prevent the error report from being generated and the crash from being displayed in Live, it is sufficient to delete a few files and only then start Live.
    "c:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live 11.3.10\Preferences\CrashDetection.cfg"
    "c:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live 11.3.10\Preferences\CrashRecoveryInfo.cfg"

    Instead of doing this by hand, I made a batch that I now use to call Live by default (and placed an additional link to the batch on the desktop).
    @echo off
    echo j|del "c:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live 11.3.10\Preferences\CrashDetection.cfg"
    echo j|del "c:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live 11.3.10\Preferences\CrashRecoveryInfo.cfg"
    START /B "*" "c:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 11 Suite\Program\Ableton Live 11 Suite.exe"
    Just copy the 4 lines, save it to StartLive.bat and make a link to the batch e.g. on the desktop
    Exchange {USER} with your Windows user name and use the correct Live version in the paths.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Let me post one:
    Okay, stupid VST3 browser in Live, which you cant sort the way you like.

    Solution use racks, and you can also set parameters to be automated, default presets, create a template.
    When you save the rack you can create the folder structure you want and also add this folder to your favs.


    Cancel VSTScan, open Settings --> Plug-Ins --> Cancel.
    For the Endless Indexer i have not find any solution yet, if somebody has an idea, shot it.
  6. Tomasmc71

    Tomasmc71 Member

    Mar 13, 2023
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    1.ableton on mac.Disable index if you intend to do some serious producing.
    2.Ableton on mac.if the program wont boot up,right click the program in Applications.choose show Mac OS and boot from
    3.populate both Midi and Audio tracks with a utility,Eq8 and a compressor.turn off all and save a default tracks.
    4.populate a Streamdeck with all Lives shortcuts,Devices,Vsts etc.Real Time Saver.
    5.A midi footpedal works wonders for writing automation,controlling filters etc.
  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    If you want to (temporarily or permannently) get rid of Abletons indexer

    A kind of quick and dirty hardcoded solution is renaming the indexers .EXE file if you want to get rid of any indexing. But you can enable it again. And of course you can do it in a batch, e.g. inside the starup script I use for not creating an error log.

    • Stop Ableton
    • Code:
      Rename the file
      C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 11 Suite\Resources\Extensions\Index\Ableton Index.exe
      C:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 11 Suite\Resources\Extensions\Index\Ableton Index.exe.DISABLE
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
  8. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    On of the best shortcuts: shift+tab. just try it
    works all over the place inside Live
  9. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    03. You want to run legit and cracked Versions of Ableton Live side by side

    It's poosible. And you can of course install it to another path.
    But it's easier and more cost effective (disk space wise) to just copy the cracked exe file (~100 MB instead of ~4,000 MB)
    • Install the legit Version of Live and authorize Live (preferable offline) to make use of the original serial number
    • Rename the cracked Live's .exe to something like "Ableton Live 11 Suite CRK.exe" and move it to
      "c:\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 11 Suite\Program\"
    • Run the cracked version of Live and authorize it with the R2R keygen
    • Place an alternative Link to the cracked .exe on the desktop
    For information only or e.g. to delete prior authorisations:
    Auth information is stored per Version# here
    c:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live 11.3.10\Unlock\Unlock.cfg
  10. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    1. Switch to Bitwig.
    That is all.
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  11. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Is there a way to move Ableton and everything connected to it to a different drive? Or is there a portable version?
  12. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Yes, it's possible.
    I do it frequently to reduce the size of backups. Normally the data part only, but you can move the whole Program to another drive and set hardlinks to the old position.
    While it's a bit more effort than copying a portable app I do find it better than a portable version, because you always have to rely on someone creating a new portable version every time there is released a new version.
    Download and install the Hardlinks Shell extension (HSE) utility for making hardlinks easily from
    Don't be put off, it's easier than it looks and you quickly get used to HSE:
    1st. Part
    • Install and authorize Ableton as usual.
    • Stop Ableton
    • Create a folder on the new drive e.g. D:\@Ableton(I use the @ sign to mark these special folders and place them on top in an alphabetically sorted drive list)
    • Move the folder c:\ProgramData\Ableton\ to "D:\@Ableton"
    • With the HSE utility by using the explorer -> select the folder "D:\@Ableton\Ableton" -> right mouse 'Set link source'
    • Under C:\Program Data" by using the explorer -> right mouse 'insert as' -> Symbolic Link the "Ableton" hardlink is pasted to the directory.
    Ableton should now work as you like sitting on the D: drive.

    2nd. Part
    There are some other files living on you C:\ drive and you may want to move them as well. Especially because they contain the huge factory packs etc.
    If you want to move them as well you can do it this way:

    Stop Ableton
    Move the folder "c:\Users\{USER}\Documents\Ableton\Factory Packs\ to D:\Ableton\"
    Move the folder "c:\Users\{USER}\Documents\Ableton\User Library\"

    Start Ableton and Point to the according folders by opening Abletons Settings -> Library
    Now you have moved 90% of the programs payload to D:\

    To move Live completely from C:\to D:\, you can move all folders instead of 2nd part and hardlink them.

    The following folders are used by Ableton and you can move them to D:\
    If you want to move them as well, you can do it this way:

    for every of these folders create a subfolder under D:\@Ableton\
    and call them:

    then move all subfolders like this:
    The last Step is with HSE creating a hardlink from the folders in D\@Ableton to the according folder in C:\

    Explorer -> right mouse on "D:\@Ableton\Dcouments\Ableton\" -> 'Set link source'
    Explorer -> c:\Users\{USER}\Documents\ -> right mouse -> 'insert as' -> Symbolic Link

    Explorer -> right mouse on "D:\@Ableton\Local\Ableton\" -> 'Set link source'
    Explorer -> c:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Local\ -> right mouse -> 'insert as' -> Symbolic Link

    Explorer -> right mouse on D:\@Ableton\Roaming\Ableton\ -> 'Set link source'
    Explorer -> c:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\ -> right mouse -> 'insert as' -> Symbolic Link

    Always replace {USER} with your Windows User Name
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
  13. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Thanks for that, much appreciated!
  14. Psychoacoustic

    Psychoacoustic Producer

    Sep 9, 2015
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    When HiDPI mode is enabled, is there any way of setting the default to NOT scale plugins? (I know you can manually do it for each plugin, but I'd like to set the default behaviour)
  15. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Push 3 Version Update
    With the update of Ableton Live 11.3.10 the Push 3 version got updated to Push 1.1.10 and Firmware to 1.0.71.
    The update is automatically installed when you start Push 3 and go to setting -> Software. Restart Push 3.

    There are a lot of upgrades and fixes. The most important: user mode is back.
    - Updated the Push 3 software package to version 1.3.0 (includes XMOS 1.0.71 firmware).
    - User Mode is now available when using Push in Control Mode. All of Push's built-in functionality can be deactivated via User Mode. This allows Push to be reprogrammed to control alternate functions in Live or other software. Press the User button to enter User Mode.
    - Items in the Projects folder are now arranged according to the selected sorting criteria.
    - Made the following changes to Browse Mode:
    - Packs are now shown with the Packs folder.
    - The Favorites button is now no longer shown when navigating away from a folder.
    - Browse Mode can now be closed correctly if the User Mode was toggled when viewing the browser.
    - Improved discoverability of available Pushes in Live's browser.
    - Improved the design of various icons in Browse Mode.
    - It is now possible to set global launch quantization by holding the Metronome button and turning the fifth encoder from the left.

    **Push 3 - Bugfixes**

    - Fixed an issue that prevented the XMOS firmware from being updated correctly for some units.
    - Fixed an issue that caused lost or jumping notes when pressing a column of pads with considerable force.
    - Fixed a bug that caused ADAT clock synchronization to be intermittently lost when changing sample rates.
    - When using Hot-Swap Mode to swap an empty pad after swapping a non-empty pad, the browser will now open the location of the non-empty pad. This behavior matches hot-swapping on Push 2.
    - Fixed an issue that caused an error message stating Live had crashed to appear when first turning on a new Push unit. This fix also prevents the same message from appearing when turning on Push in Standalone Mode after shutting it down.
    - Fixed a bug that caused Live to hang when attempting to recover the Live Intro demo Set after loading the Set crashed Live.
    - Fixed an issue that made it seem as if Push was in recovery mode after a software update. Rebooting after a software update will now correctly trigger shutdown and startup animations.
    - Max for Live devices which use grab_midi and receive_midi now work correctly when Push is in Control Mode.
    - When changing octaves while a clip is playing in Note Mode, the pad feedback will now be updated immediately.
    - The connect screen is now displayed on Push when Live is closed and Push is in Control Mode.
    - Improved reliability of pads when using low pressure values.
    - Double triggers on certain drum hits are now suppressed.
    - Fixed an issue that caused the touch strip to get stuck.
    - Fixed a bug that caused some firmware update failures.
    - Fixed a bug that caused the velocity curve to jump after connecting Push to Live.
    - Fixed an issue that caused double-finger hits of non-drum MPE pads to be lost.
    - Fixed an issue where the external ADAT clock source was not working on macOS.
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when loading a Set with the Master track selected and then pressing the Master Track button.
    - When the amount of Gain on a sample in Simpler is turned down to the minimum, the value will now be correctly displayed as -inf.
    - Fixed an issue that prevented users from changing the length of notes in clips when using pads in the step sequencers.
    - Fixed a bug that prevented audio clips from being immediately available for conversion after being recorded.
    - Fixed a bug that caused display visualizations to overlap when holding a step in a step sequencer for automation recording while the Setup menu was open.
    - The input meter will now indicate clipping in cases where too much digital gain is applied.
    - A value of -0.0 no longer appears when fine-tuning Wavetable's parameters.
    - When attempting to load a Max for Live device that cannot be opened on Push, an error message will now be immediately displayed on the hardware.
    - Added icons for Group Tracks and tracks containing Drum Racks or Instrument Racks.
    - If a new Set is created as a part of a lesson on Push, the display no longer shows a notification about a new Set.
    - Fixed an issue that caused the sensitivity curve to change abruptly when adjusting settings in the Sensitivity tab of the Setup menu.
    - Fixed a bug that resulted in parameters representing notes to display an integer value instead of the note name.
    - Increased the encoder sensitivity when adjusting the pitch bend range in Drift.
    - When playing repeated notes using the Repeat button in the 16-Velocities layout, changing pressure on the pads will no longer change the velocity of the notes.
    - Removed the option to choose a different volume option by holding the Select button and tapping the Volume encoder.
    - Adjusting pressure applied to the pads when playing repeated notes while using the Poly or Mono Aftertouch Expression Modes will now correctly affect the velocity of the notes.
    - Fixed a bug that prevented the Mute button from working when attempting to mute steps in a step sequencer.
    - Fixed an issue that could result in the shutdown confirmation message being displayed at the same time as the save confirmation message.
    - Improved responsiveness of the touch strip when changing octaves in Note Mode while playing back a Set with a high CPU load.
    - Fixed an issue where Packs available for download or update were not visible after using the Hot-Swap Mode.
    - Fixed a bug that caused the battery charge level to be displayed as "N/A" after charging to 99%.
    - Improved handling of data removal, so that installing and then uninstalling a Pack when using Push in Standalone Mode will now result in the same amount of free disk space as before installation.
    - Deleting the last item in a given folder will now result in the browser returning to the parent folder.
    - When dragging and dropping a clip onto the Push label in Live's browser, the cursor now changes to indicate that the action cannot be performed.
    - Pressing the Preview upper display button in Push's browser now affects the state of the Preview switch in Live's browser and vice versa.
    - Fixed a crash that occurred when stopping all playing clips with a return track selected.
    - Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the upper display buttons and editing options for MIDI clips to appear in white instead of matching the clip's color.
    - It is now possible to adjust Drift's Voice Count parameter on Push.
    - The available options for the Type B parameter in the EQ Eight device are now represented by icons.

    There has been a lot of grumbling about Push 3. But many have also suspected that Ableton will add various features by software updates. This has been proven with the resurrection of the user mode.

    Shortcut Tip: Instead of using the menu you can switch between Standalone mode and Live contrtol mode and vice versa just by pressing "Shift + User mode" on Push 3.