What is on your plate? How to eat to be an creative and healthy musician?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Daisy69, Jul 15, 2023.

  1. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Ok. My sensors are just very sensitive :bleh:
  2. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    This is also not true. There were peoples who ate almost exclusively meat on a daily basis because plant food was only available to a very limited extent. Besides, not all meat is the same.
    Generalizations are always difficult and often lead to false assumptions. Example: Salt is also generally considered to be unhealthy, although salt is a vital building block for our cells. And depending on where you live, i.e. under which climatic conditions, how old you are and what your genetic predispositions are, increased salt consumption can be very important for your health.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
  3. Snare Gel

    Snare Gel Kapellmeister

    Jul 20, 2022
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    Most of these 'therapists' to celebrities are psychopaths and/or mk ultra handlers using cold empathy to appear normal. I've heard this from people I know that work/worked in the music industry. Not trying to derail the topic, but it's worth looking into.
  4. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    First, thanks a lot for sharing any findings in those regards.

    That Daniel Amen interview was very interesting but I also tend to be very skeptical about those magical pills he is mentioning. I've taken a quick look at his website and must say that I started to doubt a bit on the ethic and professionalism of his treatment after reading a few marketing lines which to me are always decent red flags.

    I then headed to YELP to get a better understanding of the whole thing and it was quite shocking.

    I'm just going to leave this here:

    In the end, I believe that if you start your research there ( when you are uninformed), it can lead to some decent path in regards to self care and ''medication''. Especially when researching the ingredients in his magic pills.

    If someone is careful and thorough enough, I'm sure some supplements can help. For example, it's not the first time I hear that magnesium is a known deficiency for middle age men.

    I think it was a great path and will continue to investigate but no la-la land pills for me.

    I'll go see my practician this month and see what he suggest.
  5. boomoperator

    boomoperator Rock Star

    Oct 16, 2013
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    I’ve been dealing with a lack of energy, overweight, and Soas (sitting on ass syndrome).
    So I went to an orthomolecular therapist for a body check and health advice.

    It appeared I had serious vitamine deficits and I am gluten intolerant.
    That’s pretty tough because I crave bread, pasta & sweets.
    The health guy said a gluten intolerant body creates inflammations, and the body needs energy to fight those.
    Energy that should be used to walk, think, fuck, live..So that could be a reason for my lack of energy.

    Next to taking a daily dose of certain minerals & vitamine supplements, the advices were:
    - Move that ass (could have figured that out myself)
    - Stop eating processed foods.
    - Stop or reduce bread (and beer) consumption, or at least eat good bread.
    - Eat lots of veggies.
    - Another thing he said: the body should be alkalic. And strangely it should be fed acidic stuff to regain an alkalic state.
    I would have to start the day with Apple Cider Vinegar dissolved in water - Instead of coffee (Aaah, don’t take away my coffee).
    In an Acidic body cancers grow easier, and cancers crave on sugars.

    And the main advice I got from the health guy: Water! Drink liters of that stuff everyday.

    Of course this advice is tailored to me, someone else will have other needs, but because of our lifestyle, other ’western’ folks
    might have similar problems and solutions. I gotta say, I do feel better since my visits, but it’s difficult to follow all advices. Habits, you know..
  6. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Good. Now that we can exchange opinions and info in a civilised manner, let's delve into some details.

    I absolutely agree with you about the nutritional value of beef and unprocessed meat in general. It is a very rich source of nutrients and greatly simplifies the task of providing the body with all the nutrients it needs.

    The big picture, however, should also include the byproducts of a meat based diet, the way it affects metabolism, what is left in the body after the meat is digested. The total cost of it.

    The process of rotting of flesh begins immediately after the death of an animal and progresses over time. By the time we have entered it into our body it already contains certain quantity of toxins and it keeps increasing during digestion.

    The problem is, unlike straight carnivores, with rather short guts, humans are omnivores with comparatively long guts, necessary to digest plant based, fiber rich food, which was the staple of our diet for tens of thousands of years. While a cat, for example, can digest a piece of meat and get rid of the remains rather quickly, the humans can't. It stays in the human guts for up to two days, during which the process of rotting continues and quantity of toxins keeps multiplying.

    Then there's the issue of industrial animal farming.

    While there is some oversight regarding the use of poisonous and carcinogenic chemicals in the production of crops for direct consumption by humans, it's unrealistic to rely on those mechanisms when it comes to production of crops for animal feed. Add to that the base levels of air, water and soil pollution and it's not looking good at all.

    Now you may argue that it affects plant based food for humans as well, that it too is contaminated, and you would be correct, of course.

    The difference is, if a boiled corn cob on your plate contains an x amount of poisonous chemicals, what is the amount of those chemicals contained in the same quantity of pork chop, for example, coming from an animal fed with hundreds of kilograms of corn during its lifetime?

    Then there's the use of growth hormones. Yes, it's the norm. The reason is obvious = profit.

    Then there's the use of antibiotics across the board, to prevent animals from getting sick = loss.

    There's more, the issue of proteins of animal origin etc., but let's stop here.

    So yes, unprocessed meat is undoubtedly healthy, narrowly speaking, strictly in terms of nutritional content, but the long term cost of such diet is getting higher every day. The resulting pollution gets accumulated in our bodies and sooner or later the bill gets delivered.

    I still wouldn't suggest to anyone to turn vegetarian for no clear reason, but I believe we can agree on the importance of moderation when it comes to the consumption of meat.
  7. Martel

    Martel Platinum Record

    Jan 8, 2023
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    It is a myth that someone can alter his body PH by eating acidic. At least, it is not supported by enough studies to be considered a clinical fact.

    I also drink a lot of water. 2 litres every day to be precise and I think this is a long term thing just like the other things on your list.

    I'm obviously not a health care professional but i'm sure that a lot of Water with lower cereal intake ( beer, bread and pastas for example) can definitely help a lot when combined with a bit of heart stimulation (exercise).

    It is a lot of personal trial and error and I like to listen to many point of view from all angles to get a better picture of a situation and see what often come up.

    In the end, the medical field of expertise is to temporarily cure a problem, not to cut his source. That's their income.
  8. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    That our ancestors mostly ate plant based food is as good a generalisation as they go.

    You argue that it's not true by claiming that there were also people who ate almost exclusively meat because plant food was only available to a very limited extent. Aren't you just making my point?
  9. slowpoke

    slowpoke Kapellmeister

    Feb 26, 2021
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    So who is the rapist, Bieber or the old guy?
  10. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    The way I understood it, for some of the acidic foods, lemons for example, the end result of being processed by our digestion system is lower acidity of the body.
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  11. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    The same is true for plant fiber or raw plant foods or foods in general.
    As I said before, generalizations tend to be incorrect. The human digestive tract does not begin with the stomach, but with the mouth. And we have teeth to cut and grind our food. If a food starts to rot in your gut, you either haven't chewed it enough or you haven't had enough exercise after eating it.
    I agree with that and pretty much everything you said afterwards. But the problem is not meat, but meat with low quality. I get my meat directly from the farmer. I know the animal I eat. I know the conditions under which the animal lives, what it eats and I know the conditions under which the animal is slaughtered. I even know how long the meat has been hung. And even pork under the right conditions is anything but unhealthy. It makes a huge difference how a pig is kept and slaughtered. If it is separated from the other pigs and killed quickly by a familiar person in a familiar environment, the meat is different than if the pig has released a whole flood of stress hormones before its death. It makes the meat sour and it is not healthy either.
    I say it depends on what the preconditions are. You can't generalize everything. What is good for one person can be bad for another. I drink about 3 liters of liquid a day in addition to what I eat through solid food. But I would not recommend anyone to do the same, because the conditions could be completely different. It could even seriously harm the person.

    So if I say, as I did in the first post, "try meat and fish. High fat", it has nothing to do with the fact that I am "for meat" or "for carnivore" or "against vegetables" or "against vegetarianism", but it is simply my lay-advice for @Daisy69, based on the problems @Daisy69 has described.
  12. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    high fat greek yogurt, watermelon, salmon.
  13. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Yes, I got your point. But the statement is not true. There are ancestral peoples who historically ate almost exclusively plant-based diets (like some asian and south american tribes). There are ancestral peoples who historically ate almost exclusively meat (Inuit, Masai and some Nordic tribes, for example). And there are ancestral peoples who had a mixed diet.
  14. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Food starts to rot the moment the plant or animal is killed, far before it reaches human gut.

    There is a significant difference in type and concentration between toxins in meat and those in plant based food.

    I was referring to industrial animal farming i.e. industrial production of meat, to which most of humanity seems to be increasingly dependent. As opposed to what you are describing, which is the organic, old-school and rapidly shrinking way of meat production. Other than that, I agree.

    No offense, but it doesn't seem that you understand the term generalisation and you seem to be very happy to throw it around.
  15. Free Agent

    Free Agent Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Turkey & Ukraine
    I assume that your problem is not about the food you consume; but some exercises.

    However, I would not skip meat in no case since it really gives me energy.

    Start your day with some daily exercises. At the beginning you don't even need to force yourself.

    1) Download a step counter app
    2) Every morning take 5000 steps before eating breakfast. It almost takes 45 minutes

    After two weeks you might increase the amount around 6000 steps.

    You will feel the significant difference after a while.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
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  16. ptepper

    ptepper Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2021
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    I was referring to hundreds of thousands of years of human history and the predominant type of diet throughout most of that long period, as evidenced by the length of human guts, more precisely the ratio between the gut length and body height, which is similar to that of a typical herbivore and way higher than that of a typical carnivore mammal.

    You keep arguing against it citing examples to the contrary from relatively recent history, but the exceptions you mention simply prove the rule.
  17. Djord Emer

    Djord Emer Audiosexual

    Sep 12, 2021
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    Idk about you but here I eat mostly potato, yogurt, fruits/veggies (depends on the season), meat, chicken and eggs (a loooooooooot of meat and chicken). I eat 5 meals a day in small portions, smaller portions will avoid that slumber/laziness feeling that typically comes after having bigger meals.
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  18. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Another vegetarian here, present! I was vegan for 5 years, but it was very difficult and then I started to consume eggs (I've been a vegetarian for 11 years). During the pandemic, I started to eat cheese and ricotta daily, because of the vitamin D. Following this path was the best thing I did in my life, since I hate gyms and that futility that comes from the cult of the body. I weighed 99 kg before becoming vegan. I reduced my weight to 64 kg, with only 1 year of veganism. Today, as a vegetarian, my weight averages 77-80 kg. Nowadays I am very healthy compared to the period when I ate meat on a daily basis. Overall health, focus, concentration, and even sexuality has become much sharper. As a meat eater, I was a very stressed guy... Today, I'm more relaxed... thanks god! :thumbsup:
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  19. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    My 10:30 bowl of:

    -Low fat greek yoghurt (250gr)
    -Blueberries (100gr)
    -Linseed (15gr)
    -Chiaseed (15gr)
    -Oatmeal (50gr)
    -Nuts (walnut, almond, chashew & hazel) (50gr)

    Been eating it for years, love it everyday.

    Best advice I can give: stop eating sugar and highly processed foods.
  20. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Yes. I eating everyday tons of candys and chocolate and often I drink ice tea with sugar and sometimes cola.
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