Guitar multi effects

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by jefft, Jul 29, 2023.

  1. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Hi, I'm lucky to have a ampero stomp II and a line 6 HX effects. Has anyone got any ideas regarding joining the two units, the output would go straight into a computer interface ( I.e. no amp) I was thinking of putting the Hx into the send/ return of the ampero and using the HX as front end effects, and the ampero as the amplifier, reverb, delay, mod etc. Then I started reading about the 4 cable method. Next my head exploded. Has anyone got any experience regarding this?
  3. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    4cm is the way to go - that way, you essentially use the ampero as an amp block within the Helix signal chain, that you can move around at will, meaning you can have HX effects before and/or after the Ampero, depending on what tone you want.

    The Helix MIDI capabilities are really awesome too, so by connecting them together with MIDI too, you can use the Helix as the main controller, which will switch patches on the Ampero too, so once you're set up, and have your patches/snapshots dialled in, you basically never have to touch the Ampero.

    If you've got both devices on a pedalboard, that can be space-saving, as you can tuck the Ampero away underneath.

    4cm can be a bit confusing to get your head around, but once it clicks, it's pretty straightforward, and a really nice way to work.

    To physically set it up, you'll need the following connections:

    Gtr > Helix input
    Helix send > Ampero input
    Ampero output > Helix return
    Helix output > audio interface
    Helix MIDI out > Ampero MIDI in
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2023
  4. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Thanks Lube Bag, I'm a bit confused here, the diagram I have seems different to your description, and chance of clarifying
    I Have:Gtr
    Gtr > Helix input
    Helix send > Ampero Guitar input
    Helix output > Ampero FX Return
    Helix Rtn > Ampero FX Send

    Ampero stereo output > audio interface
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
  5. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    So I just sketched out your proposed layout, and while it'd work, it's cumbersome, and adds more complication/pain points than necessary.

    It also isn't strictly the 4cm, since it uses 5 cables :)

    It's generally better, when using two processors together, to choose one as the master, which will handle the routing, patch changing, snapshots, etc. While you can make total bidirectional communication work, from experience I can tell you that it's often a nightmare to set up/troubleshoot (and perform with) and there are honestly very few benefits in return for the extra hassle.

    With your setup, you have each processor in the others' loop - this means you don't have any one place to visualise/control your entire signal chain, and you'll constantly be jumping back and forth between units.

    Choosing the most capable unit as the master is simpler, easier to understand and work with, and is the way the majority of touring rigs are set up.

    With the layout I posted above, you're using the Helix as the master - once it's set up, all your patch changing, expression pedal input, etc will be done on the Helix.

    It allows you to use the Ampero for what it's strongest at - amp modelling - while also using the Helix as the main 'brain' of the system, while also handling all of the effects AND the routing.

    (You could ofc still use the Ampero's exp pedal too, but if you wanted it to control Helix parameters, you'd wanna add an extra MIDI connection going Ampero MIDI out > Helix MIDI in. But that's an extra layer of complication/programming that you prob don't want just yet).

    With my setup, you can, for example, use the Helix in the following ways:

    1. Helix configured as discreet stomps > Ampero amp > interface
    2. Helix stomps/effects in front > Ampero amp > Helix effects after amp > interface
    3. Ampero amp > Helix effects after amp > interface
    4. Ampero amp in parallel dry signal (with/without effects) > interface

    You can freely and easily switch between those routings at will, on a preset-by-preset basis. Ampero patches/parameters will automatically switch/adjust, following Helix patch/snapshot changes.

    You can also use Ampero effects within those patches, but they'd need to be immediately before or after the amp, as the Ampero chain will be inserting into the Helix signal path as a single monolith.
    But tbh, effects, routing, and signal chain visualisation are the Helix's strongest features, so I personally wouldn't see much cause to use the Ampero effects - not that they aren't good, they just really aren't that necessary.

    It can be easy to fall into the trap of wanting to use every single feature on both boxes, and ofc if that's the absolute most important thing for you, that's cool!
    But for the tiny bit of "use absolutely everything all the time" you sacrifice with my setup (ie, moving Ampero effects around independently of the amp in the chain) you'll be gaining way more in performance, simplicity, and usability.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
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  6. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Lube Bag, a really "big thank you" your description was excellent, and took away all my confusion. I also agree by using one unit (the HX) as a master and connecting it like you initially described is definitely the best way forward, and easy to get my head round. I will in time try setting up the midi, but as yet I'll just get used the set up that you advised, once again a really "BIG THANK YOU"
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
  7. Lube Bag

    Lube Bag Producer

    Jan 18, 2021
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    No probs, glad it was helpful! Have fun setting it up and getting some cool tones going - lmk how it goes, and if you have any other questions, just gimme a shout! :)
  8. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Thank you
  9. jefft

    jefft Producer

    Jul 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Kingston Upon Hull, pronounced Ull
    Hi, you helped me a while ago with some very good advice. Things change that quick at the moment and I would like to steal some more of your Hopefully you can help me. Ive been buying some more gear, and was wondering which is the best way to set it up, regarding levels. I run my guitar into my HX Effects (@Inst setting) then the output from the HX Effects (@line Level) into my computer interface ( Focusrite) for playback and recording. With me so far? Now i have a Ampero ii and a Line 6 Catalyst 60, I would like to set both the Ampero and the Catalst up as sends and returns into the HX Effects and need to know which is the best way you think to connect this up and should I use line levels or instrument levels.
    For send and return for the Catylist amp, i'm using the DI socket at the rear for return to the HX and the guitar input connected to the send of the HX Effects.
    For send and return for the Ampero, i'm using the output socket at the rear for return to the HX and the guitar input connected to the send of the HX Effects
    not sure to use line levels or instrument levels, with this configuration. Hope you dont mind me asking, but your previous advice was invaluable, if you dont want to reply, I can understand and thanks for your previous help.
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