Do you think is it possible to make a hit trap/slap house with a Behringer C1

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by bornfrompain, Jul 18, 2023.

  1. bornfrompain

    bornfrompain Noisemaker

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Hello guys, my friend recently recorded a great song with a Behring c1 microphone... The vocals are great etc. But I can't seem to get that spotty top 50 rap song (turkey) quality Turkey and I know the producer who produces more than half of the songs there. He is like Burger King of this and Im pretty sure he copies and pastes the mixing and mastering chain but still a hit anyways ofc we don't have the studio he has but we are trying our best. I am working on this vocal and trying 1 video rather than another and another, but I can't seem the match the quality. I blame it on the microphone, but I remember Fred again uses an iPhone microphone with WhatsApp compression and I'm saying I can do better... Do you think it is impossible to get a HQ sound with should I c1 and an old audio interface or should I avoid aiming at a sound and focusing on a creative sound that doesn't require high quality sound? And if you think I should aim for creative sound what would you recommend me doing? I also blame the vocal placement vocals like how many vocal I should stack what should I do? A bass vocal record? I have never seen how pros record and maybe that is the problem(It is weird that after I watched a documentary about cannibalism forums etc, and I decided to be a part of a community after I was alone and not talking to anyone well if it worked for them...)

    Please don't ban me if I violate any forum rules. I am a newbie and I believe here I can find some help, chat and be a part of a community.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Iam not sure what the question is here. If the vocal is great than the vocal is great. The Behring c1 is a bright microphone so the problem it has it that it is usually too HQ and not that it is not enough HQ. It's easy to blame the tools but honestly nobody knows what you are dealing with other than you and you are not really telling people what the issue is other than saying there is an issue and you want to sound like this guy or that guy but it's not working out. Also there are too many questions and too many options, you are looking for a one button solution where you can just do this and that and something will come out. Don't misjudge people who work hard and have a sound that is usually more related to their aesthetic taste than a cut and paste mixing and mastering chain. The guy must have some amount of skill after all you are attempting to emulate him, so no need to diss the work you want to copy. Any way I think maybe a good review of the fundamentals and a more precise question about what you are trying to achieve and a simpler focus on one issue at a time will do you more good than a general how do I do everything question. Even a guy flipping burgers at burger king has a signature flavour and style. Other wise there is always an other video and other that will say you can learn everything you need to know about everything in 15 minutes and you can skip the first 10 minutes.
  4. bornfrompain

    bornfrompain Noisemaker

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Sorry I wasn't clear enough about my question and you got me wrong probably... I am telling this guy because all people like him a lot he is great I listen him a lot and all but he does same things every time and he produces so quick he doesn't tries new thing etc he gets job done in a stylish signature move and it is like all of them similar. So my question is should I aim to catch something close to his voice (because it is immitable and like one true voice around here) as a clarity, as a brightness etc? Can I catch something closer to it with a behringer c1 and old behringer audio interface or should I aim for a sound that is unique with lots of effect changes and pitch changes and hide vocal more to beat rather than keeping it in very front like this guy I am mentioning...

  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    you should mention what audio interface you are using. a bad interface can cause just as many problems as a junk microphone. this person you know may be using the same mic, but he could have it connected to a UAD, RME, Apogee, Motu, etc. (and maybe even a console mixer)

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I think you should follow the aesthetic that is prevalent in your locality if this is meant to be a popular music release for mass consumption.

    I don't know much about the Trukic/Blatic sound. If this what you are talking about

    Yes it can be done with a Uli C1. It's also not exactly on top all the time. It's mostly EQ ducks with some automation here and there.

    Some thing like above is more about orchestration than ducking the vocal under the song, the vocal is def. not on top it's about even and even a little buried in the bed of the beat, but since there is very little frequency clashing, it comes out clear.

    Is your particular recording solid enough to be used in that way? That is an other question. Should you be more creative? That really depends on you. Nobody can tell you what your favourite food should taste like or how to get in on properly in between the sheets.

    You have to find out what you want to do and then do it as well as you can. Don't let how to do it, get in the way of actually doing it.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2023
  7. bornfrompain

    bornfrompain Noisemaker

    Jul 18, 2023
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    This song is perfect example of what I want and done by the guy that I talked earlier and the vibe is similar to what I am working on right now... Do you think one can reach this type of clear vocal with behringer c1 if he knew what he was doing ? because whatever I tried I couldn't reach that? I know expecting a sound like this without years of working in this industry is ignorant. I am just curious if someone who worked on this industry and knows what he/she is doing had my record could he/she make something like this in example?

    Secondly,If you know your way about especially recording How many channels should I record I do Main vocal, Bass, Sharp, and stack them on top of each other and also do emphasis and ad libs is it healthy to stack that much channel on top of each other what is the progress here...

    Lastly, I know I am the problem here trying to imitate a voice and trying to learn and overthink how he does rather than finding my own path and use my creativity
  8. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    You aren't going to get an answer you like, because it is Causation vs Correlation. "This guy uses this model mic, so if I get the same one it will sound the same way", but that's not the way any of this works. I listened and don't hear anything special. I certainly would not listen to this song and be left wondering what microphone was used. If you say it is a Behringer c51, i wouldn't disagree. But if I had to guess I'd go with "anything between a Shure SM-58 ( $100) and a Warm WA87( $700)". Maybe a TLM. Learn how to do mic comparisons with graphs.

    This is more like going out for a seafood dinner at a restaurant, and guessing what boat they used to go catch your food. Waste of effort indeed.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    I have to agree with @clone you could do that with any microphone. There isn't anything special or HD/HQ about that sound.

    The simple answer is "YES" it can be done with that microphone, given correct placement/levels/technique and FX it's not an issue.

    behringer-c1-condenser-microphone-frequency-response-polar-pattern.jpg You might have to shelf the high end a bit and bump the bottom but it shouldn't be missing anything unless there is a defect.
  10. boingy99

    boingy99 Kapellmeister

    May 12, 2021
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    I can say with some certainty that the problem is not the microphone or the audio interface. The problem is lack of technique in the mic placement, poor room treatment and/or the post-processing. Or, to put it another way, you lack experience. Beg or bribe the producer you know to let you sit in on a session or two. :wink:
  11. bornfrompain

    bornfrompain Noisemaker

    Jul 18, 2023
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    I know he uses a Apollo x4 audio interface with a rode microphone... Thanks for your answer... the problem was always doubting myself about the microphone and blaming it etc. now I can bypass that and focus on actually getting a sound that works for me and the listeners... I will put a pause on overthinking too much..
  12. bornfrompain

    bornfrompain Noisemaker

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Thanks for the reply. You been so helpful and I will use this advice either.
  13. bornfrompain

    bornfrompain Noisemaker

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Yeah, I knew that from the start I am way too amateur for this guy he has room treatment which is a luxury that I dont have much and other stuffs. I seen him producing once he already had some presets and used eq and comp and little bit a reverb and he was like done ofc this is for my friend's song who is not famous and he does better stuffs for more famous people... I respect any artists and I know he is way front of me but I don't believe he is someone who I can look up to. He has the industry in his hand right now because there isn't literally any studio that offers better equipment and offers different sound. I will try to create alternative rather than following his footsteps
  14. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I think your answer is this. The Analog to Digital Convertors in the UAD devices are really damn good for the price points. I only had one for a little while, but I did really like the top end of everything I recorded using it. The C51 you are asking about, some people comment that is lacking some top end frequency response; and that leads you into using too much pre-amp gain, to where you will increase the gain but it leads the microphone into distortion.

    For me, I would personally prefer a nicer audio interface, than a more expensive microphone plugged into something with poor AD convertors. Especially for recording vocals and other more delicate sounding instruments.

    The UAD and also the plugins, will make a sound like this guy has reachable, but also much more easy to get there with less actual work being done to the waveforms. The UAD have a pretty unmistakable crystal-clear top end to the recordings, like a sparkle or something. Many vocalists use them for precisely this reason.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2023
  15. bornfrompain

    bornfrompain Noisemaker

    Jul 18, 2023
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    Yeah those devices are crazy man.I only talked about the difference between microphones but It is also one of my concerns since the record was taken with Behringer Umc22. My last question to you now the record was taken with behringer c1 and Behring umc22 and I have a m audio m track 192/4 in my home. We live two hours away from each other with my guy doing the records. Do you think using m Audio with behringer differs that much worth to travel for 2 hours or not?
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  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I think Behringer UMC22 and the M-Audio AIR 192|4 may have little differences, but they will be negligible. These sorts of "common" convertor quality differences (or other), are things you can improve upon to get it very close to the other with good recording, editing, and effects plugins. And not spending any money, or driving 100 miles. But you could also learn a lot by sitting in on a session.

    Getting a recording to sound as good as the X-4 does may be "possible", but a lot of work to get there; if you can. In that process, you may end up using so many plugins that it can start to degrade the clarity of the vocal. A good case study into 'less is more".
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  17. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Its not the Meat its the motion