Best Nylon Guitar Libraries

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by Victor, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. Victor

    Victor Noisemaker

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Hi all!
    Basically, I'm searching for a guitar sounding like this one here:
    I've tried Big Fish Gypsy Cafe but all those samples were just loops. I need single note samples, or in the worst case chords in order to be able to sequence them in midi.
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Victor,

    Here we go... *yes*

    For the most professional Libraries, you can check (and try !) the 2 following 'Samples Libraries' :

    * iCe Samples 'LUCIA' Nylon Guitar


    * Ilya Efimov 'Nylon Guitar'


    Ilya Efimov Nylon Guitar


    Some FREE 'Samples Libraries' that can perhaps also suit you well... *yes*

    * Pettinhouse Classical Guitar FREE

    Pettinhouse Classical Guitar FREE

    Go to 'DOWNLOAD' on the bottom of the Page

    * MF-Natural Concert Guitar

    MF-Natural Concert Guitar

    This one comes in '.sfz' Format (for the Preset) and '.ogg' (for the Audio Samples).
  4. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    In all honesty I've never heard of a nylon acoustic guitar library that has that deep of mutes, especially since the only guitar on this is playing very low backups. Are you sure you're looking for the guitar and not a cimbalom, Mandalin, or some sort of dulcimer?

    It's just that there are several string'd instruments in that track and the guitar is only used for low rhythm.
  5. Victor

    Victor Noisemaker

    Nov 28, 2013
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    @Studio 555 thanks, Ilya Efimov Nylon Guitar sounds nice, I'll try this one. I already have downloaded Pettinhouse Classical Guitar FREE few years ago, and sampled it on my keyboard. For the keyboard sounds nice, but for Kontakt I've heard better guitars.

    @xoso, I am sure I want the guitar sound. It's so deep and full, and know all those words *yes*
    I know and love Cimbalom, it's very hard to emulate it in the computer, as this one has much more dynamic, it's a percussion instrument. But the guitar on the other side, although it has dynamics of course, it needs that punch on the chords, to feel so 'powerful' like the guitar on that video.

    You can hear the guitar also in this video, in the first 4 seconds before the violin jumps in:
  6. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    if u refer to the final part,where the guitar is hearable,i think ample sound taylor emulation will do the work
  7. MMJ

    MMJ Newbie

    Jan 30, 2014
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    try physical modeling vsts bunch out there
  8. camusic

    camusic Guest

    You can actually try these too:

    UVI Gypsy Jazzy

    EWQL Gypsy

    Evolution Acoustic Guitar - Steel Strings
  9. Victor

    Victor Noisemaker

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Regarding Ilya Efimov Nylon Guitar it's not bad, but I have a song with the tempo 200, and this guitar can't play 1/8 straight at that tempo, it sounds too short. Other guitars don't have a problem at that tempo. I tested with the modulation tab on Kontakt, set the attack and release, decay curve but that didn't help.

    I've tried SONiVOX Taylor Acoustic Guitar and it sounded pretty close, but it was dull and too sunk. There was a too obvious difference between the lower chords and upper chords. The lower chords were bassy, and in the upper chords, the treble was louder (that could be fixed with Volume Automation, but this guitar brings too much mud in the song). It lacks that punch, but it's close on the timbre.

    So, this brings me to the suggestion of duskwings to try the Ample Sound AGT guitar, since the SONiVOX was a Taylor and it was close to that timbre, I am hoping that the AGT will be much closer, since it's bigger (4 GB!).
    It will take me a while to download and test this library.

    Such as? Give me an example, few names. How am I supposed to search it?
  10. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Victor,

    Related to 'Physical Modelling', the following one could be one of the best you can find around :

    *** AAS (Applied Acoustics Systems) Strum Acoustic GS-1 (Acoustic Guitar) ***


    'AAS Strum Acoustic GS-1 (Acoustic Guitar)' Homepage

    It can be used as a 'VST/AU/RTAS' Plugin, as well as in 'Standalone Mode'. *yes*

    You can also listen to some Audio Demos provided within the 'Homepage'... *yes*

    Moreover, its size is almost ridiculous compared to some ordinary 'Sample Libraries', but DON'T MISUNDERSTAND me, their respective goal are not identical...
  11. Victor

    Victor Noisemaker

    Nov 28, 2013
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    I downloaded Ample Sound AGT, but I have to free up space on my C:/ partition, where the Windows is installed. I can't install it right now, because I have only 5 GB left. I have downloaded a tv series on My Documents. I have to watch that season and then delete the files in order to make space to install that library. I wouldn't risk getting with no free space left on my OS partition.

    Before you ask, other partitions are almost full also. I know that I must buy a bigger hard disk, but I have no budget.
  12. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    Could you at least burn few dvds; that would give you 10 GB free space; also while installing you can choose another partition if you like.
    Since you are mentioning budget, you may have a slow computer and ample sound libraries might create too much latency, as they do on my slow computer.
    Maybe you should start with realguitar from musiclab; it is simple but it does not have a lot of samples, meaning you will not be able to tweak it to sound authentic;
    but the sound is good and it covers all basic types of acoustic guitar samples: fingered, picked (few versions) and nylon as well. It is 200 mb to dl but it requires 1 gb of space.
    The strumming options are particularly good, although the midi library is awful; you would have to know of how to create a real strumming pattern that a real guitar player would use
    and understand not everything is possible with vsti...
  13. Victor

    Victor Noisemaker

    Nov 28, 2013
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    I have MusicLab RealGuitar and it's quite good. I like the nylon picked guitar on that one. But it's not so warm as the real guitar in the videos I posted. That's why I was asking here for guidance. MusicLab RealGuitar and Orange Tree Samples Evolution Acoustic Guitar Steel Strings are the guitars that I like the most and find usable at the moment. Maybe someone could suggest a better one.

    I don't have a DVD Rom, only CD ROM.
  14. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    Warm may depend on the mix and reverb; the video's first 4 sec are contrabass and I would guess some strummed instrument, not necessarily a guitar; it was muted strum in this case; for that kind of strumming you would need a library that has muted strum samples; it cannot be emulated. This means directly bigger libraries, but understand the contrabass is giving bass to these 4 sec and without it the strums would be hollow and not even close to warm.
  15. Victor

    Victor Noisemaker

    Nov 28, 2013
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    The guitar was warm in every song. It's not about the bass, trust me. The guitar is punchy and warm (read here: nice mid frequencies, but NOT MUDDY). Treble frequencies are responsible for the punch in the pick.

    In the last video when I said to listen to the first 4 seconds, in that 4 seconds, there was just Contra bass, guitar and cimbalom.

    BTW, that last song is Kalman Balogh - Lisa, Lisa. You can download the mp3 from various sites.
  16. drdark2

    drdark2 Guest

    Listen, you've obviously already tried most libraries and there is nothing else to be suggested to you. If you are Hungarian - regards! I was born near Hungary in Novi Sad and many of my grandparents' neighbors were Hungarian. My advice for last; it is generally very hard to emulate the sound of an acoustic instrument with a virtual one, but that applies doubly for
    Gypsy music! It would literally be easier to learn to play the guitar then to find a way to emulate muted strumming! Besides, it was proven many times that only guitar players can find an acceptable use of virtual guitars, which makes it a paradox; if you're not a guitar player you can't exploit all features of virtual guitars; but if you are a guitar player why would you need virtual guitars?! Why? Because, like me, sometimes guitar players don't have great guitars and especially mics; that is why!
  17. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Or try the acoustics from Colossus. But, as others said, complex expressive playing is very difficult, if not impossible, to emulate. Especially for guitar and violin and stringed instruments in general, as the interactions you can have with the instruments are very varied (limitless).

    I doubt Gypsy Jazzy is worth it, especially if you're only after guitar sounds.

    You can check out the VSL Concert Guitar too.
  18. Victor

    Victor Noisemaker

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Hi guys, a quick update! I finally installed Ample Sound AGT. Even that big library was not the one. It was too short on a fast tempo and didn't had that "muted" sound like someone said. It's actually picked downstroke played on the real guitar from the videos. I uninstalled it because my PC and browser was slow when I had only 2 GB free space on my Windows partition. I even got a Blue Screen (BSOD)...first BSOD since 3-4 years. In conclusion there is no perfect virtual guitar.

    So in the end, I am going to render several guitars, EQ them different and blend them together.
    Thank you all for your help.
  19. Dynamitec

    Dynamitec Newbie

    Mar 20, 2014
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    Definitely check out Vir2 Acou6tics:

    Mockup - Acou6tics Nylon (Finger Sustains):
    Mockup - Acou6tics Nylon (Finger Nail Sustains):
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