Aliens? AI? Boredom? Life Tips. Creativity. Sleep Deprivation.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Daisy69, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. Jayster

    Jayster Kapellmeister

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Hi Daisy69. Ask youself: have i always been in his way, like total lack of motivation and creativity? I'm quite sure the answer is no. Think way back when you have been a child. Then ask youself: what has happend in between? Surely many things. Things not good for your NOW.
    What has happened for Grimes "in between" her childhood and her now? Obviously something different than you.
    Once you made up your mind on this point, you can do changes needed.
  2. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Do you really think I taken LSD.
    Damn. Maybe I should be thankful for my brain.
    I save a lot of money and I don't feel that many side effects.
  3. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Yes. I agree that all those human things are shallow and are not that important.
    You will live some years and die. What you do here, what money you make here is not that important.
    More important are things that you learn and what you achieve in spiritual world.
    And I know about it.
    But this what I am talking here is like additional goals.
    We don't know what the truth really is for sure and where we land after death.
    Maybe we land on the place where it won't be music, where it won't be electricity as we know here.
    So now is the time to do those things! Especially when we like them.
    Parties, djing, using "electricity" to make sounds. Music production overall.
    Because in other place it won't have sense any longer.
    Maybe we are here mainly in this 3D Hologram Matrix right now controlling this pile of meat to have fun and do stuff that we can do here because place where we came from and where we are going back doesn't have things like that and those things doesn't have sense in this place.
    For example why you need metal music with growling and screaming to help relief pain if you don't feel pain. Or music which can help you cry and forget about girlfriend if you can't cry and you can feel only love, this will doesn't have sense outside earth.
    Like you know what I'm saying?
    That's why those things are important to me. They should be important. They have sense now and only now. I have less and less time to realize them and later they doesn't matter. But they are matter now. Maybe only reason that I am here is because I wanted to learn about music. Maybe I was here many times and I know a lot and I don't need to play this Matrix Hologram game but I miss this earth emotions and art and music? Maybe Aphex Twin and Grimes too? Maybe They are here because of boredom of the other place and they decided to play this Matrix game with one goal. To have Fun and do Art :winker:
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2023
  4. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Ya failed, mate.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Speak for yourself, I don't need any of it, some other might and some others will not. When you find others that also have appropirated that paradigm you feel the love of the tribe, they understand you, but now they also own a piece of you and you of them. This is the start of tribalism, it useful and you know what you are doing here. I am cool with it, but to take a phrase from a bunch of pirates, as long as you know what you are doing.

    Also if you can't cry it has nothing to do with love and hate. As far as what is outside of earth or spirituality is concerned you can have a nervous breakdown pretty quick focusing on stuff like that, Newton and DesCartes both did and I am going to venture out on a limb and state flat out that they weren't idiots.

    I've experienced and been a participant in the extremes of humanity: war, birth, destruction, aide, help, succour, despair and death in a few different places and I've also done the hermit thing where I didn't see or talk to anyone for sixty days.

    None of it brought any enlightenment, terror, beatification or transformation. I've seen people crying in many different languages some of them that I didn't even understand but I knew what they were doing - asking their intestines back in, or re-attachment pieces of their body that were no where to be found and not one time did it happen.

    It is just to say that it is better to focus on what you can actually do now than wonder about stuff and wait for nothing to happen. It broke some good friends of mine and some others like me just moved on past it. We were just lucky because this has more to do with inherited brain chemistry than will.

    This is nothing new.

    Voltaire had a good take on it in the mid 1700 when wrote Candide (l'Optimiste-1759.)

    There is nothing left to say on the subject for me.

    This is turning into Foster thread where a panther is chasing his tail trying to guide the conversation into a place where nobody wants to go but someone will eventually go --> religion and politics. It can be fun to stir shit up, but honestly it's been done so many times and the fish are always going to take the bait one has to wonder if there is any artistry left in it.

    I am going to ask a question, are you that bored?

    Will it make you feel good if you trap someone and expose what you think is a weakness in them volunteering aide to diatribe that will eventually cause them to feel angry and transgressed on because of their altruism to alleviate your pain, imagined or otherwise? There was artistry in it and there might still be a sense or joy for a fait-accompli, after all the moto of the world is caveat emptor.

    For today though, can we leave it at the world is a mysterious place and full of wonders and needs.

    Amor enim vincit omnia bona fide qui carpe die.
  6. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    No, I disagree. Total bullshit that you talk about. Where I talk about politics? Why You think I guide this thread to conversation about politics. Those are some bullshit from ass. You are like Oh this topic is stupid I don't like it, let's overthrow it with shit. And like in your next post you pin Olymoon to delete this thread because in your opinion sucked from ass this is Foster thread and need to be closed. LOL

    I think you misunderstand me.
    I mean like different reality. Different world. Outside the body maybe or in different dimension without, ears, air, laws of physics. Where there is no tribe no any people, there is no even you.
    And metal music was only example when someone in this reality listening to it to relief pain for example.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2023
  7. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Dude, lay off the Adderall.

    Grimes isn't stupid. She's probably ADD as fuck.
    She's way smarter than Elon Musk lol.
  8. GeoffreyMcJefferson

    GeoffreyMcJefferson Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2023
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    I think that's the problem. You need to stop consuming and start creating. Start with simple songs, don't make them with the intention of becoming successful, just make simple songs as an exercise routine that you will never release.
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  9. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Producer

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    go on a watermelon fast. just eat watermelon for a few days nothing else. you'll clear out a lot of shit

    I had to detox from my own breakfast cereal!
  10. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    This is great advice. Thanks!
  11. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Man I wish I can try Adderal.
    To be clear. I don't smoke, I don't drink. I do not take any drugs, nothing from dilers, nothing from pharmacy either.
    It is only me, suppliements (B12, D3, Seeds Oil Omega 3-6) and unhealthy food. Nothing more LOL
  12. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Maybe Adderal is answer?
    But is it possible that everyone like Aphex Twin, Grimes, Chemical Brothers, Die Antwoord
    All of them take Adderal and this is the key of their motivation, energy, happiness and creativity?
  13. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I do not suggest anything but isn't Chemical Brothers share throught their song that they taking some drugs and tell to people you should take it too?

    What this drugs can be?

    ...You should feel what I feel
    You should take what I take...
  14. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Aphex Twin has been making music since he was a kid, I doubt it's Adderall.

    Grimes said many times she recorded Visions in two weeks with no sleep and shit loads of Adderall. Don't know if that's completely honest, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's at least partially true.

    Die Antwoord and Chem Bros definitely tried tons of drugs, but is it key to their creativity? Dunno.

    Adderall can be key to motivation and energy, for a while. Happiness and creativity? Not really.

    I've had a really creative period when I first started taking it. I recorded more stuff in the span of a year than ever in my life. But then I became a total junkie and at times I couldn't tell if I was making music or playing Red Alert 2.
  15. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I love your reply. Thank You for it!

    Visions is my the most favourite album from her.
    And I was very fascinated by it in 2013.
    I didn't know that she made it in 2 weeks and in this period LACK OF SLEEP and Adderall was part of creative process.
    I am not that much into her. I am not much into anyone. I just started to interesting her more deeply.

    There is something BIG connected with lack of Sleep and Art.
    Goldie - dnb producer too have episodes with lack of sleep.
    He had insomnia so lack of sleep was part of his life and influenced him a lot.

    I'm telling you guys there is something BIG connected with lack of Sleep and creative process and making cool art.
    I will be investigating it on my own.
    But this territory deserves to be studied by scientists!
  16. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Here is Goldie shit. Maybe at first glance it didn't look but this shit is very deep.

  17. Michelangelo

    Michelangelo Member

    Jun 15, 2021
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    Any type of drugs are never answer to anything, you will just get confused while on drugs that you are making something incredible. While in reality you are just making mediocre stuff and people will recognize it as it is...

    Music and any type of art cant be forced, it can be pushed to the limits by learning some stuff like music theory to improve your skills, but at the end if you dont have talent for it just stop tryharding stuff.
  18. Peek

    Peek Ultrasonic

    May 1, 2016
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    I read the whole post.
    I assure you that I will answer all your questions. Maybe they won't be the answers you expect, but they will be my most sincere answers, because they are the answers I give to myself when I ask myself your identical questions. Yes indeed you are not alone in this sea of shit. I'll clarify immediately that my answers are not absolute and do not speak of truth or shit of this type, but are only the result of a very thorough sociological investigation but above all they are always under discussion, evolution, argued. I won't do it now, maybe I won't even do it publicly, since I'm pretty sure my comment will be removed by the admins so maybe I'll reply to you privately. But not now, because your questions are the result of an elaboration experienced over time, your questions need to be treated with dignity and seriousness, not with the usual quick and insane fucking answers that people, people who never have time, people who frantically live their lives as if they were going to die the next day , and who squeezes all their available seconds to secure a place ever closer to the ruling elite, the ruling elite in finance, politics, culture, science and scientific research, entertainment, the drug market ( in the broadest sense of the term), therefore also in music and in all other forms of art. There is a lot to say and I will, in the meantime I wish you to find the stimulus and to repossess that energy, which you feel as if it had been stolen by something or someone, outside the commercial musical sphere. Read, study, trip over something infinitely interesting. Find the input to change something substantial: environment, friendships, work, break habits (they are always annihilating), in short, draw something from another place, from another space, from another time that is not directly and closely linked to world of music that you frequent or would like to share. However, I'm not here to give you advice, but I will share my perceptions with you, as a human being and as a musician and artist that I feel like I am. from another time that is not directly and closely linked to the world of music that you frequent or would like to share. However, I'm not here to give you advice, but I will share my perceptions with you, as a human being and as a musician and artist that I feel like I am.
    See you soon
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2023
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  19. GeoffreyMcJefferson

    GeoffreyMcJefferson Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2023
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    I have watched a few of Grimes' interviews now. So I've never heard of her before but she doesn't seem dumb, just sort of immature I guess? Like a girl trapped in a woman's body. She seems to have this innocent, carefree outlook on life that most people don't have when they're adults. Maybe she's autistic, some autists are really talented at a specific thing and it would explain her unusual personality. She definitely has interesting personality. She kinda reminds me of Aubrey Plaza who is similarly weird and strangely captivating. I'm not sure if it's brain chemistry, genetics or the environment they grow up in but there aren't many people like that.
  20. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Thank you for this reply. And I am very interested into deep conversation with you about it on PM or even many conversations about other things.
    So I'm waiting excited to when the right time comes for this.

    Now I can say to you that I'm feeling that you understand me.
    Yes. Something sucked the life from me.
    10 years ago I had so much energy, motivation, i was very creative. I was very happy.
    I was working in game industry as 3D artist.
    My mind was bright, everything was easy, I was learning quickly and a lot of different stuff.
    I was doing stuff for companies like Gameloft, Giants Software, Google and many others.
    On Google I was fixing textures for Photogrammetry models for Google Maps.
    When I imagine myself 10 years ago it was like in different world, different reality.
    I was so happy, excited, curious of everything, everything was a journey, everywhere was a journey and everything was so interesting I had many perspectives, plans for future, I even enjoyed the smell of the air and air was so different on different places, I felt every nuance of it.
    I felt every nuance of atmosphere, ambient around me. Every memory, every person, had different flavour, different smell, different colour, different feelings, different energy, I felt all of this and many things more. It is very hard to me to describe because I don't feel any of these now and I almost forget it. I feel like in hell now, Burned out. Without anything.
    It was great 10 years ago but for some reason something broke and I quickly started to loosing all of this great stuff like something sucked from me all of this. And year after year it was worse and worse.
    And this proces wasn't slowly. It was like in first 3 years something sucked from me 90% of life and next 6 years percent after percent.
    So for 10 years I am useless piece of shit. I am looser without job and money. I can't do anything. Everything is a challenge for me.
    I get tired very quickly. And I can't learn anything.

    I was started to looking for the answers everywhere in the all possible aspects. I was analysing my whole life deeply many times.
    I was looking in the spiritual realm, in the psychological realm, phyhsical realm like diet.
    And in points of view like maybe I was younger, maybe this is normal, maybe adults loose all of this because brain changing.
    Or maybe because 1 time I taken some shitty drug and and it damaged my brain.
    And many other dilemmas and searching shit like this.
    And for years I can't get any answer or something that will help me.

    Now I don't feel anything. Nothing from things that I felt 10 years ago.
    Winter, Summer, Spring. Doesn't matter I feel them the same, I feel nothing.
    There is no difference for me.
    I almost don't feel temperature or smell. All my senses are dull.
    Nothing matters for me, I don't feel any purpose.
    Nothing have sense. Everything sucks.
    This is hell.

    I could talk hours like that and how much everything sucks now.
    You have some image.
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