Anyone want to do a quick mix/master? (hard trance)

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Backtired, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    i started (and finished) a track, after a long time. i was actually about to upload it, but i was wondering if someone wanted to spend some time giving it a bit of polish, so i'd compare the final result with what i would have done/had in mind, and maybe learn a thing or two. to me, the track is almost complete; if i keep tweaking i'll just end up in a never ending cycle. but i'm sure it can sound ten times better with the right stuff.
    single stems are ready, automations and effects all applied.
    track is hard trance inspired (not modern hard trance, think mid, early 90s). 155 bpm. 6:25.

    let me know, otherwise might just upload it as it is. cheers.

    update: someone's on it, thanks all.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2023
  3. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    I've never mix nor mastered Trance in my life but I'm also curious as to what I could accomplish.

    If you can provide your 2 track, a reference (or 2) with clear explanation of your expectation and a brief idea of what you would like to get accomplished, I could give it a shot. But keep in mind that I never mix nor mastered trance so it is unknown territory to me. Yet, it's still audio signals and I should be able to get close to your target without issue.
  4. Dawn FM

    Dawn FM Noisemaker

    Aug 14, 2023
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    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
  5. usernone

    usernone Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    I'll do it for you for $40 to feed my plugin buying addiction. I'd be using a combination of hardware and software to do the job. Please provide your existing bounce and if possible.

    24 years experience with electronic dance music, plus past big league awards.
  6. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    hi guys thanks for the answer. thanks for all the offers
    i would prefer no pros because this would be wasting your time, the track is amateur, i do this for fun, and was more intended as a learning exercise.
    i got a message in private yesterday and didn't update the post, someone's already giving it some polish.
    if one day i'll be doing something for money or even more pro, i'll message some of you guys; very kind of you. cheers
  7. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Very considerate of you.

    You know, as you pointed out, you and others (including me in this specific case) sometimes just like to put our own self out of our comfort zone just for the sake of learning new things.
    As I said, I never did Trance in my life, not once.
    The art of Mixing and Mastering is not to meet the fundamentals but to pay for the acquired taste. In this case, I have no acquired taste for the genre.
    There's a saying among the community that goes '' I don't know what I'm doing but I can do it until it make sense''. Now if you take the expression at face value, it seems like a bunch of amateur that don't understand the fundamentals but what it really mean is that given the subjectivity of music and the expectation of different clients, it is always a game of chess and there's always something interesting to learn from the whole process.
    At a certain age and experience level and when you have nothing to prove but to your own self, it is always interesting to see where and how the same product could be brought into different territory in terms of technicality (but also creativity if that is to be implied in the contract).
    Now, given that there is no money involved in the end process, it is just game on for anyone. Just for the fun of it.

    All of that to say that you shouldn't be shy to ask pros for help if you are clear about your intent upfront. I do this as a side gig so I have absolutely no issues sharing and helping. The 40 bucks guy also seemed to have the best ''acquired taste'' of the lot based solely on our messages in this thread. He could have gave you some VERY useful advice in regards to the technicality of your songs which would have benefited you greatly imo.

    Cant wait to hear that mid 90's inspired master !! :mates:
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