Behringer SDS-3

Discussion in 'Synthesizers' started by freefeet12, Aug 7, 2023.

  1. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    "That’s the stuff I love the most. Whenever i get a new prototype on my desk, I’ll set it up and connect it to my speakers.
    I can’t tell you how much fun it is to bring one of those new babies to life and listen to them for the first time. This SDS-3 looks and sounds so amazing.
    That’s what I love about my job:)" - Behringer via FB

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    The 1st in a series of Simmons clones. No plans for drum pads but they're willing to make them if there's enough demand.

  3. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    How many years until you can get on an 8 month waiting list?
    And don't give me the supply chain sh+t.
    Years ago, I ordered a new cutting edge Behringer 8 channel USB-2 audio interface from Long & McQuade.
    Waited 6 months: vaporware:snuffy:
    Since my deposit couldn't be refunded I ended up having to use it for a Zoom UAC-2 instead.
    I won't hold my breath for their releases.
    They have great cheap sh+t but as a company they are parasites ripping off other people's ideas.
    Mind you, that won't stop me from buying their cheap sh+t:winker:
    If I live long enough to see it...
  4. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    It's a prototype so obviously it's going to be as long as it takes.

    The supply chain is much better now, though there are still shipping issues, what's slowing them down the most right now is demand. They're selling so much gear right now that they have to investing in doubling their production capacity. They had 50K+ pre-orders for the Pro-800 and more than that for the "PRO-VS" coming out soon. Apparently a lot of people want these mini synths. Not my thing personally but the couple I've heard sound amazing for the size/price.

    Behringer puts out more gear than any other music gear company I know of. Their cheap, in price, gear these days is pretty good quality for the money. Basically they don't spend on advertising and the details that go into the outside/casing/sliders/knobs/ect of more expensive gear. They actually do have some original gear. A few original synths in the oven, a couple out, and they've already announced that they're going to be making more original synths as they're using the clones to develop their technology, or platform. Their more expensive digital mixers are nice too.

    Personally I'm waiting for the full size keyboards to come out. I'm interested in trying out the UB-Xa, UB-X, and Pro-16. There's also talk about full size VS and PPG clones which are also of interest to me.

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    Last edited: Aug 8, 2023
  5. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Geez, Kluster, fuck!
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