Ableton Live v11.3.4 Stuck Scanning VST2: MPC64 Plugin

Discussion in 'Live' started by StormChaser, Jul 22, 2023.

  1. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
    Likes Received:
    I am trying to use my MPC X SE within Ableton Live Suite 11 using it in controller mode using the MPC64 VST2 x64 Plugin the way I do in Studio One 6.2, FL Studio 21, and Cubase 12.

    However Ableton Live Suite v11.3.4 (legit) takes forever to scan the plugin and then when it finally gets passed it scanning the rest of the plugins when I search for MPC there is nothing in the list.

    I was running MPC2 desktop version MPC v2.11.4.10 and didnt really want to upgrade as versions after this dont play nice with FL Studio 21, the plugins GUI glitches out. However every version after this up to the most recent version v2.12.1.35 still doesnt work in Ableton Live Suite 11.3.4, it gets stuck at the same point scanning the MPC plugin which takes a long time and then carries on.

    I have manually uninstalled each version of the MPC2 deskstop software and removed all left over files and made sure there is no MPC64.dll left behind before installing the newer versions.

    I have also take out the MPC64.dll from my VSTPlugins folder rescanned, added it back in and rescanned again.

    I have also copied it in to a completely different folder to no avail.

    I am at a bit of a loss as to what else to try, does anyone have an ideas?

    below is the image I am seeing in Ableton when it tries to scan it.

    Scanning MPC Plugin.jpg

    Many thanks

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2023
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    just let it scan, Ableton scanner is not the fastest one ...
    Get a coffee, eat something.

    Sometimes it is also worth to try for the VST3 plugin version. This one can work better and vice versa.

    If you want to abort the startup scan later, you can press ctrl+; on windows, go to plugin thing and cancel the scan.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2023
  4. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    rescan is not allways working in ableton.
    sometime in need a complete reset of plugin scan, you can delete the content (or folder) here
    C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Ableton\Live Database\Live-files-53.db

    the cache folder is only about default samples, it don't need to delete it.

    there is also an activation window with MPC during the scan if not activated, waiting for a response.
    maybe you should have a look on the pace version used
    an log files
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    can you not force to empty the cache by holding the Alt-key? (Mean total fresh deep scan - i remember i did that.)
  6. StormChaser

    StormChaser Producer

    Jan 16, 2021
    Likes Received:

    I got it working......

    ArticStorm: Thanks for the reply, I did let it scan for as long as it needed until it just carried on but each time I did this it must have blacklisted the plugin cause it didnt scan it again until I pressed ALT and Rescan but then I went round in loops doing this.

    Bobdule: Thanks for replying, thanks for the link to the *.db file that could come in handy. I did check my PACE license and the activation was there, when I got it working I didnt see any popup it just scanned through and then after the scan I could see the MPC64 plugin added to the plugins list in Ableton which was a step closer.

    So what did I do to get it working. It may help someone else out..

    I remembered I had used a Symlink folder as I have over 200GB of MPC expansions and didnt want these being stored on my C:\ boot disk, I have 3x 8TB M.2 drives for all plugins, expansions and samples. So I deleted the Symlink'd C:\ProgramData\Akai folder and sub folders and copied the original Akai folder structure back from my F:\VST Contents\Akai to C:\ProgramData\Akai and launched Ableton. This time it scanned the MPC64.dll straightaway and added it to my plugins, only problem now is I didnt have any expansions within the plugin as they are stored on a different hard disk.

    I then reactivated the Symlink thinking as I now had the MPC64 plugin visible in Ableton it would just work... wrong.. upon launching the plugin all I got was a white screen with no GUI and just some error text in the top left. So close but yet so far.

    So back to the drawing board I then deleted the C:\ProgramData\Akai folder and sub folders again and copied the original Akai folder structure back from my F:\VST Contents\Akai to C:\ProgramData\Akai and kept all the folders and sub folders as the originals. I then deleted the empty Expansions folder and created a symlink from my F:\VST Contents\Akai\MPC\Expansions to C:\ProgramData\Akai\MPC\ launched Ableton and the plugin loaded with the GUI looking as it should and all my expansions were there. Being as everything was working fine in my other DAWs I decided to test them again as changes have been made and thankfully they were also still working as before.

    Really appreciate you guys taking the time to reply.

    Thanks so much
