Native Instruments Kontakt bobdule Re/Registering Kontakt Libraries

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by mrrnr, Jul 30, 2023.

  1. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Constantly Of Having To Re/Registering Kontakt Libraries On a Weekly Basis.

    I Have V. 7.18 and My Libraries Are On a External Drive..

    This Sucks To Have To Keep Re/Registering Libraries.

    Any Tips Would Be Much Appreciated To Fix Without Having To Re/Register All The Time..

  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    A little more info like OS would be good.
    First thought: any dir (where Kontakt db resides) is read only? Then give r/w/x rights in Win for user everyone or chmod 777 on Mac

    For Windows: The registry (HKLM/Software/Native Instruments) is the place where information about the libraries are stored (directory, version etc.). Can you observe tha library registration information is removed from registry when you open Kontakt without plugging in the external drive containing the libraries? (This does not happen to me athough I'm using a external drive)
    If on Windows as 1st aid I would suggest to export the NI registry part as a backup from Regedit after you registered the libraries.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2023
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  4. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Something to do with the NI Registry..? Okay.. One Thing I Forgot to Mention When This Happens On a Weekly Basis..When I Open Kontakt,..Kontakt Can't Locate The Libraries on My External Hard Drive..

    So Here I Go Again Locating The Libraries with bobdule Register Hack Tool to Re-Register The Libraries Over and Over on a Weekly Basis..

    This Is very Annoying

    Thx Twoheart For Your Reply..But Why Is This Happening..

    Please, Anybody Else Please Chime In..
  5. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    it is a windows drive management issue.
    use a fixed drive letter.
    or mount the drive in the explorer if it is a network drive.

    you can also use 7.5.2
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  6. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Yes In NI Registry Libraries The Drive Letter is D..But all My Libraries Are in External Drive Letter F..

    So Apparently The Libraries Keep Changing From F Drive To a D Drive..Thats Crazy
  7. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Okay Twoheart

    For Windows..I Did a Backup NI Registry as You Suggested.. After Re-Registering The Libraries The NI Registry Now Says Drive Letter F" Where All My Libraries Are Stored..So Apparently The Libraries Keep Changing From F Drive To a D Drive..Thats Crazy

    But Why Teoheart The Drive Letter Keeps Changing In NI Registry Libraries " From Drive Letter F To Drive Letter D.?

    So If This Happens Again.. Do I Simply Import The Saved Backup NI Registry file?

    Your Thoughts?

    Thx..You Been a Tremendous Help
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2023
  8. Moofus

    Moofus Ultrasonic

    Jul 8, 2023
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    Glasgow, Scotland
    I recommend making a junction to point to your external hardrive. Easy enough to do and will hopefully sort the problem.
    (You can change the name ExternalHD if you want to anything you want, and even point it to a folder and not the root of your external drive)
    1. So open command prompt as admin.
    2. type: cd\
    3. type: mklink /J "ExternalHD" "f:\"
    Now on you computer in file explorer you will see a 'folder' called ExternalHD. Assuming your external is drive f obviously.
    When you open it you will see it looks just like your external drive but as far as anything is concerned its a folder on the c drive. Look in the address bar and you will see that even though you are browsing your external HD it reports back as being on the main drive. That part never changes. This also fixes issues with NAS drives in some programs.
    Now add the stuff to kontakt using this folder and not the external directly.
    As Fergal Sharkey sang, "A good junction point each day is easy to find."

    This was how I installed cubase to a non system drive a few years ago. Move a folder anywhere, create a junction with the exact same name in the original location pointing to the new location.
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  9. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Quite Interesting..There's Some Knowledgeable People Here..Thx Moofus..
    For Now My Kontakt Libraries Are Loading Up Just Fine As Of Right Now.

    If things Changes Where I Have To Locate The Kontakt Libraries Once Again..

    I Will Definitely Try Your Method Moofus.However,Do I Need To Move The Libraries To The New Created Junction Link?

    Thank You So Much For Replying and Sharing Your Invaluable Info Tip..
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2023
  10. saccamano

    saccamano Audiosexual

    Mar 26, 2023
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    CBGB omfug
    Why not just get a bigger hard drive so you dont have to keep messing around with offline drive issues...
  11. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Thats the way I handle it.
    There is a great utility for defining Hardlinks called "Hardlink shell extension". It's freeware and for most ppl easier to work with.

    Read @bobdule s Post above.
    Everytime you plug in a new drive or insert a new external disk or even insert a CF card into a reader the OS is giving the device a drive letter.
    When you plug in your external drive as the later device it will get a higher drive letter.
    If you got D: today an start your computer tomorrow without the external drive an plug in a for instance a CD ROM drive, the CD ROM drive will occupy the D: drive letter and your ext. Drive will get the next free one most likely in this case it's f:

    To change this behaviour you can assign a fixed drive letter to the external hard disk using the utility "Computer management", e.g. K:
    (for Kontakt)
    So reboot yor PC without any external drives, then plug in your external drive, call "Computer management" (via search or diskmgmt.msc in the Management Console) and in the SnapIn "Disk management" replace the drive letter of your external drive with K:
    Now with regedit you can replace the D: drive letter with K: for all libs and Kontakt should now find your drive. Forever I hope :yes:

    p.s.: My Windows version is german, so it may be the utilities or SnapIns are called a bit differently in your language.
    As you can see in the attached picture I made my CD ROM the drive letter A: This way I save a drive letter, of which I never have enough
    Computer management.png
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
  12. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Thx bobdule & twoheart..I Thought Maybe that was the Case Inserting Different External Hard Drive and I do Have a Few Of Them..
    To Many As a Matter Of Fact..LOL..I'll Give This a Try..This Information Should be Pin Post
  13. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    A Little Bit Time Consuming But Hopefully This Will Work In The Long Run. Thx Gents and to Speciality to twoheart & bobdule