Sample Robot Keeps Cutting Off Release Tails On Export

Discussion in 'Software' started by SirGigantor, Aug 1, 2023.

  1. SirGigantor

    SirGigantor Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2022
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    Sample Robot has been sampling a VST just fine, with the accurate loop point and release tail, but, when I export it, Sample Robot just cuts the release tail off.

    In the project directory, the pre trimmed (pre exported) WAVs have the tails, so it's doing it correctly. The Export menu does have a box that I uncheck that says to keep the data after the note end.

    Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here? He samples it just fine, but it ALWAYS cuts the release tail off when I export it.
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I only ever used it for sampling hardware synths, because this program quickly became very expensive. I think the parameter you need to adjust is the Thres.Prec.Out value. It works like the threshold of a noise gate, and when the signal drops below the threshold Sample Robot stops recording that sample; like closing a gate. I remember doing little adjustments that didn't seem like what you would really call best practice, but would get it right after tweaking parameters. That was a very early version of the program.

    take a look into this page:

    Particularly this part:
    By default, SampleRobot auto-detects "note in" and "note out" times in your initial sample recordings so that when you export your sounds, they start right when an actual audible signal starts, and only run as long as the audible content plays. (In other words, SampleRobot may record an 8-second long recording of a 1-second drum hit, but when you export the sound with autodetection enabled, the exported sample will only contain that 1 second of audible audio.)

    In the Multi-Sample RECORD Settings portion of SampleRobot, you will find the Thres.Prec.In and Thres.Prec.Out settings. These affect how sensitive SampleRobot is to the differences in the audio signal between silence and audible sound. If you find that SampleRobot isn't setting the sample start times properly in your exported sounds, try adjusting the Thres.Prec.In value to something lower than the default value of 0.90. If SampleRobot is ending your exported samples before the audible sound has finished (especially common on reverb tails), try adjusting the Thres.Prec.Out value with something lower than the default of 0.50.
  4. SirGigantor

    SirGigantor Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2022
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    I'll try that, it might be the problem. It's so annoying it has everything right, but when I export it, wham! It just lops the end off.

  5. SirGigantor

    SirGigantor Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2022
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    I found it, the Edit menu has an option to to auto modify the Note Out. For some reason I had never had to do that before, but I think this is also the first time I had used the auto loop function, which works quite well.

  6. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    all those options are probably why they charge $274 for it. I think it was actually $399 at one point. Logic's AutoSampler plugin does the same things, but with many less features. Logic's Autosampler doesn't seem to use an auto-detection for the start of the samples, so some of them need the sample start trimmed to the first zero axis. There is a little additional work to do with it to get the same result as nice, but for 274$ i'd rather edit the samples. Maybe for some people it is worth the money, but I think they would sell more copies and make more money if it was about 50 bucks.
  7. SirGigantor

    SirGigantor Ultrasonic

    Oct 14, 2022
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    The Autolooper is pretty good, the next time you have to trim a sample, you might give this a try:

    I might still run it on a batch just to see how well it works, it's for batch cutting off silence at the beginning and end. Probably the funniest thing about Sample Robot is that, even though it's English language, they still use H instead of B for the notes . . .

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