New to mac os Big Sur, recommended programs?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Pirata, Aug 12, 2023.

  1. Pirata

    Pirata Newbie

    Feb 1, 2021
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    I got a 2012 imac modified to have the Big Sur recent OS on it. Is that bad?

    What programs do you recommend me?

    I need a sample editor ( cut, trim etc), any good synth ( I like Atmosphere) and any 16 bits like retro game?

    I also liked the old GRM Tools.

  3. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    Reaper is versatile audio editor, DAW, batch converter etc..
    I don't think any other plugins match what GRM Tools do, but maybe check Cableguys plugins,

    I recommend Crossover app so you'll be able to run all sorts of Windows programs :winker:
  4. Pirata

    Pirata Newbie

    Feb 1, 2021
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    more recommendations?
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    LuLu firewall - free
    Keka - archive tool like winrar
    The Unarchiver - same as Keka. Sometimes will work when keka reports a problem with a downloaded archive
    Codesigner - get from sister site
    xcode command line tools - run: xcode-select --install ____ in terminal
    Transmission - if you use torrents it's a decent client
    Permissions Reset2 or BatChmod - fixes permissions, etc.
    dbpoweramp music convertor- for media files
    Audacity - one of the best free wave editors with plugin support

    There are a decent number of plugins that are supposed to be good for making video game chiptunes. but i don't use any of them.

    SurgeXT is one of the best free synths. DSP56300 emulator will probably not work, not enough cpu.
  6. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Heart of Europe
    TG Pro - monitor temperatures and adjust fan speeds of Mac
    Smooze Pro - map additional mouse buttons, mouse-wheel hand-grab/drag etc..
    Little Snitch - behavioral firewall for MacOS
    HyperDock - Windows-like dock previews of running app windows and app window snapping in MacOS
    MIDI Monitor app - troubleshooting functionality of MIDI devices
    Sublime Text - just a more powerful text editor alternative
    Blackmagic Disk Speed Test - free utility to benchmark disks (including flash sticks or network shares) performance on MacOS
    Plist Edit Pro - editor for nasty .plist files MacOS uses
    Suspicious Package - free app to observe/extract .pkg installers MacOS uses
    Mac Deploy Stick - free app (version 4.3 is last free) to download/make MacOS installers
    App Cleaner - free app to properly trash/uninstall applications in MacOS
    Media Info - utility to observe and compare metadata of video and audio files
    Keka - free utility to extract and compress formats that MacOS doesn't natively support
    BetterZip - (paid) utility to view contents of archives without extracting
    Free File Sync - free utility to sync files including folder structures, very reliable, pauses transfers even on disk/network disconnect
    IINA - free video and audio player for MacOS
    Nulloy - free audio player for MacOS with waveform display
    Reaper DAW - most versatile audio software, affordable and reliable
    Tempomate - simple metronome app for MacOS
    PDF Expert - quick and powerful .pdf viewer and editor, Acrobat Pro replacement for MacOS
    Affinity Publisher + Designer + Photo - powerful much cheaper alternatives to Adobe's Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign..
    Crossover - fancier WINE interface to run Windows programs on MacOS without virtualization of entire OS layer
    Jump Desktop - utility for remote desktop of Macs and PCs (MacOS by default does not have built-in RDP client)