Aliens? AI? Boredom? Life Tips. Creativity. Sleep Deprivation.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Daisy69, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Yes guys. Really interesting posts. Keep going :wink:

    Those things are something that I always wanted to talk about or read about but never saw something like it.
    Now is the time :thumbsup:
  2. Demloc

    Demloc Platinum Record

    Mar 10, 2020
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    He is just one guy on a video clearly affected by the survivorship bias. Hard scientific gathered and peer reviewed data says otherwise.
  3. Lieglein

    Lieglein Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2018
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    Where shall they be? :dunno:
  4. Demloc

    Demloc Platinum Record

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Yeah, who cares about the data when there is one dude on youtube that has the answers. The reality is that there are a lot of succesful people that focus on a wide variety of subjects all their life, a lot of musicians has Phds, some others are doctors, and others don't but like to mount Legos or even play Total War Warhammer III 5 hours a day between gigs. That's what the data says. Talent is a requirement, luck is the conditio sine qua non.
  5. RachProko

    RachProko Producer

    Sep 25, 2022
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    Dear Daisy69. You think too much! You want too much! And you expect too much of life!

    Life is a pile of shit happening all the time. Not only for you but for everyone! And also for the rich and famous!

    Look at Lewis Capaldi. He finally made it as a singer/songwriter and now he’s dealing with Tourette's syndrome!

    Avicii committed suicide while he was at the top of his success!

    look at the 27 club.

    Behind all this fame and success of these celebrated stars, do you really think that they are ultimately happy in everything they have and do? Do you really think that being famous and successful in the eyes of the masses is the ultimate key to happiness?

    NO, if you’re not happy with yourself now you won't be happy after you’ve become Grimes 2.0!

    I think you need to step back and detach yourself from the picture of what you think you should be and invest in what you really are?

    Don’t try so hard to be good at what you desperately want! It really drains all your energy.

    Take a good look at yourself and try to find out what it is that makes you happy.

    If making music makes you happy then go make music. But don’t make music with the goal to get famous. Make music for you! Make music with friends and enjoy it without the pressure of having to produce anything. And allow yourself not to be perfect. Nobody is! Make mistakes, and learn and grow with each of them.

    Happiness lies in being content with what you are and what you do. Not in desperately trying to be something you’re not.
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  6. aghori

    aghori Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2020
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    Maybe they got things like discernment which makes them, let's say, not write wall of text on internet and be bitter about other people's success... or even care about success. That's where you lost it, making art should be a reward in itself, you're showing disrespect to your craft by having that crappy mindset. Aphex Twin actually talk about this, he's a goofball, but he shows respect to his art.
    If you made kickass music, getting attention should be the least of your concerns. No, you're never gonna make it, you don't have a goddess bod or had piano lessons since 4 and music legends having dinner with your parents, blablabla
    Having a successful career in music at 20? That's winning the lottery. Making good music? That's all on you, you have no excuse, all the answers are out there (starting with your records!!!), it's never been easier.

    When you were puking that wall of text, you could have litterally written a song instead.
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  7. rthrtccss

    rthrtccss Member

    Mar 12, 2021
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    no one wants to tell OP the truth huh? we are living in a spiritual world, where the forces of evil have been given the right to 'rule' as a means of testing and punishing the ones who have lost their way. read 'kings'; 'judges' and the old testament in general, Israel was constantly being sold to other countries, specifically because they started worshiping false idols and other lowercase gods. no one in a position of power is there because of some random thing, more so they are sub-par and uncreative when you take away the lies and illusions. as for the 'aliens' well they are essentially demons or simply people who gave their bodies away like cheap toy cars for others to dwell in, the people get their 'serotonin' and other things you mentioned by worshiping and following spirits, forces and schools of thought that they think will benefit them in the short run, as far as I'm concerned they can tongue my anus. I love you for asking these questions, peace. Christ is King
  8. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Yes. This one! I feel big pressure that I need to produce and it must be good and people want to liten to it and I WILL MAKE SOME MONEY FROM IT AND NOT BE LOOSER WITHOUT JOB BUT FINALLY MAKE SOME MONEY ON THING I LIKE TO DO.

    I think this pressure drains me and it gives totally different result and I can't do anything and can't move forward, I stuck and I have lack of motivation, no purpose, no energy, like this is pin to my grave.
    But I can't get rid of it. It is on my back the whole time! Draining holes in my head!
  9. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    I'm glad that I am not alone that behind this can be also some spiritual forces.
    Aliens are not necessary demons, they can be people from future or just beings from other planets similar to us but maybe more advanced and with more knowledge and developed spirituality, like seperated things, they can have body and be similar to us or maybe they are from different dimension and demons. It is unknown thing. We can't confirm any of this.
    But it is not that important and doesn't matter.
    Important is spirituality aspects and I'm glad that you posted it. Spirituality and self develop are very important.
    And I am glad that we share similar thoughts.

    Don't mix up this with religion kids. Spirituality is something different and which connects people not divide.
  10. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    "Her mother, Sandy Garossino, is a former Crown prosecutor and arts advocate; her father, Maurice Boucher, a former banker, works in the business side of biotech."

    Rich parents, it's simple as that.

    No, he is not, he is just dumb. Period. And was born into wealth as well. Please don't glorify this narcissistic idiot.

    Many talented people fail simply, because they have one shot at becoming big, if they are lucky or courageous enough to have that shot at all. Meanwhile, if you are rich, you can just throw money at the wall until something sticks and you proclaim yourself a genius. You are keeping in high regard the wrong people.

    Let me put this into different words: many people would be smart and talented enough to create Amazon. But very few receive healthy upbringing, proper education and a small loan of $245,573 from their parents, like Jeff Bezos did.

    PS. BTW, adjusted for inflation, it would be $486,876 now.
  11. Juan de Fuca

    Juan de Fuca Newbie

    Jan 29, 2023
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    This is the absolute truth. Everything in this reply should be understood by anyone pursuing anything.

    I make a living off of my own music. Being at peace with yourself is so much more than external validation/goals/expectations. The moment you start having expectations of anything in life is the moment you've already lost. I've been depressed from 2018-2022, barely functioning at times, even though I kind of "made it" as an artist. Now for the past few months I've been doing sports 6 times a week, eating healthy, not taken my phone to bed with me, meditating and journaling first thing in the morning, these things have worked wonders for me. Not everyone has to do these things, that's just what I've found that works for me. This also directly correlates with my motivation and creativity, I had days when I almost got sick when I thought of opening my DAW, while I was heavily depressed. Now I finally enjoy making music again, because I'm at peace most of the time.

    This can all be summed up to:
    Content and balanced person working as a full time musician: yay
    Content and balanced person working a "normal job": yay
    Depressed, dissociated person working as a full time musician: nay
    Depressed, dissociated person working a "normal job": nay
    Simple as that, really.

    Lots of love to you all.
  12. rthrtccss

    rthrtccss Member

    Mar 12, 2021
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    @Daisy69 religion is not Christianity, being 'religious' involves organizations, hierarchies, groups, rituals, and cultural history... coming from a country that is 80% Orthodox, I can tell you first hand that it has nothing to do with Christ or spirituality even, something to consider. even from an outside perspective, I would still recommend you look through some things whilst not necessarily observing them through Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant eyes, which should help you out either way and give you some perspective. now if we leave out all the spiritual aspects and ground ourselves in cold-blooded reality, don't see a shrink even if you are spergin or on the spectrum, other than maybe benefits or spergbux they will add nothing of value, and worst case scenario it will mess you up. they have no idea, the literature and doctrine of psychology is highly subjective and cookie-cutter oriented, a low dose of notgivingafuck would be more appropriate. I am in a very similar spot though, with everything you said... my mom keeps working and I keep suffering a bit, only time I am productive is when I am alone or have some decent non-genetically modified pot and the work that I am doing is aligned with my intentions. are you from a decent country? do you have the social 'drive' to work on projects? to be honest, most of the time I cant justify finishing anything because the country i'm in kind of hates my autistic ass and the social collective has branded me as a pariah at a very young age, so now I dont want some 'glow-up' like thing where I come out with music and now all of a sudden i'm hot shit mr testosterone and everyone digs my alcoholic ass. sounds similar, or am I shooting shit
  13. rthrtccss

    rthrtccss Member

    Mar 12, 2021
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    'The moment you start having expectations of anything in life is the moment you've already lost'
    good stuff, much love
  14. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    I'm gonna sample that sound and create a patch in Phaseplant! Thanks for the idea.
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  15. Daisy69

    Daisy69 Platinum Record

    Oct 3, 2022
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    So I already lost when I was few year old kid and I wanted to have girlfriend.
    And I expected to have one soon.
    I am still single LOL
  16. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Truth to be told, when you just sit and wait for another human to come to you they usually don't. And you can't blame them because you wouldn't either.
  17. rthrtccss

    rthrtccss Member

    Mar 12, 2021
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    how female are you really? there is a minuscule amount of boys who 'just sat around'... ouhpee is obviously a sperg -takes one to know one- I don't even know what to tell you, without resorting to stuff that will break you down, so I will sit this one out
  18. RachProko

    RachProko Producer

    Sep 25, 2022
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    The road from something you love to making it into a living can sometimes be very hard. And also sometimes maybe impossible?

    You’re obviously a creator, like me and many other people here! And a creative mind hurts when it cannot create! Creators are essentially unstable human beings. We are maybe almost like ‘bipolar’. Because we feel emotions more intense than the average human. These extreme emotions are also what makes us able to create stuff that can go to ultra highs to ultra lows. But it also burns us out. Especially when for some reason we can’t follow our flow and our creative process is interrupted.

    I know exactly how you feel because I’ve been there in the past. It feels like the end of the world! But it’s actually not.

    You need to take a break from your overactive creative brain. Let go of music and your goals for a while.

    Like Juan de Fuca said. Go out and exercise and/or walk in nature. Breathe in the actual meaning of life until you feel relaxed! It can take a day, or two or maybe a few weeks? Just take the time to relax and recover.

    No one is expecting you to be Grimes 2.0. So why should you?

    I know, in your mind you're better and you think your friends and family expect even more of you. But it’s only in your mind!

    Let it go, now!

    Stop living up to the strict expectations of yourself and others!

    Start making music from your heart. If you can start to do that you’ll see it will get better.
  19. rthrtccss

    rthrtccss Member

    Mar 12, 2021
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    @RachProko much love. calisthenics did it for me, specifically getting a pullup bar RIGHT next to my pc. I started out really weak, and couldn't even do a single pull-up, due to years of inactive physical lifestyle. now I'm 3 months in and can easily do 5-6 wide grip, proper slow pull-ups. thing is that you have to find something that suits you well, for instance, running really did not do much for me or lifting weights either. other things to look out for are diet and online persona, cutting out coffee changed my life also no processed foods. as far as online alter egos go, you need to tone it down by quite a bit -not quite Ted territory- and most importantly noFap, at least noPorn if you cant go full ascetic. if you need any help with anything that I've listed hit me up famalamalam
  20. Adrianstrong

    Adrianstrong Noisemaker

    May 1, 2017
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    It is better not to force something, if your being does not want to be creative then give it what it wants, it would be to be less creative and more constructive.
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