Solved - Serum - is this normal??

Discussion in 'PC' started by naitguy, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    So first off.. full disclosure, then I'll get to the problem.........

    For several years I've had all my presets/tables/noises on another drive, using symlinks (which maybe isn't needed anymore, but I digress). I installed TCD v1.363b3 probably a half year ago or so, and since then, those symlinks still worked great, but my Serum would occasionally kill playback after I tweaked parameters a bit. This got to be pretty frustrating. I decided to uninstall, and try again... that fixed the initial problem, but possibly created a new one.

    I have this weird thing happening now, and I'm not sure if this is normal (a new feature.. or maybe an old feature my custom skin hid from me?) or if something isn't working right. I even went so far as to revert back to having all my presets/tables/noises in the default documents folders, and rebuilt the db file.

    The Problem:
    I'll use an example... Triple Spire Audio Moondust. Some presets do a weird thing, some don't.
    ATMO - At Dawn preset looks like so (how I'd expect all presets to kinda display):

    ATMO - Beginnings preset looks like this, though (note the red on TSA_013 and TS_021):

    I can actually click on TSA_013, and find it listed in the list of tables, and when I select it, the red highlighting goes away. But only for that particular instance.. if I reload the preset, the red highlighting is back.

    My question though... is this red highlighting normal (my gut tells me it probably is)? Does it just mean the preset has modifications to the wavetable file, perhaps??? I had a custom theme before, and right now I'm using the default, so I'm wondering if this is just a normal thing that the custom skin I was using had essentially hidden from me by not coloring those table names.

    If this is not normal, does anyone have any ideas??? As mentioned, I've gone back to everything on the c: documents folder, and rebuild the db file.

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
  3. go to the pen to edit the wave and then you have to save the waves again without any changes i had such a problem before but it can also be that the waves are completely reinstalled in the same place without any changes after that it should be back work normally if not then I was able to help further up to here This red coloring actually only means that the waveform is missing and not saved. It can also be possible that the waveform and the presets have to be saved together
  4. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I have never seen it do this. But one would imagine, it knows what wavetable filenames the preset should contain from your tables. And it's not finding it there when it attempts to load it. That can be wrong location, incorrect permissions, renamed or deleted files.

    I would do a quick hd search and see where either of the listed wavetable files are. You will get a better idea where you have it looking (and not looking) for that sample.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
  5. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Best Answer
    OK so after a whole lot of messing around. I've made some progress... but before making that progress I noticed afterward that there were a LOT of presets that had the table highlighting red. Even most of the default presets (i.e. ones packaged with Serum). The thing is, I could find every single wave file I checked in the expected c: documents\xfer\etc\etc.. folder. So this didn't make sense to me. I'm thinking that a whole crap load of the waves were corrupted somehow. That's about all I can figure.

    I decided to uninstall yet again, and start over one more time. I still have some issues, but I think they're quite minimal.

    Just as a note, I did follow the advice of both @Firras Al-Zein and @clone. With Firras' advice, I didn't have a save icon available after opening the pencil editor on the table, then closing. I had to actually make an edit to a table in order to get the save icon. Following Clones, I had verified that all the waves existed (they did) in the expected c: documents\etc folder, and that they were named right, and with proper permissions. SO weird.

    Both of you had good ideas, and are right on with both of your suggestions, but I think to me it just looks like somehow my table wav files went bad.

    Reinstalling this TCD serum and letting it recreate the default tables may have fixed everything, except that Moondust one (so far), which I honestly don't even care about anyways. It was probably broken before (I never actually used it). It was the fact that so many other presets I really like were broken that was an issue for me... but I haven't found anthing yet, outside of the Moondust presets that are broken now, after another reinstall. No big deal!

    Thanks for the suggestions though, guys!!

    Now I'll try to break things further but returning to pointing my presets/etc. back to another drive. LOL wish me luck.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
  6. Xiuno

    Xiuno Noisemaker

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Haven't read anything that has been typed here but just wanted to say that if you got ANY problems with an xfer stuff you can just either mail Steve Duda himself or reach out to him on reddit/discord and he pretty much always responds. Really nice guy he is
  7. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    OK phew after resolving this new issue of missing or corrupted tables, I managed to move the whole "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets" folder to "E:\VSTs\Port\Data\Xfer\Serum Presets".

    I then created a Symlink as so:
    mklink /D "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Xfer\Serum Presets" "E:\VSTs\Port\Data\Xfer\Serum Presets"

    Everything appears to be working as intended now, including the very initial problem that I was trying to fix - parameter changes causing Serum to mute sound (EDIT: looks like this muting problem may have returned, but I'm not going to worry about it.. Hopefully a future version fixes this). All good, and thanks again to the two of you for your suggestions.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023