calories question - food

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by passeee, Aug 24, 2023.

  1. passeee

    passeee Guest

    If someone is eating 1700 calories per day for example to lose weight

    if he reaches those 1700 calories a day

    1) with a lot of sugars/fats
    2) or without any sugar/fats

    does it make a difference in terms of how much weight will be lost in each case?

    or it will be same since 1700 calories have been consumed in both cases
  3. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    certainly the best place to ask such a question!
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  4. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Sure, it's AudioDoctorSex .... he will receive very professional and informed answer.

    BTW I thought the week end begins tomorrow, are we advanced for popcorn... :rofl:
  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'm a hobby nutritionist. Have been since secondary school when, aside from music, I was heavily into various sports, so I wanted to learn a lot about how to feed myself properly.

    Having said that, calories are calories, no matter where they come from. So yes - you will lose weight either way. You know about those models who are very unhealthy and look unhealthy because all they eat is a chunk of pizza per day? They don't want to give up pizza, but they also want to stay thin. The result is very bad health after years of such self treatment.

    So the bad thing about where the calories come from is it's much healthier for you to get them from legumes, veggies, and fruits than fast food, cake, biscuits, and snacks. The former will provide you with vitamins and minerals your body needs, and the latter will provide you with absolutely nothing but disease and problems in the end.

    Depending on your weight, I wouldn't restrict the calories immediately so much. Go gradually. Learning how to cook some basic stuff wouldn't hurt you either. At least oatmeal breakfast and simple veg stews.

    Cheers! Stay healthy! :wink:
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  6. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    In my unprofessional, but actual experience.. You'll have an easier time losing the weight if you do a combination of calorie counting and limiting carbs. I did Keto for a while and lost a good amount of weight, and actually hitting my end goal weight of where I wanted to be. I have never been able to lose so much weight in anything else I've ever done (I'm even fairly active).

    I found it difficult to do very early on, and a bit tedious, but once I got in routine it was fairly easy to stay in routine.

    That said, I eventually stopped keto because I had a kidney stone (my second one.. The first wasn't during any dieting period). It was an awful experience and I had to eliminate a lot of different foods and I became a bit overwhelmed by trying to figure out what to replace things with. It was hard enough as is with the restrictions on what I can eat.

    Anyways, long story short, calorie counting is the most important part in any diet. But I think you can make life a little easier if you restrict carbohydrates. Whether that's safe to do is a different matter but many health athelets and celebs do some form of keto or carb restriction. But I personally think calorie counting is most important.

    And a lot of people I know thought they did Keto, but when they described what they do, I was like "nope... You aren't". It's a big commitment.

    Anyways the theory behind keto and similar diets is that your body burns the fats/stored fats for energy. My personal finding is that it worked really well and I'd like to figure out how to get back on it while avoiding foods that cause my kidney stones. But it is a serious commitment and most people don't realize that, thinking they can do it a week or two, off and on. Nope.

    You can definitely lose weight by eating normal/healthy and counting calories though, and it is likely more easy to do if it works for you and probably healthier. I always struggled with doing it that way, but I also never counted calories until keto.

    BTW, one more random advice.. Grab an app like carb manager and log everything.. Whether you count carbs or fats, it doesn't matter. You can just track calories.
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  7. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I ate OMAD (one meal a day) with about 2000 calories on each daily plate. I didn't want to count calories because the body doesn't really count calories. Instead I ate 'til I was really full. Still, I lost 13kg over two months of OMAD (eating keto, lots of proteins and fat such as bacon, tuna, mackerel, eggs, avocado, nuts, salad, cheese, cotton cheese, olives, bernaise sauce, etc). I cut out all bread, rice, pasta, candy and soda. I felt great!

    Sugar/carbs+fats is really not a good combination. It's a good recipie for diabetes though (also if you throw in processed food).
    Seems like some basic nutrient education seems to be missing for you.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2023
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  8. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    Doctor Olymoon will provide him the best answer as well lol
  9. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    yo aint about to say what i been through but yeah u right lool
  10. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I used to be 250 lbs.
    Now I'm under 150.
    Exercise has been the main key for me.
    I also eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
    But I still love my beer :dont::rofl:
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  11. Atlantis84

    Atlantis84 Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2021
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    you a winner keep up the great job
  12. LpHelix75

    LpHelix75 Member

    Jul 20, 2021
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    A calorie is a calorie is a calorie. In terms to your question. It makes 0 difference in what it is. Don't believe the hype. Find what works for you stick with it, eat what ya want when ya went, and be prepared to to the exercise piper.
  13. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    It is easier, much easier to lose weight if you listen to Reggae, Classical, Punk or Folk music (eat NO salt as salt is Metal and Metal is Heavy). Stop eating fish from the North Pacific Ocean now that they are dumping the radioactive water used to cool down the fuel rods after the Fukushima disaster else you might die and lose weight much too quickly, which isn't really good for you. Playing in the key of Bb minor is the most slendering of the keys while avoiding F# maj like a plague as most tend to put on the pounds (though oddly enough, not if one plays modally in's dieticians are fucking on it).

    Lastly, if you are really serious and committed to shedding body fat, at least once a day listen to in it's entirety The Sex Pistols "Never Mind The Bullocks" at exactly 92 dB in a well treated room. DO NOT USE HEADPHONES. Vinyl is the best, Flac better than mp3, never on CD or cassette.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
  14. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    If your glycogen stores are full, excess sugar is turned into bodyfat.
  15. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Eat sugars only before and after physical workout
  16. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    It's more complicated if you've lost a lot of weight. If you've been a healthy weight all of your life you can consume a specific amount of calories without putting on extra weight. However, if you've lost a lot of weight the bad news is that you have to eat fewer calories than had you never been overweight, I seem to recall something like 200 or 400 fewer to not put the weight back on.
  17. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    It's called metabolic compensation in which our bodies try to maintain their normalized state of weight. Someone who undergoes a great weight loss might have a hard time keeping it off. Losing weight in lower weight plateaus and maintaining said weight would probably be a benefit. Physical and psychological drives must make it difficult to lose big weight and keeping it off when your limbic system is fighting tooth and nail for what it might interpret as survival.
  18. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    The theory of "calories in = calories out" is fundamentally flawed and many physicist and scientist are finally catching up to the fact that the body metabolizes calories very differently than in a basic thermodynamic model, which is where the flawed current premises regarding metabolism and calories originally came from. your question really requires a much more detailed answer, but I'll try to scratch the surface without getting to detailed or long winded.

    The main factor that determines weight loss or weight gain is:

    Hormone balance. Specifically insulin, and to a lesser degree: cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone. Most people don't understand this, so they struggle with weight loss using incomplete or incorrect information that has become "mainstream".

    Every time you eat food that is high in carbohydrates (aka sugar, which is metabolized into glucose) the body sends a signal to store food and water in fat cells. I was going to write a long detailed post, going into the details of the metabolic processes but I don't have time right now. but in short the body is a chemistry set, when you understand how different macro nutrients work together and are metabolized you'll understand the true mechanics behind weight loss and weight gain. Counting calories is not a accurate assessment general weight loss, which is why many people fail using it as primary way of loosing weight long term.

    The body/brain can only use two fuel sources to function, Glucose which is essentially a basic sugar (converted via carbs), or Ketones (via fat) as fuel source, excess protein is converted to glucose. the problem with excess sugar is that is has to be neutralized in the blood stream via the release of insulin, this can affect weight loss or gain dramatically and is the cause of diabetes and other idiosyncratic issues due to excessive sugar in the diet. Fat/ketones do not have this side effect. Eating high fat with minim carbs puts the body back in homeostasis, and the weight loss is rapid if insulin spikes are is kept to a minimum. Exercise does not cause weight loss directly, it is a supplement to the real cause of weight loss, which is "hormone balance". you can loose weight without ever hitting the gym IF you understand how the body works. Abs are made in the kitchen. The only time a person benefits from a large amount of carbs if if they are an athlete or need explosive energy for bulking or performance (aka weight lifting, sprinting). The average sedentary person does not need carbs/sugar in their diet at all.

    In short:

    Sugar (which is any carbohydrate that can be metabolized in to glucose) + Salt + fat = maximum fat storage, inflammation and water retention, creating insulin resistance, and hormone imbalance.

    Fat + salt (low or no carbs) = maximum weight loss, no fluid retention.

    So to answer your question:

    A diet of 1700 calories consisting of primarily fats/protein will result in significant and rapid weight loss in contrast to a diet consisting of a large ratio of carbs.

    While a diet of 1700 calories of primarily carbs will result in less weight loss, and more retaining more water weight.

    A low carb, high fat diet will always win for weight loss or cutting.

    And the quickest way to loose weight is dry fasting (a good middle road is intermittent fasting).

    How much weight is lost or gained on either eating style will depend on other factors and specific information about the person, and their lifestyle.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
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  19. Recoil ✪

    Recoil ✪ Audiosexual

    Aug 14, 2022
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  20. Barry T

    Barry T Platinum Record

    Jan 20, 2019
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    This is the best comment thus far. It is absurd that in 2023 people still mindlessly repeat the "calories in, calories out" mantra.

    Aside from my own considerable experience, I consult PhD experts and clinical dietitians on a regular basis, and the mainstream consensus in science is FINALLY shifting away from harmful nonsense that was taught in the past, i.e.: veganism, calories are all the same, cutting out fat, eating meat is harmful, 3-4 meals a day, and other such nonsense.

    For the majority of our history, mankind has gone through periods of fasting and feasting. We are not cows, and when we graze all day on snakcs and food (especially easy carbs) we end up looking like cows.

    Something many do not consider, is that gaining fat is also a protective measure of the body - toxins are stored in fat, and this is why many can get sick while losing fat rapidly.

    All that being said, here are some actionable steps to help you, from someone who has attained great muscle mass and who managed to lose 10kg+ in less than 2 weeks, which stayed off:

    - Cut out sugar, flour, table salt, and everything artifical.
    - Stick to real organic foods, the less processed, the better.
    - Don't put sauce (full of sugars) on everything.
    - Stick to water and raw milk, if you can find it.
    - Dry fasting is MIRACULOUS, but intense. If you want rapid results, this is the way.
    - Ease into this with intermittent fasting.
    - Try a 24 hour water fast, see how you feel. Then go for 2-3 days, and you can go up to 7-14 without losing significant muscle mass.
    - Alcohol is terrible for weight loss.
    - Caffeine wreaks havoc on your metabolism and digestion. A bit of green tea is enough to perk you up.

    This is not medical advice, and of course feel free to consult your doctor before doing any of this. Most doctors are still ignorant, as Big Pharma wants return customers, not cured, healthy individuals, so be warned.

    I wish you all the best and you are very welcome to DM me.
  21. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    From what I've seen, the main reason people are struggling with weight loss, is because they're trying to adhere to impossible diets.

    Let's try and stop promoting diets like the keto diet you're talking of. It's not about what is faster, it's about getting a person to a normal weight with normal eating habits. Normal is the keyword here.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
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