Farewell, goodbye forever, and thank you all, folks, for everythi

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ryck, Jul 15, 2023.

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  1. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Well, folks, I'm leaving the forum. I wanted to leave this message to thank you all for everything. I had written another message, but it was deleted because apparently I can't mention the reason for my departure. I don't know, I'm already confused. It's the first time I've experienced such "restriction of expression" on a site, not even on social media, which I consider to be quite demanding when it comes to freedom of expression. Anyway, I can't mention the reason. But the main purpose of this message was for you to know why I'm leaving and to express my gratitude for everything you've shared with me. You've all been wonderful people throughout this time. Sending you a big virtual hug. I hope they don't delete this one too, hahaha. Farewell, beautiful people!
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  3. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Mate, seek help. Nothing is ever truly hopeless.
  4. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Don't go Ryck, you're a valued member of the community.
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  5. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    Man, that sucks. Was it a problem with another member? Blink once if yes (usually those get deleted, probably because of the rules).

    Anyway, whatever the reason was, i hope nothing bad actually happened to you. Fare thee well and keep on rocking and making that weird AI shit. We love you.
  6. loveriuz

    loveriuz Producer

    Jan 1, 2022
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    East of Jupiter
    You just want to quit using the internet?
  7. RainSword

    RainSword Noisemaker

    Mar 14, 2022
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    So You’re leaving just because Your message has been deleted? I don’t get it, really.
  8. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    No guys, it's not about another user, if that's the case, I ignore it. It's about moderation. I understand the rules, in fact, I always try to respect them here and everywhere. But today's situation seemed exaggerated to me, saying, 'Talk about this but you can't talk about that.' It's like saying, 'Let's talk about a car, but don't mention the wheels.' Can you talk about the car without mentioning the wheels? And then you talk about the speed of the car, and inevitably, you have to mention the wheels because they are part of the car, hahaha. And they delete your message and give you a warning. It's serious, guys, it's very crazy, it's excessive. And to be gagged like this, not knowing if what I'm going to say will bother the moderators, it's better for me to withdraw. I might not get along with another colleague, but to have such restrictions on expression, I can't tolerate it. Well, maybe I'm not made to endure a repression that, as far as I'm concerned, is exaggerated
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  9. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    were the discussion about the music i'd agree with you, but honestly i come here to read about music, nothing else. of course every once in a while it's fine to talk about something else, since it's still a community, but it's not our first time on the internet, just adapt. the mods are not dumb people, if they do what they do there must be a reason dont you think.

    the wisdom in here is infinite, this place is too valuable to just leave with a goodbye post. keep lurking and share music and knowledge, that's all. cheers
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  10. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Yes, but the measure seems exaggerated to me. If they had edited my message, okay. If they had sent me a message, okay. But deleting it and giving me a warning just because I shared the reality of my country? Seriously? In a thread where the question is 'How is the economy in your country?' and then when I mention why energy prices are frozen, I get censored and even receive a warning. It's totally illogical. Are moderators perfect? Are they like semi-gods who can't make mistakes? This has happened before; I've seen people leave and post threads about it, and Oly has said they should be contacted. Well, I wonder the same thing. Why didn't they send me a message saying, 'Hey, that could lead to discussions'? It's really foolish to start a conversation about inflation and the economy without touching on certain topics. Honestly, I no longer feel comfortable thinking about whether what I say might offend someone because it's an absurd measure that doesn't make sense to me.
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  11. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    This hits close to home, honestly. What I did is accepted the fact that I'm not gonna convince anybody anyways and stopped trying, at least outside of DM.
    And while it *is* still excessive, I saw some communities with less moderation where a single post with not even that hot opinion ends up derailing the thread and making the actual topic completely buried. It's necessary because people have no discipline. And even if we ourselves do have it, others won't.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2023
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  12. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Can I give you some advice?

    Everybody has days like the one your having.. Doesn't matter who you are, famous or just regular people.. We are all human at the end of the day and we all go through the same emotions. So my advice to you is take a few days off, get your head clear and then start all over gain. That way nobody ever has to know when your suffering and if you can speak to friends or family about what you're going through?? All the better.. But announcing something like that in a forum? It's not a good look and you burn your bridges for when you want to come back, and you will want to .. trust me.
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  13. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Couldn't there be an unmoderated forum here for those of us who would like to discuss politics, or religion or whatever?

    Frank Zappa would not approve of this situation. Sorry to bring up God.
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  14. ...sounds familiar...

    @Joe Crisp 6 pages... : https://audiosex.pro/posts/691562/

    Similar situation(s), Rules violated, disagreeing, expecting special treatment.... And trying to turn users against the mods.... :woot:
    I'm disappointed in you, @Ryck!
    Still, I would be happy if you stay, because I enjoyed reading many of your posts!
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  15. Hmmm, and how will people then deal with each other outside of this unmoderated forum when they have verbally butted heads there?

    Who will mediate afterwards? Do you want to have to decide afterwards which side of the disputing parties to talk to, or to leave it better?

    I am against it!
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  16. Lieglein

    Lieglein Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2018
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    It is still important to understand, that not every Statement needs a comment.

    It's always advisable to keep souvereignty.
  17. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    In the trhead you mention, I stated in the second comment, please do not go into politics...
    That was very clear.
    Because we prefer musicians to unite than to be divided.

    I'm very sorry to see you go, and I hope that you can think before you take this decision.

    Imagine that we let your comment. Logically that mean that we also allow anyone from the opposite thinking to answer, right?
    And there we go. As explained in the rules, these political topics always end-up in fights, while each one stay on their positions, so what is the positive aspect??

    Last but not least, while you believe that you are free because you can talk about anything politic on Fakebook, Tweister etc ..., the same people your responsabilize for your country's problem are very happy, because you're just talking, not doing anything. This is a very old trick from the politicians, and the ones who want to rule, it's called the "people's safety valve". Give them a place to let go, they'll be back to work the next day.

    So again, I'd like you to think about that and reconsider your decision.
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  18. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    No, at no point did I say that I want to turn people against the Mods. I simply stated that I disagree with such an extreme measure and that I no longer feel comfortable. I have nothing "personal" against any mod, I just find it excessive and no longer feel at ease. Look, when you're in a place, it's because you accept their policies, right? Well, initially I accepted their policies, and that's why I've always been here. But now, after what happened, those policies no longer seem reasonable to me, and I'm not going to stay in a place where I don't agree with their policies. The only thing I said, I'm not sure if it was here or privately, is that nobody is perfect, and I'm not the only one leaving for this reason. I've seen several people leave for this reason, and even when I was inactive and still browsing the page, I saw someone mention that the Mods had a very closed mindset because they didn't allow different opinions, and so on. This doesn't mean that I want to turn anyone against others; it means that I'm saying goodbye, thanking you for being kind to me, and that moderators aren't gods, they're humans who also make mistakes. And if so many people left for this reason, maybe they should reflect on themselves. In my particular case, it would have been nice if they had sent me a message saying, 'Hey Rick, edit your message because it could cause discord.' I would have either edited it myself or they could have edited it and told me, 'Hey Rick, I edited it so this doesn't happen.' But instead, I received a message saying that my message was deleted and a warning. It doesn't seem very 'friendly,' so to speak. I also have an artist group on Facebook, although it's not exactly the same dynamic as here. There, they post about performances they will do, and it's not just music, it's all kinds of art. Occasionally, if something goes against the group rules, I talk to them and say, 'Look, that's not allowed, it could cause problems, edit it.' I believe that as humans and since we know each other, dialogue is always the best approach, but a direct punishment? Wow, and it's not that I'm bothered by the punishment itself, but by the attitude. And I'm not here to create drama or anything, I'm just telling you that I'm leaving and why. Again, I have nothing personal against any mod, I just don't agree with such excessive rules. That's all.
  19. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    No, I never expressed a political opinion. In fact, you are the one doing it now. You can do it because you're the moderator, from what I can see. But in my previous message, I simply mentioned the reason and it got deleted. Yet, you can express your political views. In other words, you have the authority just because you're a moderator, while I feel silenced. I repeat, I never stated an opinion; I stated the reality of what's happening, that the economy is doing poorly here and energy prices are frozen due to government measures. Is that considered politics? Seriously, Oly? In a forum discussing the state of your country and inflation? I find it hard to believe, especially coming from you. It truly astonishes me. I've always regarded you as someone with common sense, and now you're telling me that I'm talking about politics just by mentioning frozen prices? No, no, no, I can't believe it.
  20. capitan crunch

    capitan crunch Platinum Record

    Jul 15, 2023
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    euro dictatorship
    @Ryck Do you do Time After Time?
  21. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Uniting people through censorship?

    What's the positive aspect of censorship? You're running a public forum, your job is moderating, not censoring. When people start fighting, that's when you come in. Not sooner, not later.

    Literally politics. Glad to read and I hope you don't censor yourself :)
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